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Pokemon Card of the Day
Dark Exegguttor
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.88 (based on 6 reviews)
Modified: 2.58 (based on 6 reviews)
Draft: 2.67 (based on 6 reviews)
Reviewed March 4, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

No Review Yet |
Tell you the truth, I just bought 23 packs of Neo
Destiny today (Friday).
Besides my usual ooo's and ahh's, I saw something about the
set. The rares were awesome, but most of the uncommons/commons
were horrible! This would be one of those... (Also, due to
popular demand, I'm changing my rating on CounterAttackClaws. I
misread the card. I give it a standard rating of 2.5, and a
modified rating of 3.0)
Dark Exeggutor has no reason to be played. It's basic isn't
that good, and it isn't that good itself. I would much rather
play the jungle one.
Standard Rating: 2.0
Modified Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.0
It's OK in draft, but again, this is a weak pokemon. When I
go to the St. Louis GC on March 30, I hope I don't see any of
these guys. If I do, I'm seriously going to bawl.
Okay folks, let's get it out of the way:
"OMG! They mispelled Exegguttor! HAR!" =\
(Pojo Note: OMG! Satoshi
misspelled "misspelled" ...lol
Alright then, let's go onto the ratings. ;)
First of all, Standard. This guy ranks up there in the
"Should Never See Play" category-right between base
Gastly and Dunsparce. Don't EVER play this card. EVER. Too much
freaking coin-flipping on one card. Here's a clue: if they don't
bother to spell its name right, then it's most likely not worth
playing. ;)
In modified, you might actually be able to plead insanity to
playing it. That's _might_. As in most likely _not_. It's still
too flippy-and Modified has enough flips as it is.
In limited, you might actually be able to EVOLVE to it (/me
=/'s at all the 40hp Egg-basics), but still...there are better
cards to pick. Sure, you could pick it in hopes of throwing off
the other guy in Rochester, but you'd be better off leaving it
for the other guy. ;\
All in all, I'll take my eggs scrambled or fried. But not in
my deck.
Standard: 1/5
Modified: 1.75/5
Limited: 1.75/5
Dark Exegg'c'utor (lmao -_-)
Standard: A very interesting card indeed. Hmm, well, truly!
Who in their right mind would run it to begin with? Take into
consideration the Basics. All type of Exeggcutes are 40 HP lower
trophic level feed.
PlusPowers running around don't even make the 60 HP on the
evolution worth it. What is nifty is that it's weak to psychic,
hardly played color in Standard. But what good will that do if
it can't deal out enough damage to make its presence known? Most
Pokémon in Standard run off minimal amounts of Energy making
Dark Exeggutor's second attack an extremely unreliable way to
pound down the opposition. Even worse is the wording of it.
Double Colorless Energy would be flipped once for, and add to
that it's psychic so DCE usually runs on Colorless beat down
machines with resistance to psychic.
Modified: The absence of Energy Removal and extremely
inflated Energy requirements on loads of Stage 2's which run
rampant in Modified make Dark Exeggutor a little more viable in
Modified. The only problem is yet again the flipping. You have
to flip to do 20 damage! Run Girafarig instead =\
Limited: Well, this card gets a chance in Limited because of
the Status Effect it's Basic can actually see it live to evolve
to this killing machine. =\ A colorless first attack gives you
the variety when you don't have the right Energy going your way.
But if you don't have much luck with flips, this card can
completely screw you over in Limited play. A good way to run
this guy is to hold him off on the bench as in-game TecH. When
your opponent gets his guns going with high Energy requirement
Pokémon just throw him in the middle and pray! Otherwise, leave
this guy for either your last pick or semi-last pick if an Unown
Z is roaming around.
Standard: 1.8/5
Modified: 2/5
Limited (Draft): 1.5/5
Let's review the card first, shall we? The first thing that
you probably noticed was the misprint in the card's name.
60HP is decent for a Stage 1 Dark Pokemon. With Rocket's
Hideout, it becomes 80HP. Let's look at the attacks.
"Triple Headbutt" is the standard "Swipe"
attack that is found on other cards, such as NG Sneasel.
Nothing too special here. "MAX Burst", on the other
hand, is a very decent attack. Notice that the attack does NOT
mention "your opponent's ACTIVE Pokemon", simply
"your opponent's Pokemon". This means that you also
get to flip for each Energy cards attached to your opponent's
benched Pokemon!
Standard: Let's look at a few of the popular Archetypes in
standard. The Popular Pokemon are Sneasel, Clefable, Chansey,
Steelix, Typhlosion, and some others. The majority of those
Pokemon have resistance to Psychic, which is bad news for this
Coconut Pokemon. Not only do they have resistance to Psychic,
they are also very Energy efficient, which means that they only
need 1-3 Energy cards to be effective. This means less coin
flips for "MAX Burst". Against Typhlosion and other
Energy extensive Pokemon, "MAX Burst" is a much better
attack. Another plus though, is that Dark Exeggutor is not so
weak to Energy Removals. Since the attack does not require any
Special Energy cards and only two to begin with, makes it much
more playable.
I would give it a 3.0/5.0 in Standard.
Modified: This is where "MAX Burst" trully shines. The
most feared Archetype in Modified (right now, at least) is
definitely Gatr. Usually, once a Gatr is powered up, your
opponent would definitely build up a second one of the bench.
This means that your opponent should have a total of 5-6 Energy
cards. This gives you 5-6 Flips on average or about 50-60
damage per turn. Not bad, but probably not good enough. Another
popular Archetype is the Entei-Macargo deck (made famous by
Bomie). If they get the combo going, it's gonna help you as
well. Another problem is the rise of another Archetype, Dark
Gengar! Dark Gengar is probably one of the most promising cards
in Neo Destiny. I'm pretty sure that Dark Gengar would make a
strong appearance in the Gym/Stadium Challenges. Also another
thing, Dark Exeggutor is not really a reliable card. If you go
first, you probably won't be doing a lot of damage, even if you
can fully power it in just two turns. Other than that,
it's a pretty decent card.
I would give it a 3.5/5.0 in Modified.
Draft/Limited: This would be fairly interesting. Most of the
time, your opponent's active won't stay alive too long for him/her
to build up his/her bench. This weakens "MAX
Burst" quite a bit. "Triple Headbutt" would be a
much better attack in Draft IMO. It only needs ONE
colorless Energy so you can just splash it into any color deck
without the fear of getting Energy screwed. It also helps if
your opponent have Weakness to Psychic. Too bad it has a
2-Retreat cost though.
I would give it a 2.75/5.0 in Draft.
Dark Exeggutor 60 HP
Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon
C: Triple Headbutt: 10x Flip three coins, this attack does 10
damage times the number of heads.
PC: MAX Burst: 20x: Flip a number of coins equal to the energy
cards attached to your opponent's Pokemon, this attack does 20
damage times the number of heads.
In Standard: This card could be decent. It has fairly cheap
attacks. With good flips MAX Burst could be very cool. The low
HP is what hurts it. Mabye if it was 20 more. And thats where
Rocket's Hideout comes into play. If you play this deck in
Standard, you HAVE to play this card. Next we look at Exeggute.
At least it's not Fire, the attacks are both mediocre, depending
on what status you can get by what energy you play. Standard
Sleep Powder, and Stun Spore type attacks. -yawns-. Dark Egg is
playable in Standard, but why would you want to? There are so
many other viable cards to use. MP Mewtwo rips this deck a
new one, and Fable can turn the tides on you. I'll give it a 2/5
in Standard; it looks the best when played with Slowking, so
Hideout stays in play, and you have some backup with Trainer
In Modified: Now this is where this card can be played to
its power. This card isn't very good with Energy Removal and
stuff, which you really need in Standard. Plus there isn't as
many Colorless/Dark threats as there is in Standard. (Sneasel,
Chansey, Fable, Wiggly) This card also can make use of Recycle
Energy, and Full Heal because if the cheap costs of its attacks.
With Big Fire decks' goal to load up as much energy as it can
and wipe the floor with you, this card will do well here. With
Blaine's Arcy, Magcargo, and Typhlosion being energy hogs, you
should have no problem scoring some moderate damage. Against
Crobat, you get 40 damage per heads, again, not bad, and if you
can build swarms of Dark Egg (as it is quick to power up) you
could take Bat down. Against Gatr, well mabye, if you got really
lucky. You could again, pair it with Slowking for some Trainer
Denial, or with Pichu for heavy Powers damage. Look out for Dark
Gengar however, it really destroys the deck. MUCH better in
Modified than in Standard. I'll give it a 4/5.
In Draft: It's quick, uncommon, and your opponent's Pokemon
should have a lot of energy scattered around. This card could be
a top choice for playing in Draft. Exeggcute has status, which
is nice. Look for this card. I'd give it a 4.5/5
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