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Pokemon Card of the Day
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.9 (based on 2 reviews)
Modified: 2.70 (based on 2 reviews)
Draft: 3.65 (based on 2 reviews)
Reviewed May 15, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Metal Zapdos lives!
Well, almost...
Who would have thought that Base
set Zapdos would be something to consider playing? Well, while
it is a bit slow, it also can find a place in some decks. Both
of its attacks require 4 energy cards but the first one can use
one Metal so that it will do 50 damage to the defending Pokemon
and will only take 10 damage on a tails. Then, when it is about
to be KO'ed, you can go out with a bang by doing 90 damage (with
the Metal reduction). Of course, it will lose all of its energy
at that point, so if it's not KO'd, you need to get it out of
the active spot...
In the new modified, expect more
Lightning weak Water Pokemon to be played and Zapdos may be a
good counter.
Unlimited: Tooooooo
slloooooowwwwww. You will never get 4 Energy cards on this
creature. 2/5
Modified: Well, he has better Hit Points than Rocket Zapdos, but
his retreat cost is more and he can't do anything but sit there
while he is powering up, unlike RZ. Use something that can speed
him up and he may take out some of your opponents for you. 3.5/5
Draft: A decent pick. You should
be able to take out one or two of your opponent's Pokemon before
he is KO'd. That takes you halfway to a win. 3.5/5 |
Base Zapdos
The first Legendary Bird ever printed. 90HP for a Basic, no
Weakness, Resistance to Fighting is AMAZING! Then, you look at
the attacks and you cry... -_-;;
Thunder is an okay attack. 4 colored energies for 60 damage is
about average BUT if you flip Tails, you'll do 30 damage to
yourself. Thankfully, it has a pretty high HP count so it can
survive a few Tails.
Thunderbolt is a final attack. 100 damage is amazing, but at the
cost of discarding 4 Energy cards? Even Base Charizard's
Fire Spin is better!
In Unlimited, there was once a deck called Buzzapdos. Basically,
you can start using Thunder on the 2nd turn via Base Electrode's
Buzzap Power. That was a pretty good deck at that time but the
deck was weak to one of the most played Trainers in Unlimited:
Energy Removal (and SER too of course!). ER CRIPPLES the deck so
badly it's not even funny. Unless you can protect the
energies well with either Chaos Gym or Slowkings, don't bother
with this card. Chaos Gym might actually work, but not Slowkings.
You'll be running way too many Pokemon and the deck would lose
its main strength, SPEED.
In Modified, this card is
still not that good even though there's no ER. 4th turn is
just too slow... Unless Base Electrode is reprinted... ^_^
In Draft, finally a format where it's playable! You
can use it two ways. Soak up damage while you build up your
bench OR build it up on your bench and attack. I prefer building
it up on the bench and then attack for TONS of damage.
Thunderbolt would be a really nice final attack. ~_^
Unlimited Rating: 1.8/5 (Extremely weak to ER and might never
have the chance to attack)
Modified Rating: 1.9/5 (Unless Electrode is reprinted...)
Draft Rating: 3.8/5 (High HP and Lots of Damage = GooD)
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