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Pokemon Card of the Day
Tyrogue -
Neo 2
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.10 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 2.90 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.95 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed June 28, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Lord Gothmog
Pfft. What is the big deal about this thing?
In unlimited, give me Gligar. I know, it takes TWO whole
colorless, and only does 20, but that's what DCE and PlusPower
for. I, personally, don't have a coin that's weighted enough to warrant
playing Tyrogue. 2/5
In modified, there's scarce little fighting weak stuff about.
FTKO is possible, but anybody who's any measure of intelligence is
playing lots of Basics. Baby VS Baby is a 25% chance of KO, at
least in my non-rigged-coin-world, and if it's not first turn you
should have a Metal on Cleffa if you can spot a Rogue. Bleh. I
just don't get it. 2/5
In limited, though... A common baby who can do 30... In a
"limited" environment, it's worth risking the flips.
Plus, it fits anywhere. And it's an extra basic and possibly a
stall. Schway. 3.5/5

Friday Tyrogue:
... =)! My
favorite card, PERIOD. Oh man... what a cult... erm card. Ok, to
make a long story short, the obsession with this card began on
March 30th, in St. Louis, MO. Croconaw88 and I were in the
finals of the GC. It was amazing... I won the flip. I had a
decent hand, not much of one, and I could either A.) Attempt to
Eeeeeeek, or B.) Attempt to win the game with a Smash Punch. Of
course, this was against a Cleffa.
Ok, truthfully, I
know they weren't the best odds, but 1/4 to win a trip to
Seattle? Especially when I already had good odds to win due to
type advantage? Sure, what the heck. So I did it. Heads on baby
rule, heads on smash punch. Game. Unbelievable.
Now, Croc and I
have obsessed over this card ever since... we play 2 in every
modified deck, and have made mono-tyrogue decks. -_-
It IS a big
joke... mind you...
Standard Rating: 4/5 (Great against
chansey, wigglytuff, clefable, electabuzz, etc.)
Modified Rating: 2.5/5 (Oh man
Croc's going to kill me for this, but honestly, it's not THAT
good. It's fun though ;x)
Draft Rating: 4/5 (Very good here.)
~ RaNd0m

This baby's rank deserves a position in the top 5 Babies of all
time. The other 4 are Cleffa, Pichu (NG), Igglybuff (Promo), and
Anyways, it's a baby can dish out a lot of damage as an attacker.
One colorless energy for a 50/50 chance of doing 30 damage is
In Unlimited, I like to splash Tyrogue against Chansey, Clefable,
and Wiggly. One of my current Unlimited decks is basically a Sneasel
+ Pichu + Tyrogue. You can call it a Snichu deck for all I
In Modified, it's not really that good. Evos have high HP so 30
damage is not that much.
In Draft, Tyrogue is amazing! It's splashable, fast, and deals
damage. Plus, it's a common!
Unlimited Rating: 4/5
Modified Rating: 3.5/5
Draft Rating: 4.5/5
Friday: Tyrogue
I am crazy about this card. It all started
when RaNd0m rogued me but he has that story.;x In Standard tyrogue
pwnz. With a some of the main decks having weakness to fighting (
Wiggly and Chansey) makes it great. FTKOing a lone Jiggly or
Cleffa is sweet.
In Modified Rogueing is even more common.
Whenever anyone gets a lone baby they flat out "RESIGN"
because they know they will be Tyrogued.
As for Draft if you get it the rest of the
pod might as well resign. Some people say Elekid owNz Tyrogue but
that is false. ;/ This might sound crazy and if it does I blame it
all on RaNd0m. =p
Standard 3.5/5
Modified 4/5Draft 4/5
"You're SO tyrogued" ~ Croconaw88
Tyrouge - I don't usually play this card... The only time I use
this is if I'm trying to counter/meta my weakness. In standerd,
It's a baby that attacks, can ko some things in one hit, and can
kill things like electabuzz and wigglytuff with darkness or plus
powers. I hate flip attacks. I would consider playing neo 1
pikachu over this card for the soul fact of if I get tails I still
do 10 damage. Then again it doesn't have a retreat and has that
ever so good baby power. In stander he could be support if you
didn't need any other cards. If draft he would be a decent pick
for sure.
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 2.5
Draft: 3.5
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