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Pokemon Card of the Day
Shining Raichu
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.83 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 3.00 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 3.83 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed March 1, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Eh... Shining cards pretty
much suck. This one is not really any exception. My take on
Shining cards as a whole is as follows: They are the sort of
cards you build decks revolving around. One problem: limit one
per deck.
That's a pretty flaky star to orbit.
In standard, it's tech for
Blastoise-Lanturn Hyper Devo decks. And we all know how many of
THOSE there are... 1.5/5 for monotary value.
In modified, it sucks sllllliiiiiightly
less. Only slightly though. 1.75/5
In draft, you'll usually be playing more
than one color anyway, so it's actually usable. 2.5/5, the one
per deck thing hurts, considering there's no 4 per deck rule in
the limited formats. But still, it's worth taking. |

Wow! Now this is a Bench
It takes a bit of Energy to power it up,
but if you use it in conjunction with something that can shift
Energy about like Ampharos, you can get 3 Water on here and take
out Babies at will. And no discard!!
You will have a problem keeping this in
play long enough to use it in Standard, so I wouldn't use it
there. In Modified or Draft, I think this will see play.
Of course, you can only have the one in
your deck (even in Draft since it has the limit printed on the
card), so make sure your deck can stand up without it if it
winds up in the prizes.
Standard: 2/5
Modified: 4.25/5
Draft: 4/5 |
Very interesting. The whole
lightning/water part is annoying... but could work well with
Lanturn. With multiple water energies attached, you can ko baby
pokemon. (Have we seen this before in this set? Nah... ;x)
Overall, a nice card. A nice TecH.
Standard Rating: 2/5 - ER hurts.
Modified Rating: 3/5 - Without
ER, it has hope. However... making your deck water/lightning is
suicidal -_-.
Draft Rating: 5/5 - If you pull
this in draft, FORGET the dci... DRAFT IT! ITS REALLY REALLY
~ RaNd0m
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