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Pokemon Card of the Day
Promo Scyther
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.70 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 3.50 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: NA (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed May 8, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

OK, here's the combo:
Turn one: Attach Grass Energy and sit.
Turn two: Attach Grass Energy and do 40 Damage (80 to Grass
Turn three: Attach Recycle Energy, retreat for a Baby
(discarding Recycle), retreat for the Scyther, do 40 Damage (80
to Grass weak).
Rinse, lather, repeat.
That's it. That's what has so
many people excited. Why? Because people are looking desperately
for something to counter Feraligatr. That 80 damage will take
out a Totodile or even a Croconaw in one shot. And you can do it
on the second turn. Double gust that 'Gatr in the making up to
the front and shut down the big baddie.
Personally, I don't see why he's
so much better than, say, Discovery Scyther which does a solid
30 to 50 on turn 2 (or 60 to 100 to Grass-weak) and then doesn't
require any further combo'ing. Or maybe Destiny Scyther which
has an Agility attack that can help it survive until the third
turn upon which it can unleash an unrelenting 40 per turn.
OK, OK. That solid 40 on turn 2
is a lot better than an iffy 30-50 or solid 40 on turn 3. Gatr
is up and running by that time. The thing is, "Gatr seems
to already be losing its dominance. Even before the Gym sets get
rotated out of Modified, players are starting to win tourneys
with anti-Gatr and non-Gatr decks. And by the end of the summer,
Gatr's Trainer engine will be crippled. So, enjoy this Scyther
while you can. He'll be of less importance in a few months.
After all, while you are recycling that Recycle Energy, you
can't power up any of your other Pokemon.
Unlimited: go with the original.
Faster, stronger, more versatile, can take more of a beating.
Modified: 3.75/5
Draft: Ain't no Drafting this baby. N/A |
Promo Scyther
Same stat as yesterday's card, but with a different attack. It
only has one attack, Slashing Strike. Now, 2 energies for 40
damage without any coinflips is awesome! However, the drawback
is you can't use the attack again the next turn. Now, you can
end the effect by benching or evolving Scyther. Unfortunately,
it has one retreat cost, so you can't simply retreat for free
like its Jungle counterpart. In order for you to use the
attack again next turn, you would have to discard an energy
card to retreat and bring some free retreater, like a Baby.
This slows the card down a bit...
In Unlimited, you can combo it with with Double Gust or
Jungle Dodrio. However, I would definitely use Jungle Scyther
over Promo Scyther in this format...
In Modified, it deals 80 damage to Croconaw on the 2nd turn.
It makes a great TecH card against Gatr decks if you're
running Grass!
In Draft, it is... wait-a-minute, you can't draft it. ^_^;
Unlimited Rating: 3.2/5
Modified Rating: 3.9/5 (GREAT against Gatr!)
Draft Rating: N/A
Lord Gothmog
As promos go, this is a pretty
good one.
In unlimited, however, it gets schooled by
Jungle Scyther. Jungle Scyther has more HP, free retreat, and
colorless attacks. This one could fit into those Speedganium decks
no one plays. 2.25/5
In modified, I like it. It's guarunteed,
unlike Neo 2 Scyther, plus you can retreat it to end the
"can't use" effect. Meganium decks are a little more
viable in this format, but still, nobody plays it. I say 2.75/5
In limited...you can't play it. It's a

Promo Scyther. Interesting. But not
the greatest. For two grass, you can do 40, yet not do it next
turn. For 1 grass and two colorless on Rocket's Scyther, you
can. Now unless you want to constantly retreat, which is all
fine and dandy, I reccomend the latter. Not much else to say
about this card.
Standard Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 3/5
Draft Rating: (Hah Twinsen, you said
we couldn't and here I go doing it :P) If it was legal, it'd be
a 3/5.
~ RaNd0m

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