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Pokemon Card of the Day
Shining Celebi
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.62 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 2.06 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.97 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed March 20, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Shining Celebi
I guess this card is okay. 50HP is really low though and will be
KO-ed pretty fast. The 1st attack, Healing Water, is just plain
bad. If Shining Celebi had a higher HP, it might be able to
remove a few damage counters. But with only 50HP... =/
The 2nd attack, Miracle Leaf, is a pretty good Status attack. In
Standard, it's not really good against Sneasel as you have less
flips. However, it's awesome against something like Steelix or
Chansey. Remember, you flip equal to the number of Energy
attached to the defending Pokemon and NOT Energy CARDS! This
means that if the defending Pokemon have a DCE, you get to flip
twice. It's too bad you can't choose for the Defending Pokemon
to be paralyzed. ;-)
In Modified, Status is slightly harder to deal with. But, would
you give your opponent one prize just to say, Poison, his
Active? Not really worth it. It's better to put your precious
Focus Band on something else other than Shining Celebi.
In Draft, Status is awesome! Both attacks can actually be decent
in Draft. Just be careful of Fire Pokemon... Either way, since
it's a Shining, just take it. >=D
Standard Rating: 1.5/5 (HP too low and just not worth it)
Modified Rating: 1.8/5 (Although it's almost a guaranteed Status
attack, still not worth it)
Draft Rating: 3.0/5 (Status can be a killer in Draft!)
This thing is actually not as
bad as I first thought. I just wouldn't play it in a Grass deck,
per se.
In standard, it's not great, because it
will probably get ER'd before you can get enough Water on it to
be useful. The second attack is not bad, but would be better if
you could choose Paralyzed. Still, a 75(?)% chance of
Confusion/Poison is good. One per deck, again, hurts it. But
it's not something you'd want 4 of anyway. I'm going to say a
2/5. Almost average, but 50 HP and rainbow requirements hose it.
In modified, hoo boy. This thing goes well
into Feraligatr. You load 3 or 4 Water onto it, send it out,
heal something, then next turn(if it's alive) do a retreat mombo
with a Cleffa to put water in the discard for more damage. Ouch.
If you give it a couple Rainbows, it's mirror match tech. Trés
ownage. 3/5
In limited, it's not bad here, either. The
first attack is good if you're drafting Water, and the second is
good if you're drafting Grass or Psychic. With the cash value
and "bomb" factors, it's a solid 3.5/5. Would have
been closer to a 4 if it could paralyze. But still good.

Shining Celebi fits in to a
number of control decks. If your opponent doesn't have any
Energy cards on it, it probably doesn't matter if you put a
Special Condition on it or not. But if it has a couple of Energy
cards on it, you have a pretty decent chance of putting the
Special Condition of your choice on it. This would be a fun card
to play. The energy requirements are not too bad. This could see
Standard: 2.6/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Draft: 4.75/5
Lord Gothmog
Can't... review... any...
more... shining........... -_-
I don't like this card, the only shining I
see worthwhile is the mewtwo.
Standard rating: 1/5
Modified rating: 1/5
Limited rating: 5/5 "I don't get it."

Shining Celebi
Standard: Come on, really? There is no way
to build up enough Water unless it's painted by Promo Smeargle
and you run a RainDance deck. Otherwise, there is no place for
this Shining beacon that's easy prey. Modified: Same as in
Modified, not even worth it, put it in a sleeve next to your
deck for good luck or what have you, just not IN the deck mind
Limited: If it weren't for the 50 HP
required for this bugger he'd be a real hot commodity in Draft.
You can whip off most anything if you confuse them, poison them,
and then stall out by healing off your bench. Pretty nasty, but
what if your opponent decides not to play Energy? Poor Celebi,
too good an idea to be true -_-
Standard: 1/5
Modified: 1/5
Limited (Draft): 3.6/5
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