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Pokemon Card of the Day
Jynx -
Level 23
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.15 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 2.75 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.30 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed May 21, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Here it is! The card
that is going to change the Metagame!
OK, not really. Still, Jynx is a
decent, middle of the road Pokemon. Nowhere near fast enough for
Unlimited, however. Will it find any playtime in the new
Modified? Eh, not too much. One energy for an average of 10 and
then 3 energy to do big damage only to a Pokemon that is already
hurting. It is weak in the early game and when it is really
strong, a little finesse could do the job better.
Still, a good Draft pick! In that
format, Pokemon stand toe to toe and slug it out. Jynx will get
to Meditate there!
Unlimited: 2.25/5
Modified: 2.75/5
Draft: 4.25/5 |
She's coming back as a rare in LC. Kinda weird considering it
wasn't really a good card to begin with. 70HP is the magical
number for a Basic. The attacks are decent as well.
Double Slap is okay as it does an average of 10 damage for one
energy. Fair enough.
Meditate is a nice attack. It has the potential to do LOTS of
damage but it can also only do as little as 20 damage.
On average, she qualifies as a Hay Pokemon. A bit inconsistent for
my taste though.
In Unlimited, she's not really playable. Why? There are just too
many Psychic Resistant Pokemon like Sneasel, Clefable and
Chansey... =/
In Modified, it's pretty decent. Especially since Crobat is quite
popular now. However, if you want a good RELIABLE Psychic Hay, you
can't go wrong with MP Mewtwo. ~_^
In Draft, she has lots of HP and the attacks are pretty good.
Definitely a high pick.
Unlimited Rating: 2/5 (Too many Psychic Resistant Pokes out
Modified Rating: 2.5/5 (Decent, but MP Mewtwo is much better...)
Draft Rating: 4/5 (My kind of card to draft! High HP Basic with
decent attacks...)
John Hornberg
Jynx 23 base rare psychic
Jynx was a fairly used basic pokemon, until
Movie Promo Mewtwo made this guy look sad. In truth, though, Base
Set Jynx is a solid pokemon, who has many uses. 70 HP is good for
a basic pokemon, and having the possibility of 20 damage on turn
one is okay.
Double Slap is flimsy, but workable since
it's only for one psychic energy.
Meditate is fun, punishment for taking
damage... A decent attack, but this is the big question mark for
this card. At PPC for 20+, it's not exactly amazing. Still, I'd
use it.
In Standard, Movie Promo Mewtwo every time
over this... a 2.
In Modified, more of a possibility, because
more pokemon have low HP. A hesitant 3 here, because if he does
make it here, we'll have to see how good he is.=
Lord Gothmog
Arg! Reprinted as a RARE! I
mean, it's an okay uncommon, but geez... In unlimited, if we could
go back in time to 1999, it's playable.
Sadly(not), this is not possible. As it is,
Sneasels, Chanseys, Fables, and the occasional Wiggly are dancing
around like lemurs on tranquilizers, laughing at Base Jynx. Too
much psychic resistance to be useful. 1.9/5
In modified, especially when Rocket and Gym
rotate out, it's not terrible. Resistance is pretty much Murkrow
and Miltank. And, with gigantic Stage 2s running around, Meditate
is a powerful attack. It rocks a Gatr with 5 damage or more, one
hit. I can see using it, even if it is the ugliest Pokemon in the
entire world. 2.9/5
In limited, it's a good psychic basic. 70
HP, 1 energy attack, and Meditate. Good pick. 3.5/5
Unlimited: Well, the fact that it hasn't
seen play in a while, I don't think re-introducing it would make
much of a difference. SwordDancer died a while back in Unlimited,
it's almost impossible to see it come back.
Modified (Neo): With the possibility of
Psychic making a come back in the Neo-Modified circuit, Jynx could
possible become a powerhouse combo with the Promo Scyther that
recently came out. SwordDancer again? No, not really.
TriX are possible but not against big
Evolutions from the Neo Blocks. Hmm, Smoochum anyone ;.)
Draft: A nice Basic and all, in Base Set 2
Draft it could work real well. In Base Set Draft it doesn't
compete as much as your Growlithe combos with Computer Search. And
in Legends, I consider it might end up the same. Not an impact but
a card to make sure you know who got because if it powers up their
might be problems.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
Modified: 2.4/5
Draft: 2.4/5
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