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Pokemon Card of the Day
Dragonite 100 HP
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.48 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 2.43 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 1.50 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed March 9, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Well, this is a
very interesting card! 100 HP is nice, even for a Stage 2. It
has a Power that shuts off 2 to 4 popular deck types. And
finally, it has a Crystal Body type attack that keeps it from
being affected by Status effects or Special Conditions.
Of course, since it is a Stage 2 and has a
weak basic, you will have problems getting it out in Standard.
It might be worth it though, given the prevalence decks that run
off of Special Energy. In Modified he doesn't offer much against
Gatr or Big Fire since they use Basic Energy and don't rely on
Effects. So, while he would be good against Murkrow or Steelix,
he is of less use there. Finally, in Draft, it would be hopeless
to try to get him into play. The Basics would be easy to pick up
since they are common and weak on their own. However, the Stage
1 is rare itself so you will be unlikely to see one to complete
the chain even if you pick up a Light Dragonite. And, if you are
so incredibly lucky as to draw one each of the Stage 1 and Stage
2, you'll never see them both in the same game.
Standard: 3.5/5
Modified: 2.75/5
Draft: 1/5 |
This card is slightly more useful
in Standard than in Modified IMO. In Standard, we have Sneasel,
Steelix, Metal Chansey, and some others which relies
heavily on Special Energy cards. Miraculous Wind would prevent
them from attacking effectively. However, since Light Dragonite
has to be active for the power to be effective, it makes the
card slightly less playable. Since Light Dragonite needs 3
energies to attack, it makes it an ER/SER Magnet. Light Wave is a
decent attack though since you can prevent stuff like Status
In Modified, the Power is not that great as it is only good
against Steelix, Murkrow, and some others. Light Wave is a
pretty good attack in Modified though. Like I said before, Dark
Gengar is gonna be quite popular. By using Light Wave, you can
prevent the deadly Sleep status (although Dark Gengar can
simply Pull In some other Pokemon on your Bench). Now,
if your ONLY Pokemon is Light Dragonite, it will be a
decent game. With 100HP, it will take Dark Gengar 3-4 turns
to KO Light Dragonite. Murkrow won't be able to use Feint
Attack as well. Let's see what other Status inflicting
Pokemon that are available in Modified. Crobat is pretty good as
well. Light Wave would prevent any Confusion or Poison that
might occur.
In Draft, the power is useless because everyone would be playing
Basic Energies. It's also EXTREMELY hard to get a Stage 2 out in
Draft. The attack isn't that good for a Stage 2 either.
In conclusion, Light Dragonite is only good in certain
situations and not as optimal as other cards.
P.S. Double Colorless Energy still provides two Colorless
Energy even if Miraculous Wind is active!
Standard Rating: 2.8/5
Modified Rating: 2.7/5
Draft Rating: 1.5/5

Light Dragonite
Standard: Wowzers! This card can really put a dent on all those pesky
Special Energy decks out there. Imagine Breeding Turn 2 and holding him
out there. Poor Sneasel can't even attack! It's pretty mean but the
bugger deserves it. I can see this Dragon metagaming an area near you if
everyone loves Steelix and Sneasel. Add to that, it's attack prevents it
from being paralyzed, poisoned, and all that other junk that would turn
off his Power. It as well does a decent 40 damage which if Breeded into
can net you 40 on Turn 2 with a DCE and random energy. Great card with
some potential...
Modified: It's a Stage 2 with 100 HP. Seems like the norm, no? But the
only problem here is most Energy that runs around is Basic and on Stage
2's that can deal 100 each turn. Light Dragonite is sub-par in Modified,
if only it could deal more damage, than it would be something to try
Limited: Well, take into consideration that Light Dragonite is a Rare, a
good one in Limited at that. If you get the Light Dragonair early and
see this thing pass by, take it! Otherwise you'll usually just the Light
Dragonite float until the end as a dead card. If you see it pass by once
early and then it doesn't pass by for the rest of that booster round, be
wary. 100 HP is an explosive amount of HP, and it's attack stops it from
the worst nemesis of any Pokémon in Limited play: Status Effect.
Standard: 3.8/5
Modified: 2.3/5
Limited (Draft): 4/5 with Light Dragonair | .01/5 without it
Am I reading this right? No,
it can't be... but it is! Completely stopping darkness and metal
energies is awesome, especially in today's environment. And
making them colorless? Can you say "Sneasel can't attack at
all?" This card will be nice if used correctly, and I see
it being played.
Standard Rating: 3.5/5 A nice card to base
a deck on, considering the fact if people actually play
darkness/metal pokemon in your area.
Modified Rating: 3/5 Not as good, darkness
and metal aren't played as much.
Draft Rating: 2/5 Not good at all, have
you ever heard of a dark deck in draft? =/
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