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Pokemon Card of the Day
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.51 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 3.10 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 2.78 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed March 12, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Light Flareon
This is a very interesting card. 80HP and only one retreat cost
is awesome for a Stage 1. Warm Up is a very interesting attack
indeed. It's just like a Stoke BUT you attach the Fire Energy to
your bench Pokemon. With 80HP, you can stall a few turns and
build up your bench Pokemon AND you still get your normal Energy
attachment. I'm sure most of you know that Typhlosion [Fire
Recharge] is a very powerful card since it lets you attach more
than one Energy card per turn. Combo Light Flareon and a couple
of Typhlosions and you can attach up to SIX Fire Energy
cards per turn! How? 4 Typhlosions + Light Flareon + your
one energy card per turn. Heck, you can even make it SEVEN
if you count Blaine. Granted it's not gonna happen
every single game but think of the possibilities!
The 2nd attack, Burning Flame, is a decent attack but it's
a bit too flippy for my taste. You can do as little as 30 damage
for 3 Energy or as much as 70 damage (but you lose 2 Energy
cards). I'd rather use Macargo instead.
In Standard, it can work pretty well with Typhlosion. There's
not much use for it other than that. The attack is a bit
unreliable and you might not get enough Heads to kill off
that Sneasel. Plus, 3 Energies isn't that good either, making it
an ER/SER magnet
In Modified, it works extremely well with Typhlosion. A much
better card in Modified than Standard.
In Draft, you might have some difficulties in getting the Eevees
since they can only be found in a different set. BUT, if you do
manage to get the line going, it's a decent Stage 1.
Standard Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 3.5/5
Draft Rating: 2.1/5

Light Flareon
Standard: A
cool card to try out but otherwise borderline useful.
Discarding cards for coin flips and a max possible 70 damage
is not that great, especially with Clefable running rampant.
Something nice to look into for Big Fire, 80 HP works wonders.
Burning Flame, though, doesn’t. Light Flareon can’t hold
it’s own against the big Stage 2’s who would pummel the
poor thing. Utility is the only use for Light Flareon in
Limited: A
very interesting card to try. More or less a 4th or
5th pick because of the utility factor, because
weakness to Water which builds up faster can hurt Light
Flareon in Limited play. But once this guy gets going and you
at least flip one heads a turn, there could be no stopping
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited (Draft): 2.8/5
I like the first attack, but
the second one is weird. Definitely an interesting card, worth
playtest to say the least. I'm not sure I like it though.
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 3/5
Draft Rating: 4/5 Lot better here.
sorry I have been busy with the up coming Gym Challenge helping
my brother and sister get ready next week I will be back to
every day I hope.
I hope to see some of you in Henderson, NV.
Now see even the Uncommons are better then the non-holo rares.
Well, this is a nice card better then most it doesn't beat out
Blaine's Arcanine or Magcargo but its a nice solid card.
Warm up is great it can let you charge you bench and its cheap
no damage though.
Burning flames is not bad it will KO a baby and has the ability
to hit 70 it will average 50.
80 HP very Solid and it evolves from Eevee giving it great
evolving powers.
Well its not much compared to Typhlosion but it might not be a
bad pairing with it has no Pokemon powers so it doesn't have the
horrid problem that Magcargo or Entei have and its as bad as a
Blaine's Arcanine Vs Clefable.
I give it a 3.75/5 I am sure I will be giving this card a higher
rating then every one else.
Now here your better off with the Magcargos or Blaine's
Arcanines they work better in the format.
I give it a 3/5 its just average.
Well if you can get Eevees its great, but there are none in the
set so hope your other sets have one or it worthless.
I give it a 4/5

I would only consider this as
something to help me build up something else. It's 80 HP will
let it survive for a few turns while you use Warm Up to get a
lot of Fire energy onto something on your bench. Other than
that, other Fire cards have better attacks. It's not so much a
bad card, as one that isn't all that great.
He won't survive in Standard but may find
some use in Modified. Maybe in a Magcargo deck. As far as Draft
goes, think about this: There is no Eevee in Neo Destiny. If you
are Drafting this along with Discovery (which has Eevee) then
this may be a good choice, but otherwise you can't use it!
Standard: 2/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Draft: 0/5
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