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Pokemon Card of the Day
Ursaring 60 HP
Colorless Stage 1
Provoke: Look at your opponent's hand. If he or she
has any Baby Pokemon and/or Basic Pokemon there, you
may put any number of them on your opponent's Bench
(as long as there is room), then your opponent looks
at your hand. If there are any Baby and/or Basic
Pokemon there, your opponent may put any number of
them onto your Bench. (as long as there is room)
CC: Battle Frenzy: For each Pokemon in play (yours
and your opponent's), flip a coin. For each heads,
this attack does 20 damage to that Pokemon. Don't
apply Weakness or Resistance for this attack.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.80 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 3.15 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 1.96 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed March 9, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

No Review Today |

Dark Ursaring
Standard: A really interesting card. This baby could have some
potential! Imagine picking off a load of pesky Babies and Basics by
teaming this guy up with the Dark 'Bat line >=) Something for you to
think about ^_^ Anyhow, it's first attack clears up a Trainer spot if
you ever ran Erika's Perfume TecH. The only draw back with this guy is
you have to watch out for your own Babies and itself, yikes! Just watch
out for Heavy Removal and Tails =\
Modified: 60 HP is still a very risky commodity. Yet, Dark Ursaring has
potential in Modified, barring you can whack off Pichus and Cleffas like
flies. It's not as usable because of the prevalent Stage 2 Syndrome in
Modified; otherwise, again, the Hunter style deck that he can be fit in
could work wonders!
Limited: A great Draft choice! Whoa, this guy can clear up a whole board
by himself. The only problem with him is that if you flip Tails too
often on the wrong Pokémon, you might as well call the game quits.
Easily abusable and splashable in any deck you build; having the ability
to have it going on Turn 2 is its greatest advantage. A highly recommended first or second pick, third if others give it up in your
direction ;)
Standard: 3/5
Modified: 2.7/5
Limited (Draft): 3.7/5
Dark Ursaring
This is a VERY interesting card. 60HP for a Stage 1 is
pretty bad, although you can use Rocket's Hideout again.
Teddiursa is pretty bad as well. But, let's look at the attacks.
Both Provoke and Battle Frenzy compliment each other very
well. Provoke is basically an Erika's Perfume for both players.
Use Erika a couple of time, and then use Provoke to fill your
opponent's bench with Cleffas and other Babies. :-D Before using
Provoke though, make sure you fill up your bench with good
Basics so that Provoke doesn't hurt you! By using Provoke, you
just got yourself some bait for your Genesis Murkrow to lock.
Battle Frenzy is all about bench damage. If your opponent's
bench is full of Babies, not ONLY does your opponent can't lay
down their Slowkings, but they can't build up their Sneasel or
Steelix. Also, since Babies only have 30HP, with a few good
coinflips, the game can be yours! Now, you should notice that
Battle Frenzy can also hurt YOUR Pokemon! But wait-a-minute!
Dark Ursaring is a Colorless Pokemon that does damage to your
Pokemon! Get where I'm going here? Combo it with Unown N! Then,
you won't need to flip for your Pokemon! Well, technically you
still have to flip... :-P
In Modified, there are a lot of Babies around. Good!
In Draft, I think this card is useless. Unless you can get also
get an Unown N too, DON'T play this card!
If you build a good deck with Dark Ursaring + Unown N + Murkrow
and a couple of Erikas or maybe Computer Errors, it might be an
archetype. Who knows? I'm pretty sure that this card would get a
low rating by the other Staffers but I just LOVE the
mechanics of this card.
Standard: 3.7/5 (Try out the above combo I mentioned!)
Modified: 3.9/5 (TONS of Babies! :-P)
Draft: 1.2/5 (It's next to useless unless you also got an Unown
Standard: Well, in either format, first off you have got to play
Unown N with this card. This is like the Colorless version of
Tyranitar. Self-damage is never good, especially scads of it.
Teddisura can become a quick victim to Gligar, or Tyrogue. Which
really isn't cool, especially since both are splash cards. The
attack costs are decent, and Provoke can set you up for nice
amounts of damage. However, you should have Unown N in play, or
again you could be really screwing up your gameplay. It's
decent, Teddisura is a waste, you need Unown N, and you need
good luck. It's average. I'll give it a 2.5/5
In Modified: Teddisura becomes a victim to a possible STK by
Cyndaquil, Totodile, and various other cards. The same strategy
comes into play as Standard. You need the Unown, and the good
flips. However, Pichu is a lot more prevailant in Modified than
in Standard. And Pichu swarms really could mess this deck up.
Plus Gatr, Typhlosion, Crobat, Dark Forretress =/, Magcargo,
etc, etc can take this Pokemon down without much problems. You'd
need some heavy Trainer disruption to make this deck work in
Modified. You'd also need to see some good flips early on, or
you're pretty much done for. I'd give it a 2/5 in Modified.
In Draft: Do not even bother. This card cannot be played
reasonably without Unown N, and you prolly won't get more than
1, if you're lucky to get that. And Unown N is the whole basis
of this deck, so scrap it. 1/5 in Draft.
Jeremy B.
Hmm... this looks interesting.
WHAT!?! WHAT!?! WHAT!?! Your pathetic beyond belief. Trust me,
playing this card is like playing TR Meowth. You never know
whats going to happen. Very good with Unown N. Have fun with it
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 4/5
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