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Pokemon Card of the Day
Shining Mewtwo
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
2.54 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 2.62 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.48 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed March 19, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Shining Mewtwo
Finally, a decent Shining Pokemon! ~_^
70HP, the magical number for a Basic. Retreat cost of 2, not too
bad. It looks just like a typical Hay Pokemon right now. Reflect
Shield is an interesting attack. It's somewhat an Agility attack
and a Counter attack combined into one. Lightning + Psychic have really
good BBPs like MP Mewtwo, Base Electabuzz and Rocket's
Zapdos so it makes a nice compliment.
Psyburst looks a lot like a Flamethrower + Psychic attack
combined into one. Notice the trend here? It's a decent attack.
It's a better attack in Modified as it kills Crobat in one
shot and deals like 70 damage to a fully powered Feraligatr. Not bad.
In Draft, the high HP is great. Reflect Shield is great for
stalling and dealing damage at the same time while you're
building your bench. The 2nd attack would be slightly
harder to power up but if you get it going, you'll be doing an
average of 50-60 damage per turn. Great! A 1st pick (and it's
actually playable!).
Standard Rating: 3.2/5 (Just love Reflect Shield!)
Modified Rating: 3.4/5
Draft Rating: 3.8/5
Wow, this is a good card. I
love it! In fact, if the energy weren't so different, I'd play
this guy! If you ever played/play a haymaker with
lightning/psychic/fire, you gotta play this dude.
Its first attack is useful against any
pokemon. It's like a sort of reflect, with an offensive side!
The second one is pretty cool, a psychic that can do a lot of
damage. :)
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 2/5
Limited Rating: 5/5 (DRAFT SHININGS! FORGET THE GAME! :/)
~ RaNd0m

Shining Mewtwo is one of the
more playable Shining Pokemon.
Not that he's great, or anything, but he
is actually playable.
In Standard the mixed and high energy
costs are still killers. You're just not going to get or keep
him powered up, especially considering that his damaging attack
also costs an Energy discard.
Standard: 1.5/5
In Modified you should be able to get him
powered up and attack for a turn or two. Is the benefit great
enough for that? Not really. 40+ damage (70 damage to most
powered up stage 2's) is not bad, but you are depending on your
opponent's cooperation. Again, as with all Shinings, you are
limited to one in a deck, so it is a haphazard placement. Little
more than TecH when there are much better TecH choices.
Modified: 2/5
Draft: Hmmm. Might be interesting to play
in Draft. You would need to tune you deck to Psychic and Fire
which is a tough combo, but doable. I wouldn't switch strategies
if I drew this as a late pick, but I'd consider it if I got it
early on in the Draft.
Draft: 3/5
Lord Gothmog
Making a Shining Mewtwo card
is like encouraging people to use Gamesharks for their
Gold/Silver/Crystal cartridges. </tangent>
In standard, it actually has reasonable
energy costs. It's first attack isn't bad for stalling, since
you don't discard like with base Mewtwo. It's second attack is
also not bad, automatically getting 10 damage even against Psy
resistant types, and then more if they have energy. The discard
is reasonable, but if you're using Rainbow energy to power it,
it's going to cumulate damage pretty fast. However, it IS
1-per-deck, and that cripples Shinings in general. This one is
playable to some extent, though. I'll give it 2/5.
In modified, Psychic is stronger as an
anti-anti-Gatr, so it's a better choice here. Have I mentioned
that 1-per-deck sucks? 2.5/5
In limited, a good choice. This one could
actually go in your deck(if you bring sleeves, which you
should). 3.5/5 here, because you're unlikely to pull 2 of any
foil, so the 1-per-deck doesnt hurt it in this format. Unless
you draft 2. In which case, you've got 2. Which is cool. Even if
you can't play them both.

Shining Mewtwo
Standard: Although Psychic is very quaintly used in Standard anymore,
you could just slap a Rainbow Energy, no? And then run Rocket's Zappy
and wait for someone to Gust of Wind twice and kill Mewtwo =\ Not as
strong as it could be.
Modified: Eh... Well, throw your Shining Mewtwo in front of every big
Stage 2 and watch it laugh straight at it. It all comes down to luck
whilst you build up perhaps a Dark Gengar with Rocket's Zappy support on
the bench. Really, it doesn't die a horrible death like the other
Shinings in Modified.
Limited: Oh my! Is this thing crazy in Draft!!! If you open this TAKE
IT! Reflect Shield works wonders, unless you get paralyzed. Prevent
damage and shoot 20 back? Woot! Psyburst is another story, it's okay but
not all that, hence the 4.5, not a 4.8-5 rating. Be wary of the counter-draft if playing Rochester and you take it. Electric and Fire
support might wane out.
Standard: 2.5/5
Modified: 2.7/5
Limited (Draft): 4.6/5
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