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Pokemon Card of the Day
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.98 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 2.01 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 1.80 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed March 26, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Dark Porygon2
Ah, yes, my first Neo Destiny Holo. The low HP is pretty bad for
a Stage 1. None of the Porygons are really that good as well,
except Cool Porygon. It's too bad Dark Porygon2 can't evolve
from it. Anyways, let's look at the attack first. Curve Attack
is an Agility-like attack, which is pretty good. In Standard,
oops, I mean Unlimited, the attack is not really good. Why waste
a DCE on this guy? In Modified, the attack does too little
damage to make any impact.
The Power is really interesting though if used correctly. The
ability to bring out ANY Gym in your discard pile is awesome!
The best way to use this Power is to have a wide variety of Gyms
in your discard pile. Some of the Gyms that work really well are
Lucky Stadium, Healing Field, and Chaos Gym. During your turn,
play Chaos Gym so that your opponent would have difficulty in
playing his/her Trainers. Then, during your turn, use Spatial
Distortion to bring back Lucky Stadium. Now, you might be able
to draw a card AND you can use your Trainers freely. If you have
more Dark Porygon2s, you can then even get a Healing Field out
and remove some damage counters from your Pokemon. After you've
done everything you need to do, use the Power one final time to
bring back Chaos Gym! Now, not only your opponent can't use
Lucky Stadium's and Healing Field's abilities, he/she would have
to deal with Chaos Gym all over again!
Dark Porygon2 would've been much more playable if the power
didn't require a coinflip. It had a lot of potential but the
coinflip weakened it quite a bit.
In Unlimited, the Power could be pretty good. The ability to
disrupt your opponent with Chaos Gym over and over again is just
crazy! Same thing with Modified. In Draft, you probably won't be
able to get a lot of Stadiums out. The attack is decent in Draft
though, but the HP is still a bit low.
Unlimited Rating: 3.3/5 (The Power has some potential...)
Modified Rating: 2.8/5 (It works better in Standard
because you can easily dump any Stadium you want to your
discard pile)
Draft Rating: 2.1/5

Man, this is a weak card! the
only, only, only reason to play this card is for its Pokemon
Power. And even that isn't really worth it. It's HP are low,
it's attack is weak. OK, so it lets you pull a Stadium card out
of the Discard and put it into play. This might be a nice Power
for a Basic to TecH into a deck that needs a certain Stadium,
but for a Stage 1, it's just not enough.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 1.25/5 (Maaaaybe I could see
this in a Dark Vileplume deck)
Draft: 1.5/5 (There have to be better
choices in that pack of cards)
Lord Gothmog
Eh... The power is not all
that great, and it's certainly not great for attacking.
In unlimited, 60 HP cards that evolve from
Porygon are not high on my list. It's power is what Item Finder
is for, and it's attack is a less effective version of Agility.
Get in line for a slice of that pie. 1.7/5 in Unlimited.
In modified, there is no Item Finder.
Thus, Dark Porygon 2 is a little more appealing. With multiples,
you can get a Healing Field, then put in a Rocket's Hideout or
Chaos Gym for disrupting your opponent. Still, there are better
choices. 2/5
In limited, it protects itself from
Damage, which is good, and is colorless, which is also good. But
it's power is not going to help much, considering that if you DO
get a Stadium, it probably will stay in play. 3 energy for 20
damage is also not that great a bargain. 2.5/5

Dark Porygon2
The Basic is a weakling, with PlusPower in most every deck,
Sneasel ruling the Jungle, and Muk being used with Clefable,
this guy doesn’t see much of a chance in Unlimited play
(Standard darn you! >_<). Gust of Wind, KO, are the
ominous words you’d hear your opponent mutter as his Tyrogue
smacks you silly upside the head after he flips Heads. Not a
pretty sight with such a potent PokéPower as it has =\
Herm, how about keeping your Slowking’s or your CrowBat’s
Chaos Gyms roving around whenever that Healing Fields is
thrown in play so that ‘Gatr can Double Gust and whack you
upside the head? Only problem is just that, they’ll take out
Dark Porygon2 since it weighs in at 60 HP, a treat to most
every competitive deck in Modified.
Limited: Very
interesting look and feel to it in Limited play. If you are
willing to take a load of Stadium use him, otherwise in Draft
when a Stadium hits play it usually stays out for a while due
to the lack in mass draw in Limited formats.
(Standard): 1.9/5
Modified: 2/5
(Draft): 1.5/5
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