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Pokemon Card of the Day
Shining Tyranitar
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.25 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 3.09 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 1.82 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed March 21, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Another decent Shining. However, you
need to make deck based on it if you really want to take full
advantage of the attacks. The way I see it, you can either make
a Fighting-Darkness Deck or Fire-Darkness Deck. It's not a good
idea to build a Fighting-Fire-Darkness Deck because it's going
to be hard to get the right Energy Types.
Let's look at the card first. 80HP, no Weakness, cool art... All
good points. Let's skip the first attack first and jump to the
2nd attack. Destructive Fire is a bit energy extensive AND you
might discard some energy cards as well. This means that it
would be hard for you to keep on attacking every turn with it.
It's not such a good attack IMO.
Now let's look at the 1st attack, Mountain Crush. This attack
can be devastating in Modified. The ability to "mill"
your opponent's deck is just awesome. You might've noticed the
MTs using the word "mill" with this card in the chats.
That's a Magic: The Gathering reference to Millstone (which
discard 2 cards from your opponent's deck). Anyways, Shining
Tyranitar synergies REALLY WELL with Dark Tyranitar. Heck, they
even require the same Energy Types (Fighting-Darkness)! If you
make a deck based on Dark Tyranitar, it's a good idea to add
Shining Tyranitar. Once you get the attacks going, you'll be
mill-ing a LOT of your opponent's resources. You might
be able to get rid of their precious evolutions or Trainers.
It's slightly harder to get back stuff that are in your discard
pile in Modified. The bad news is, the deck doesn't work
very well against Feraligatr because of Trash Exchange. :-(
In Standard, don't bother playing Shining Tyranitar, just
stick with Dark Tyranitar. There are just too much Energy Removals
in Standard.
In Draft, I doubt you'll be able to get either Darkness Energies
or Rainbow Energies. Therefore, it's not playable in
Draft. But you can always pick it because it's a Shining. ;-D
Standard Rating: 1.5/5 (Too much ER in Standard)
Modified Rating: 3.1/5 (Awesome against anything other than Gatr)
Draft Rating: 1.0/5 (Darkness & Rainbow are next to
impossible to get it Draft)

Finally! Another Pokemon that
can be used to make an Active Stall deck! Mountain Crush does a
nice 30-40 damage (with the D Energy) and also gives you the
opportunity to run your opponents deck into the discard pile.
What fun! And with 80 HP and a 3 Energy cost, it makes a nice
late game surprise. In Standard it could work along with Fossil
Moltres, although the differing Energy requirements could be an
issue. Shining Tyranitar is nice in that it does not require a
discard for its 'milling' attack. I wouldn't bother with
Destructive Fire. The Extra 20 damage isn't worth the discard
cost, generally. Finally, the "one card per deck"
limitation of all Shinings drags the rating down a bit.
Regarding the Draft rating: I wanted to
give this a 4.5/5 because this would be devastating in Draft
with its 40-card deck...IF you could power up the attack! That
is the problem. Unless you can get Darkness or Rainbow Energy in
your Draft deck, it's a dead card! And if you can only get one
of those cards, it might as well be a dead card. You can't
depend on drawing both ST and your special energy in the same
game let alone in the same hand. Its a shame. It would do very
well if it didn't have that D Energy requirement...
Standard: 2.75/5 (Energy Removal hurts it
and it has no 1-2 energy attack)
Modified: 3.75/5 (I think I will try this out and see what I can
do with it!)
Draft: 1.1/5
Lord Gothmog
Booyah. Unquestionably my
favorite Shining Card.
In standard, it fits into two types of
decks: Typhlosion (people play Typhlosion in standard?), and
Dark Tyranitar (again, in standard?). If you play either one of
those, it's pretty good. Just toss in some Dark/Rainbow if
you're using Typh, and you could do some serious ERing. It's
feasible that it could be powered in 1 turn, if you use a rigged
coin. And for Dark Tyranitar, you're obviously going to be
playing Dark and Fighting energy, so might as well play one of
these, too. The 1-per-deck thing makes it less powerful, but
it's still average. 2.5/5. It does invite ERs. And not as many
Typhlos/Dark TTar decks.
In modified, there's not too awful many
Typhlosion decks, but Dark Tyranitar is awesome. It fits with
the deck discarding theme, which unfortunately helps Gatr to
some extent, but if you do it right, you'll knock out the
threats, and if they stall, they'll deck out. I have to give it
a 3/5, no more, considering you can only have 1. If not for
that, it would be higher.
In limited, I would pick it because it's
valuable, and has a sweet picture. Unfortunately, you're
unlikely to draft Darkness Energy, so you can't really play it.
Shining Tyranitar
Standard: Whut! Imagine milling
through an opponents deck Turn 2! That would be hilarious if you
have the luck of a madman, or a weighed set of dice or coins…
not that I suggest you do it, but imagine the look on your
opponents face, spectacular no? You can just see it, LoL.
Modified: Same as above, the only
difference is it’s second attack is pretty cool in Modified,
unlike Standard, a larger version of Kindle with a coin flip,
it’s only problem besides what if you get 3 Heads and the
opponent only has 1 Energy, kind of pointless, no? And if
they’re running Typhlosion…, you get the picture.
Limited: Nope, the possibility of
seeing play and being used are so slim, as slim as Drafting Dark
Energy and Shining Tyranitar in the same Draft, especially if
you don’t Draft Neo with Neo 4. Worth the attacks and HP, but
really, the set just screws it.
Standard: 2.5/5 (Just cause of that
slight possibility…, if the Gods favor you ;)
Modified: 2.6/5 (0.1 higher
because of the fact that Removal isn’t scarcely played in
Modified which means you can really mill off an opponent by
repeatedly using Shining Tyranitar’s first attack >=)
Limited (Draft): 1/5 (Should be 0
but PoJo told me not to do that anymore -_-)
Well, it's first attack isn't
too dependable, yet one you can smile at.
Moving on...
The second attack has hope. It's like a
powerful kindle attack, and sorta reliable.
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 3/5
Limited Rating: ... you know what I'm going to say. = 7/5 ;x
~ RaNd0m
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