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Pokemon Card of the Day
Rattata -
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.38 (based on 7 reviews)
Modified: 1.37 (based on 7 reviews)
Draft: 2.76 (based on 7 reviews)
Reviewed June 21, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

little rat used to be great TecH against Ditto. With his free
retreat and 20 damage for one colorless, you could get him in,
do some damage, KO the Ditto, and get him out of there.
Now, with Babies running around,
his use has plummeted. However, now that he will be showing up
in Drafts with LC, I think he is worth considering. There is no
other card in LC that will let you get out of the gate on turn
one doing 20 damage. While he is relatively easy to KO, his
speed (both in attacking and retreating) make up for it.
Well worth considering in a
Draft, especially if you can swarm him. Also, Psychic should be
strong in LC drafts, so his resistance comes into play.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
Modified: 2/5
Draft: 3.5/5 |

Lord Gothmog
Ah, Rattata. The stuff
legends are made of. Simply put, the coolest Pokemon card ever
printed. There will never be a better Pokemon than Rattata. Even
the picture. He's all like, "Oh yeah, I rule." And he
does. Because he's Rattata.
In unlimited, Rattata is 30 HP and
1 for 20. Not the best. But it's RATTATA!
2/5 for Rattata value.
In modified, it's still not great.
In limited, it's not the worst. 3/5

Friday: Rattata
Once again, no specification for
set :P Base Rattata is a pathetic piece of paper, although I'm
sure everyone had a Raticate deck at one time or another. Sure, C
for 20 is nice, but 30 hp with Machop and Hitmonchan rampant at
the time wasn't. =\
TR Rattata is interesting. We saw
the combo with Here Comes Team Rocket!, but I doubt it's any good
anymore. Seriously, it'd be a funny deck, but not one that would
win. It's ... well Tyrogue bait =D*** (Drools over Tyrogue)
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 1.5/5
Limited Rating: 3/5
Friday: Rattata
This is just one of the cards that
makes you say "I dont get it". 30 HP and weakness to
fighting will get you Tyrogued. Not a good evolution.
In Standard you will just get
FTKOed and easy gusts. 1 colorless for 20 is nice but the
extremely low HP makes it unplayable.
In Modified Rattata is just not any
good. Still to easy to KO and not a big attacker.
In Draft it's better but not much.
Standard 1/5
Modified 1/5
Draft 2/5 "FREAK OUT"
Ratatta is pretty bad. 1 colorless 20 is good, but 30 HP
isn't. HP that low wont cut it in unlimited. 1.5/5 (The .5
because it's a Ditto killer =\.)
In Modified, there's no Ditto to give it that extra .5. 1/5
In draft, this could actually be decent. Low HP is made up
for a quick attack and free retreat. People playing Psychic
would be like "Ohh... dear GOD!" 3/5
Rattata - One of the
basis to my very first haymakers, then I discovered Buzz,
Farfetched, Hitmonchan, Scyther, Pinser etc. I do like that this
card is colorless, free retreat, 20 damage for one energy, which
is basic hay. I don't like 30 HP. It's to small for a basic. If it
had 50 HP I would still rather play machop. Raticate, it's
evolution, is none to strong either. It's hp only double's when it
evolve's, (making it 60). Raticate is very weak to. If I was to
play a rattata I would much rather play the one from rocket in
combination of Here Comes Team Rocket and an Imposter Oak's
Invention or two.
Standard - 1
Modified - 1
Draft - 1

This 30HP Pokemon is fast! It's a basic with no retreat
cost. Bite is a great deal as it's 20 damage for one colorless
In Unlimited, there is almost no point in playing it. If you
want to build FTKO decks, use cards like Erika's Jigglypuff or
Misty's Polywag.
In Modified, not much use here as well.
In Draft, this card is amazing. It kills 40HP Pokemon in 2 hits,
a great advantage, especially if you go first. It can get rid of
most status easily thanks to the free retreat cost. It's also a
common, meaning that you can draft a lot of them (especially in
LC). Then, just swarm your opponent with them. Bench disruption,
like Gust, is kinda rare in draft so your Rattatas are safe
(most of the time).
Unlimited Rating: 1.2/5
Modified Rating: 1.1/5
Draft Rating: 3.8/5
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