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Pokemon Card of the Day
Crobat -
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.40 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 4.40 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 3.15 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed June 25, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Monday Crobat:
Dude... I got to
pick CotD's this week. Wow. Can you believe what cards I picked?
Probably my 5 favorite in the game... right? :) Crobat is a
great card in Modified. In fact, it is one of the big
archetypes. And of course, he's my favorite card period at this
moment in time.
Triggered Poison
is a great attack... if it was like Plasma, I'd have fainted by
now. 20 for one energy is great, and the whole poison effect is
very nice against cards like Steelix, who need the third energy
to attack.
Cross Attack is
VERY good, averaging 40 and confusion? For THREE ENERGY?
"Freak out", because "I don't get it", and
"I resign."
In essence,
Crobat is one of the strongest cards in Modified. Resign to it.
Standard Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 4.999/5 (I'd give
it a 5, but I'm sure I'd have complaints.)
Limited Rating: 3/5
Crobat is one of the better stage 2's out there. Triggered
Poison is a nice attack and Cross Attack is GREAT! Confusion
is very deadly. A bit slow though in Unlimited. 2.5/5
Modified is where Crobat shines. Takes out the ever-popular
Gatr. High HP, free retreat, and no Removals makes him
great! 4.5/5 here.
in draft, hes too hard to get out. You'd have to be drafting
Neo 3 and LC or Rocket just to have a CHANCE at getting him.
Bad rating cause hes hard to get but good rating cause he owns if
he gets out gives him an average 3/5.

Crobat was probably one of the best counters to Feraligatr in MF
before LC was printed. Now that Breeder is legal in MF, Crobat
decks are much better. You still can't use Cross Attack on turn 2,
but a 2nd turn Triggered Poison is really nice.
In Unlimited, this Stage 2 was never that good. Cross Attack is ER
bait and you can't rely on Triggered Poison all the time.
In Modified, it's much better here. 3rd turn an average of 40
damage and confusion is pretty good. This Grass Pokemon is also
weak to Psychic, intead of Fire, which is a big plus. As
usual, Crobat decks can abuse Double Gust really well.
In Draft, it's not that good. It would be hard getting the
Stage 2 out. It also depends on what you're drafting with. With
LC/Base, you might get Breeder to help you. The
stats is amazing, especially in Draft.
Unlimited Rating: 2.3/5
Modified Rating: 3.6/5
Draft Rating: 2.6/5
Monday: Crobat
In Standard 40 HP will get you FTKoed. Nice
bottom stats resistance to fighting and free retreat. Trggered
poison is a great attack 1 grass for 20 and possible poison. Being
a stage 2 it wont see much play.
Crobat 0wNz in MF. It's one of the top 3
decks. It's a great anti gator. Cross attack is great an average
of 40 + confusion.
Both of its attacks cause status effects
which are great in Draft.
Standard 2/5
Modified 4.5/5
Draft 4/5
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