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Pokemon Card of the Day
Espeon -
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.30 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 3.63 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 3.60 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed June 25, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Lord Gothmog
I've never really looked too hard at
this card. Interesting fact, even though it's name starts with
"E," it's card #1 in the Neo Discovery set.
In unlimited, Colorless/Sneasel is
everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. Just too much resistance to
make a difference. 2/5
In modified, I can see how it's
useful. Psychic is 60 to a Gatr, KO to a Bat, and "a
lot" to most other stuff. Lots of big energy hogs in this
format. 3/5
In limited, it's perfectly usable.
I mean, it's a foil, but it's Stage 1, and the Basic is a common.
And let's be honest. If you're drafting with Discovery, you take
what you can get.

Tuesday Espeon:
Wow... THIS is a
winning card. Unbelievable. In regular Modified, it's not THAT
good... but in MMF, it may be the best archetype yet. Seriously.
First off, it can
get out first turn with Eevee from Neo2. That's not that
important, but it prevents you from getting Tyrogued. Tackle is
boring, but Psychic is something else. It's great against almost
The only thing
that can beat Espeon is something that outspeeds it, and that's
not much folks.
Standard Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 4/5
Draft Rating: 3/5
One of the better Psychic Pokemon available. 80 HP and free
Retreat is great. Psychic is such a good attack, but in
Unlimited, it wont do much Vs Sneasel. Weak to removals as
well. 2.5/5
In Modified, no Removals and no Sneasels makes this thing great.
Most things require a lot if energy to attack, so Psychic will be
doing a lot of damage. 4/5
In draft, this thing can clean the house (If you can get it
going). 4.5/5

Holo Espeon
An 80HP Stage 1 with no Retreat and a colorless attack is a nice Pokemon
for splashing.
In Unlimited, it is unfortunate that Holo Espeon is Psychic since
popular Pokemon like Sneasel, Chansey and Clefable all have
resistance to it. ER also prevents you from using Psychic too
In Modified, this card is quite underrated. It's definitely very
playable as it can do 50-60 damage to Gatr and quite some more
against Entei-decks on the 3rd turn. The zero retreat cost works
really well with Double Gust.
In Draft, I like Stage 1s like this. Colorless attack is a great
plus too.
Unlimited Rating: 2.3/5
Modified Rating: 3.5/5
Draft Rating: 3.3/5
Tuesday: Espeon
I love this card. I have recently won 6/7
mmf tourneys with espeon varients. Crobat and Dark Muk are very
popular in Modified making it a great metagame. Espy is extremely
fast swarming your opponent. 80 HP and free retreat make it hard
to beat.
As for Standard its prone to ER/SER. Its
great in draft with the neo2 Eevee being able to get espy out with
out having to topdeck.
Standard 2.5/5
Modified 4.5/5
Draft 4/5
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