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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Base Sets
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.33 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 4.45 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 3.40 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed May 13, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Venucenter will be
coming to a tournament near you soon! Venusaur from Base set was
one of those cards that aaaallllmost could stand up to the
massive denial of Unlimited BBP decks. But, being a Stage 2 with
a 40 HP Basic, it just wasn't fast enough. The ability to move
your energy around at will does no good if you keep losing that
Now, however, with the upcoming
release of the Legendary Collection set, Venusaur will be legal
in Modified for the first time. Now that he can be used in a
more Energy-friendly environment, expect him to shine. Some
people are even planning on creating Venusaur-Meganium decks.
Personally, I feel that that is pushing it, but let's see how
they do. They will have Pokemon Breeder to help get them all
out. If Trader shows up in the set as well (still unknown as of
this writing) then they may actually pull it off.
One of the biggest advantages
that Venusaur will be able to give you is the utterly broken way
that it abuses Pokemon Center. You will be able to completely
heal multiple Pokemon all in one shot and not have to worry
about losing a single energy card. What a big advantage over
your opponent who will be stuck with removing 20 to 40 damage
counters at a time.
Unlimited: A skilled player can
hold their own with this card, but the weak Basic, two stages of
evolutions, and high energy requirements are just too much to
overcome. 3.25/5
Modified: Beware the new
VenuCenter decks! 4.5/5
Draft: You will likely only get one of these cards in your
draft. However, the Basic and Stage 1 cards are both good to
play, so if you get one and there is nothing else that can help
your deck, give it a shot. It's not a first choice (unless you
already have a couple of Ivysaurs), but certainly a decent
second or third pick. 3.75/5 |
Base Venusaur
A cool card that's gonna be
reprinted in Legendary Collection! I think the only deck that
had Venusaur in it must've run the Venu-Center combo
in order for it to playable. The point of the deck is to use
Energy Trans and move ALL of your Energy cards to a Pokemon
with no damage counters and THEN use Pokemon Center with NO
drawbacks! It was an awesome concept but saw very little play in
Unlimited. That was probably because of the amount of ER and
disruption going around. When Neo Genesis first came out, some
people including me, tried to revive the Venu-Center deck by
adding Meganium (Wild Growth). The point of the deck is to get
both Venusaur and Meganium out by turn 2 via lots of draw power
and Pokemon Breeders. If it worked, you'll be doing a 2nd turn
Solarbeam for 60 damage with just 2 Energy cards! Even
though we have LOTS of drawpower in Unlimited, the deck is
simply too weak to trainer disruption decks like Slowking. Lass
hurts it a lot too. It's the best combination compared to
Feraligatr + Blastoise or Charizard + Typhlosion (Fire
Back to the card discussion... ^_^'
100HP for a Stage 2 is pretty good. The Power is WAY awesome.
The combo with Pokemon Center is simply amazing! Solar Beam is a
pretty good attack for 4 energies.
In Unlimited, it's REALLY weak against ER. Even if you get
Venusaur up, you would probably never be able to attack. It's a
great support Pokemon though as you can use Energy Trans on ALL
of your Pokemon, and not just Grass Types. The combo with
Pokemon Center is a MUST!
In Modified, it's simply amazing! Add to the fact that Pokemon
Breeder will be printed in LC, you can get Venusaur out by turn
2! Since there's no ER (at least I hope so!) in Modified, we can
play Venusaur + Meganium = Venium-Center*! The next installment
of Venu-Center! ^_~
60 damage 2nd turn in Modified can be devastating! Remember, we
have draw power like Pokemon Breeder Fields and the regular draw
engine to get the setup done. Before Good Manners rolls
out, getting both Bulbasaur and Chikorita shouldn't be too hard.
Let's just pray that Pokemon Trader is also reprinted in LC...
Personally, I'm going to try out Venium-Center* in Modified.
However, some people would just play Venu-Center. I guess that
would work, but just seems kinda slow to me as it can only start
dealing massive damage on turn 4, when most decks could start
attacking on turn 3.
In Draft, Venusaur would be awesome if you can get it out. As
usual though, getting a Stage 2 out in Draft can be a real
challenge. Once you get it out, you can manipulate your energies
to your advantage. 60 damage is also great in draft!
Unlimited Rating: 3.2/5 (Venu-Center is an awesome deck idea!)
Modified Rating: 4.7/5 (Venium-Center might be an archetype to
contend with in the future...)
Draft Rating: 3.1/5 (Kinda hard to get out though...)
P.S.*: The term "Venium-Center" is copyrighted by
TwInSeN21! ^_^*
Lord Gothmog
Venusaur, the mighty. Pardon me
while I do my reprint jig. Hop step shuffle wiggle stomp pow.
In unlimited, Venucenter used to share rule
with Rain Dance back in the Base-Fossil days. However, times have
changed, the card stock is larger, and the Bulba-Based archetype
has fallen into neglect. Sad, really. It's not that bad. I have to
give it a 3.5/5 for old school value. It's still playable, some of
the newer cards aid it.
In modified, however, I predict it will
stomp to the top of the pecking order as soon as LC is on the
shelves. One shot, boom, dead gatr. No flips(except Focus Band).
It's one of the rare cards that combine power and control. And,
Pokemon Center is a promo now. That means that the deck will
probably be viable until such time as Legendary Collection rotates
out. I say 4.3/5.
In draft, it's good if you can get the lower
evos(not too hard). However, it needs a lot of good Grass or
Colorless support cards to work properly. I say 3.2/5

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