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Pokemon Card of the Day
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.13 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 2.45 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 2.97 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed March 25, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
80HP is decent for a Stage 2
considering you can boost it to 100HP with Rocket's Hideout. The
retreat cost is only ONE! You don't see a lot of Stage 2s with
only one retreat cost now do you? The card stats has been pretty
good up to now. Let's look at the attacks...
Claw Swipe is a so-so attack. One Colorless for 20 damage is
good but considering that it's a Stage 2, we're kinda expecting
for better attacks. Although with a Darkness Energy, you can do
30 damage for one Energy, which is VERY efficient.
Rushing Flames is an interesting attack. Note though that the
attack doesn't specify WHICH Pokemon you discard the Fire Energy
cards from, so you can discard the ones from your bench Pokemon
as well! Now it's SLIGHTLY more playable but there's always the
coinflips. After doing some simple Math, the attack only does an
average of 20 damage for each Fire Energy cards discarded. Not
exactly good. You would need to discard SIX Fire Energy cards to
KO Gatr! It's just not really worth it and unreliable.
But what about the combo with Typhlosion [Fire Recharge] or
Entei [Holo], you say? The Typhlosion + Dark Typhlosion
"combo" won't work since you still have to evolve both
Typhlosions from the SAME Cyndaquils. Plus, running two
different Stage 2s is very slow, even in Modified. With Entei,
it's slightly better but the attack is still unreliable.
You could end up discarding all of your Fire Energy cards,
hoping for a KO, and get ZERO Heads! Building up Dark
Typhlosion or your bench afterwards, would take a long time and
Dark Typhlosion would probably be KO-ed.
In Standard, don't even bother with this guy. Same thing with
Modified as well. In Draft though, it's a bomb! 80HP, one
Retreat, and both attacks are really good! Getting it out would
be a problem though...
If you want a similar attack but more reliable, try Blaine's
Charizard. Dark Quilava, on the other hand, is an AWESOME card!
2nd turn Blaine's Magmar-like attack can be devastating in
Modified, especially if your opponent didn't bench any
Pokemon... :-P
Standard/Unlimited Rating: 1.4/5 (Great Stats but the attacks
are pretty bad...)
Modified Rating: 1.8/5
Draft Rating: 3.4/5 (Good luck getting it out though!)

Not a bad card. A bit heavy on
the energy discard, but you do get a decent return for it (an
average of 20 Damage per discard) and it is very flexible in
that you can discard off of any of your Pokemon. This allows you
to keep your energy protected on the bench while exposing only
one energy card to loss by KO on your active. Since your energy
can be discarded from anywhere, Blaine can by used to stack up a
benched Blaine's Pokemon and/or Holo Entei can get you going
fast too.
Unlimited: Stage 2, open to ER, lots of
discarding, flippy attack. All of this gives it a 2.25/5
Modified: You should be able to get this
up and running by turn three. By using Blaine and Entei, you
should be able to get 3-4 discards every other turn. That would
have you doing 40-80 damage every other turn. I don't know. It
looks like fun, but other Fire cards will perform that well for
you without running through you deck quite as fast and without
the flipping. 2.75/5
Draft: It a holo and a Stage 2. If you get
one, it will be the only one in your deck. You will be lucky to
get 2 of the stage 1. If you are Drafting this with the Team
Rocket set, The Bosses' Way will help you get the card. But,
even if you get it out, you will have a hard time feeding the
energy this thing needs in a Draft deck. I'd pass on it. 2/5
Lord Gothmog
Dark Typhlosion is actually
pretty good. It's first attack is 30 with a Darkness energy, and
if you look at it's second attack closely, you'll see it refers
to fire energy attached to ALL your Pokemon. Blaine,
In standard, you have Pokemon Breeder, so
you can play this with regular Typhlosion(the good one with bad
art) and skip the mutually exclusive middle evolution. Energy
Removal is a factor, but since it doesn't matter if you spread
the energy around, you can make them waste their SERs on just
one energy. Toss in some Blaine's Tauros or Magmar or Charmander
or something with some Blaines, and you get an extra flip per
turn. I have to give this a 3/5. He uses Darkness energy, has
undercosted attacks, and the HP isn't seriously bad.
In modified, it's harder to effectively
run with the regular version, but since the format is generally
slower, a fast stage 2 could grab the advantage. I would support
it with Blaine's stuff, Rapidash or Arcanine perhaps, because if
you get tails on their energy, they'll be powered to attack next
turn, and the Blaine trainer yeilds an extra flip. However, with
the dominance of Feraligatr and the lack of breeder, I have to
give it a 2.8/5 here. It's possible that you'll get it out
faster than gatr, but without regular Typhlosion it'll be
In limited, this thing is a bomb. If you
can get enough fire cards to play Mono-Color, it will overpower
them very quickly. I'm going to give it a 3.5/5 here,
considering that Dark Quilava will burn through your deck if
you're forced to attack with it, and you could discard this
thing in the process. Otherwise good, though.
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