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Pokemon Card of the Day
Shining Charizard
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.08 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 1.28 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 2.40 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed March 18, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Shining Charizard
I might have been a bit biased on my review of Shining Kabutops
last time. It was a lot better than the card that I'm about to
review today, Shining Charizard. First thing first, the art on
this is awesome! 100HP Basic is pretty good. The 3-Retreat Cost
is pretty bad though.
Let's look at the ONLY attack it has, "White-hot
Flame". This attack is a huge joke IMO. First of all, you
need FIVE Energies before you can even attack. Add to the
fact that you need TWO different types of Energies to use
the attack AND you need to discard TWO of them to deal 100
damage is already pretty bad. Even Base Charizard is better than
this guy! When you think that it can't get any worse, you have
to flip a coin too. On Tails, it takes 30 damage! -_-
In Standard, Energy Removal would prevent it from EVER
attacking. The only thing it's good for is probably against
Clefable. Clefable won't be able to use the attack unless it
discards the Fire and Lightning Energy cards.. I guess you can
stall a bit. I was seriously trying my best to break this card
but I just can't.
The best possible way for you to win with Shining Zard is:
1. Attach Lightning Energy to Shining Charizard.
2. Play Holo Entei from your hand and hopefully attach 3-5 Fire
Energy cards with Howl.
3. Attach another Lightning and BOOM! 2nd turn 100 damage!
That would be pretty fun but I doubt it would happen very often.
In Modified, if you can pull it off with Entei or maybe Fire
Recharge Typhlosions, I guess it's not too bad.
In Draft, if you can somehow build this guy up, it's most likely
would be an overkill as 100 damage is a bit excessive. However,
since this is probably the most valuable card in Neo Destiny,
pick it. ;-)
Standard Rating: 1.4/5
Modified Rating: 1.7/5
Draft Rating: 1.2/5 (Playabilty wise)

Ack!! We're being mooned by a
big purple dragon! No, not Barney! Shining Charizard!
Let's see now... we get a 20 HP drop from
Base Set Charizard, an extra energy cost, a MIXED energy cost,
keep the two card discard cost, lose the ability to use DCE, no
lower cost attacks to use while powering up, AND the chance of
doing self damage?
Hey, where do I sign up?
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE that plays this
in a deck and even cares about whether they win or not needs
their head examined. Even people that play Base set Charizard
should stay away from this. I don't care what format you are in.
You could be in the "Shining Fire" format and you
still should not play this card.
Collect it, sell it, anything but play it!
Standard, Modified, Draft: 0.2/5
Lord Gothmog
Out of all the Shining
Pokemon, most people would say this one is the worst.
In standard, that's correct. Shining
Magikarp is better. However, if you play it in a Typhlosion deck
with Rainbow energy, it might just do well enough to be
terrible, as opposed to worthless. 1/5
In modified, if you REALLY REALLY like
Charizard, you can play it with Light Flareon and charge it up
in 3 turns. Then you discard 2 and need another 2 turns. Wow, so
appealing. 1.5/5
In limited, it's a Shining. It's rare.
It's a good pick. 5 energy attack sucks, though, even in draft.
You can sell it for money for more drafts! 2/5

Shining Charizard
Standard: A big 'mother', Shining
Charizard has that neat smell to it that reminds you of the
first time you opened a pack of PokeyMon cards and found a Base
Set Charizard. The pretty sparkles to match its noxious aroma
which you wanted to preserve by throwing in a PSA 10 plastic
container. That's all it's good for, trade bait, just like the
original big 'mother'. 100 HP for a Basic is all good, but to
make this guy run really speedy like a Sneasel, you'd need to
kill off a load of Electrodes and a Miracle Energy here and
there. And even better, what if your opponent Breeder's a Light
Dragonite Turn 2 after you Buzzap'd to your Shining Lizard? Not
a great scene, eh? If you want to look utterly pathetic, I say
you replace one of your Base Set Ghastlys with this thing,
you'll certainly catch all the little kids attentions ;)
Modified: Would you really use this thing!
Come on, really? It can burn off anything on this side of the
moon but to get it built you need 4 turns in Modified (Miracle
Energy) and then every two turns afterward to keep dealing
constant damage. Let me remind you: 'Gatr goes off Turn 3!!! Not
too shiny now, eh?
Limited: 100 HP for a BASIC in Draft is a
REALLY good thing. If you pop this sucker up, consider yourself
lucky. This thing just obliterates in Draft. Only thing is you
need to power it up every two turns in which some Water Pokémon
or any random Pokémon, at that, can pick it off. But really, if
everything goes well in the card pool with Fire and Electric
Pokémon, don't pass this guy up. 1st Pick or if it ever passes
you! Keep your options open ;)
Standard: 0.2/5
Modified: 0.1/5 (It's worse because of no Electrode, if it could
be worse than it already is...)
Limited (Draft): 2.9/5
If you want to discuss strategy or need
help contact me:
[AIM: LuRiLu] [MSN: lurili@hotmail.com]
5 energy cost? Possible damage
to self? Discarding energy? This card is way too messy to play.
Worse than the base set version!
Standard rating: 1/1000. Ouch. It's so
bad, I had to add on to make it a lower fraction. =\ The lowest
rating. Poor zard resigns.
Modified rating: 1/1000. Ouch again. Just
don't play it...
Limited Rating: 6/5. It's rare, its shiny,
its worth money, so draft it!
I think this is the first time I've given
a 1/1000 for a cards standard rating and a 6/5 for a limited.
~ RaNd0m
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