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Pokemon Card of the Day
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.35 (based on 6 reviews)
Modified: 2.41 (based on 6 reviews)
Draft: 2.56 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed March 15, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Light Golduck
This card is dang good in Standard IMO. 80HP, only ONE Retreat
Cost, AND it evolves from Fossil/Promo Psyduck! Let's get one
thing straight first. Fossil/Promo Psyduck's attack, Headache,
is extremely good! If your opponent doesn't get a Cleffa out,
there's no way for them to build up their Pokemon effectively
without some sort of draw power. By keep on using Headache
over and over again, you're depriving your opponent of
Trainers while you can use as many Trainers as you want.
Anyways, back to Light Golduck. In Standard, there are a lot
of Special Energy cards running around. Be it Darkness Energy,
Metal Energy, Double Colorless Energy, Rainbow Energy or
Recycle Energy. Heck, many standard decks run NO Basic Energy
cards at all!
Light Golduck's 1st attack, Flipper Stroke, is not really
useful. Plus, it needs Water Energy...=/
Light Golduck's 2nd attack, Core Blast, is THE reason why
Light Golduck is good. Remember, you would probably have a
Psychic Energy since you have been using Headache. All you
need to do now is to attach a DCE and you can use Core Blast.
Against a Sneasel with 2 Energy, you'll do 70 damage to it.
Against a Steelix with a Metal and DCE, you would do 60
damage. It's all good.
Now in Modified, there are less Special Energy cards. Plus,
you can't use DCE in Modified. :-(
In Draft, the 1st attack could be decent. It's too bad you'll
also be helping your opponent though. The 2nd attack would
most probably do only 30 damage since Special Energy cards
would be so hard to get in Draft. 3 Energies for 30 is
average. Although the high HP and low Retreat Cost are
really awesome!
Basically, Light Golduck is a
better card in Standard and Draft. Not recommended for Modified.
Standard Rating: 3.9/5
Modified Rating: 2.1/5
Draft Rating: 3.2/5

Light Golduck
Standard: Whoa! Turn 2 buster! First turn Headache, second
turn busted Sneasel. Truly a potential card to try out in
Blastoise with some TecH-ed out Rainbow Energies... Never know
what hit them ;)
Recently, more Elemental decks have seen play in Modified.
This makes Light Golduck obsolete to it’s counterpart Dark
Golduck which deals big damage, especially with the bonus Dark
Usable but not all that. 30 damage flat for 3 Energy is
average, and in Limited, not much Special Energy will see play
so the attack isn’t as great as in the other formats. If
it’s there go for it with caution or to waste a pick if
nothing else good is floating.
Modified: 2.1/5
Limited (Draft): 2.6/5
Interesting card. I see it to
have some use in some decks. Core Blast would take out a sneasel
without problem. It owns Steelix, Murkrow, Sneasel, pretty much
every pokemon that needs special energy.
Standard: 4/5
Modified: 2/5 It's not as good with fewer
special energy pokemon. (In other words, sneasel.)
~ RaNd0m
What can
I say its a worthless piece of junk.
Flipper Stroke is nice but to waste playing these cards in a
Core blast is not worth much I mean it can't even KO a two Dark
In modified there are less special Energys round and its water
type hit is so low its not worth hitting the fire types.
I give it a 1.75/5
I give it a 2/5
I give it a 2/5

Like Light Dragonite, this may
be more useful in Standard than in Modified. Golduck's first
attack may get you some Energy out of your deck, but it doesn't
attach it to anything (like Stoke) and it also gives some to
your Opponent (not to mention that they get to use it before you
do...). It's his second attack that generates interest. An
attack that does bonus damage for every Special Energy card on
your opponent.... hmmmmm......
Well, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but
I think that every single popular deck in Standard uses Special
Energy cards as a mainstay. Now, the question is: Is that damage
good enough to overcome it being a Stage 1? Maybe. I think it
would be worth trying out as a Spoiler card. Play it with
Headache Psyduck and you have a nice combo going.
In Modified you, of course, have to worry
about Gatr, Fire, and now Dark Golbat and Dark Haunter. None of
which really need Special Energy cards. Not a good choice for
Modified. Dark Psyduck would be better here.
In Draft, it has the nice Hit Points and a
Common playable Basic going for it. The attacks aren't all that
great, but not too bad. I'd grab it as a 4th pick unless I had
something better passing by.
Standard: 3.75/5
Modified: 2.75/5
Draft: 3/5
Lord Gothmog
I like this card. OHKO on a loaded Sneasel or Murkrow. It virtually gets
past Metal Energy. FHE, DCE, Rainbow, Recycle...It punishes you for playing
all of them. Is anyone else seeing a pattern in this set?
In standard, Special Energy cards are everywhere. It isn't often I see a
deck without them. Energy Removal is a double edged sword with it,
considering it would take 3 turns to power it without a DCE. Thus, you will
want to play Lass in here, if you don't normally in every deck. Weakness to
lightning is kind of a downer, but 80 HP and 1 retreat cost are very
reasonable. Just don't pair it with Neo 4 Psyduck. There are better ones to
choose from. 3.6/5, it's a little pricy, and the weakness hurts, but the
attack is worth it. ...What? First attack? Okay, it's actually not that bad.
After all, it's for hosing decks with lots of special energy. So you play
more basic energy to benifit from the first attack. Or don't.
In modified, Dark/Steel Pokemon aren't showing their faces quite as much,
but Recycle Energy, and Full Heal Energy to a lesser extent, are around a
lot. Plus, as I am so oft in recognizing, there are no Energy Removal
trainer cards in this format, so the higher attack cost is less of a
hinderance, as is the weakness. I'll give it a tentative 3.5/5, because no
one's broken it yet.
In limited, Common/Uncommon evolutions that are playable in constructed are
generally jewels in limited. Base Arcanine, Blaine's Rapidash, Brock's
Sandslash, and such. But this one being focus around Special Energy cards,
which are rare in draft, comes out as being rather blasé. 2.3/5. It's okay
if fire is big and electric is low, but otherwise it isn't a great pick.
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