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Pokemon Card of the Day
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.50 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 1.8 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 3.30 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed March 15, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Shining Kabutops
I don't think I can really write a long review on this card.
The 1st attack, Lightning Slash, is a poor version of Blaine's
Rapidash's Stamp Attack. The different Energy requirement is
also pretty bad.
The 2nd attack is pretty decent I guess. It can do UNLIMITED
damage but that's the only good part. It's too energy
extensive. Most Pokemon would be able to KO it
before Shining Kabutops even attack.
In Standard, you'll be laughed at for even using this
In Modified, without Energy Removal, it MIGHT be able to
attack once or twice. But it's just not worth it.
In Draft, simply pick it because it's rare. ;-)
Dang, that's probably the shortest CoTD I ever wrote. Oh,
well... =/
Standard Rating: 1.0/5 (I wanted to
put a lower score but 1.0 is supposedly the lowest number...)
Modified Rating: 1.2/5 (The 0.2 is because it CAN do
unlimited damage...)
Draft Rating: 1.3/5 (With 80HP, it can stall a bit while you
build up your bench. Plus, you can always trade it away...;-))
You know, they make all these
shining pokemon for all these lame dudes -_-.
Why not make a Shining Pikachu, or a
Shining Typhlosion? I mean, those are COOL pokemon. And here
they go and make a Shining Kabutops. TPC, to you, I make a face
that you should've made a card for a LONG time ago.
Shining Kabutops has a nice attack.
Overall, I don't like it, but it's attack has a place in a bench
destruction deck. However, I believe dark crobat does that job
better. So, I don't think you should play this card.
Just sell it on ebay.
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 2/5 Why play fighting/lightning in MODIFIED?
Draft Rating: 5/5 Fighting and lightning are common types, AND
its rare.
Uh... why NOT?

If you want to use a Pokemon
with an attack like Lighting Cut, you might as well use Dark
Raichu. You get to Charge it up with Movie Promo Pikachu and you
get to use Dark Energy with no Drawback. You also get the
potential to do 20 to the bench and not worry about self-damage.
Also, you won't have to deal with the Shining restriction of one
copy per deck.
Also, it's second attack is too energy
intensive to get running. Now, if it were a Water type, it would
be great since you could Rain Dance onto it and it has no limit
like Water Gun attacks that are otherwise identical in effect.
too bad you can't start with a Water-type Kabuto (to Rain Dance
onto) and then evolve into a Shining Kabutops...
But that would be broken.
About the only time that I would use this
card is if I drew it in a Draft. Here, I would call it a good
Standard: 1.5/5
|Modified: 2/5
Draft: 4/5
Lord Gothmog
As with all Shining Pokemon,
this is one that has potential, but is hampered by the fact you
can only have one per deck. However, if you have a
Fighting/Lightning/Water deck and a Shining Kabutops, there's no
reason not to include it.
In standard, it gets trashed by a lot of
things. It takes 3 turns to power it's first attack, in which
time it's gust bait, Scyther bait, ER bait, and bait for
anything else too. Good bait if nothing else. 1.5/5
In modified, if you play Water/Fighting,
this thing is a fairly worthy addition. But I doubt it will show
up much, and have little effect on the game. Still, and 80 HP
basic is nothing to sneer at. 2/5
In limited, it's a good pick because it's
valuable. Not recommended for play use, because you would need
to provide your own sleeves. If you do, however, it's not bad.
If you're drafting Revelation and Destiny, you could put
together a nice Water/Fighting deck with Piloswine. I'm going to
have to give it a 3/5 here, even though you can still only have
one in a deck. How often are you going to pull two in the same
draft, anyway?
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