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Pokemon Card of the Day
Ampharos 70 HP
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.35 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 3.08 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.2 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed March 13, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Dark Amphy has a pretty cool
power. Too bad it's NOT cumulative. :-{
In Standard, Conductivity and a bunch of Energy Removals make
a very decent combo. Not only do you slow down your opponent,
but every energy cards they attach to their Pokemon now hurt
them. That way, you can KO their Pokemon much faster. In
Standard, you can use Pokemon Breeder and get a 2nd turn Dark
Amphy, which would be awesome! Your opponent probably haven't
had the chance to build up anything yet so Conductivity would REALLY
benefit you.
Dark Amphy's only attack, Shock Bolt, needs a bit of strategy
so that you can maximize the benefit of the attack. In
standard, all you need is to have a single Lightning Energy
and a DCE so that you only discard ONE Lightning
Energy card. Since Pokemon Breeder is available in
Standard, you can start attacking with Dark Amphy on turn 2
for 50 damage. That's pretty good! Just try and protect
Dark Amphy from ERs and you should be fine.
In Modified, you would have to either play 2 different types
of Energy Types or maybe play lots of Colorless Energy cards
like Recycle Energy, Full Heal Energy, ect. However,
the best one would definitely be Darkness Energy! ;-) With
a Lightning and 2 Darkness Energies, you can do 70 damage per
turn! In Standard, you would probably never be able to do
that very often with so many Energy Removals going
around. But in Modified, there are no Energy Removals!
Build up Dark Amphy and with the help of Rocket's Hideout,
you've got a pretty strong contender in Modified.
In Draft, it's gonna be hard to get the whole line going. But,
if you somehow manage to get it out, the attack would probably
make you discard more than one Lightning Energy card.
Therefore, it's not so effective in Draft.
Maybe you could run Dark Amphy with Murkrow and Rocket's
Minefield Gym. If your opponent flips Tails on Minefield for
his Cleffa, he won't be able to Eeeeeeek since attaching an
Energy card would KO Cleffa. Try experimenting with this
card... :-D
Standard Rating: 3.6/5
Modified Rating: 3.2/5 (Since you can't get it out 2nd turn,
Conductivity is not as good...=/)
Draft Rating: 1.9/5

Dark Ampharos
Standard: Woot! This guy could put speed holes in most any deck in
Standard. With Breeder in the environment, Turn 2 50 with 50 every turn
after that, not including Dark Energies that would be attached later on,
becomes loads of damage, especially if they attach energy.
Modified: In theory, this card would be amazing in Modified. The only
problem with it is that being a Stage 2, by the time it's PokéPower can
deal a decent amount of damage, most other Stage 2 Pokémon will be
knocking him over the head with a homerun bat. It is worth a shot
though, just carry some Dark Energy and deal 70 a turn with Rocket's
Zapdos Plasma-ing away for support.
Limited: With a real nice line in Destiny, Dark Ampharos is a MUST pick
in Booster Draft. Watch everyone rush the Mareep as Counter-Draft if you
take the Dark Amphy in Rochester. Dark Flaafy is a nice pre-Evo, and the
fact that Mareep now has 50 HP makes Dark Amphy a viable Limited
powerhouse pick. Take 1st or whenever possible, just make sure the pool
doesn't dry up on Mareeps and Dark Flaffys...
Standard: 4.2/5
Modified: 2.7/5
Limited (Draft): 3.9/5
Dark Ampharos... is awesome. I
tested this guy with Dark Crobat in a modified deck, and
although I've given up on the idea, it forces people to think
before they play energy. Although I don't think its going to
become an archetype, it is definitely a card to surprise your
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 3/5
~ RaNd0m
Well its
not to bad but it would be so much better if you could have more
than one power working at a time.
Well you you play it with Mine field Gym you may be able to kill
a baby with its power but who would de that?
Its attack is just so/so 50 for 3 is good but you must discard
every time and if you have more than one electric your in
Only 70 HP on a stage two is no good.
I give it a 3/5
I give it a 3/5
Good luck getting the evolutions =/
I give it a 3.5/5

No Review Today
This is one of the more interesting cards out of Destiny. Harder to play
than some, but the rewards are good.
In standard, Dark Ampharos can come out second turn with a Breeder, has
Electabuzz for support, combos superbly with ER and SER, and best of all,
punishes people for something they nearly always have to do; attach energy.
One downside, though, is that I believe attaching a Metal would block the
damage. And it's not cumulative. And yes, it is a Stage 2 with 70 HP. But
the power is good, and the attack is not too shabby, considering you can
fulfill the colorless requirement with DCE or Darkness. I give it a 3/5. The
low HP and Stage hinder, but don't defeat it.
In modified, it's harder to run along with Neo 3 Ampharos because of the
mutually exclusive middle evolution, a problem which breeder solved in
standard. However, I see less Metal energy here than I do in
standard(note: this is me here.). Plus, you can safely use Darkness Energy for the
colorless portion of his attack. DDL buys you 70 with a 1 L discard.
Bee-yooti-ful. 3.5/5
In multiplayer(team battle), same benifits as modified, but twice the
whupping. 4/5 here.
In limited, you're more likely to be discarding quite a few energies per
attack rather than one. But Dark Flaaffy isn't too hard to get, and you
could just run a duel/tri(not recommended) color deck. Doesn't have all the
good combos, but the power is pretty good straight up. It's a good pick.
Beggers can't be too choosey. 3.5/5
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