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Pokemon Card of the Day
Base Sets,
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.20 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 3.30 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 4.10 (based on 2 reviews)
Reviewed May 24, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Gyarados was once one of the most
fearsome Pokemon because of Raindance. One of my first few decks
when I started Pokemon was a Raindance deck. Before Fossil came
out, most Raindance decks were either Blastoise-Gyarados or
Blastoise-Dewgong. Why? Both Gyarados and Dewgong can do 50 damage
for 3 energies. With Raindance, that's 50 damage on the 2nd turn!
They both make excellent backups for the shellshocker. Dewgong
evolves from Seel, a decent Basic with 60HP. However, both Dewgong
and Blastoise would share the same weakness, Lightning, mainly
Electabuzz. With Gyarados, you get 20 more HP and a different
weakness. The main problem with Gyarados is that it evolves from a
puny little Magikarp. 30 HP is like waiting for it to be
Jabbed or Thundershocked with a PlusPower for a FTK. Once Fossil came
out though, Articuno steadily replaced Gyarados/Dewgong because
it's a Basic with NO Weakness and 70HP. Lapras were even
thrown in to combat the many Mr. Mimes. Ahh, those were the good 'ol
days. -_^
Now, Gyarados would be reprinted in LC. With both Arcanine
and Ninetales being reprinted in LC as well, we definitely need
more good Water Pokemon (especially since Gatr would be dead
once the new Modified rolls in).
100HP for a Stage 1 is amazing! Resistance to Fighting is nice,
although not really needed. Weakness to Grass can be pretty
bad since Turbo-Meganium or Venu-Center MIGHT be popular. Fire
would definitely be the type to metagame against though.
Dragon Rage. A cool attack, with an awesome name, and lots of
damage! Bubblebeam can be so helpful in many situations it's
not even funny. Heads, you're paralyzed and I win the game
next turn. Tails, I lose. Both attacks are amazing. The
main problem was Magikarp. It's just waiting for it to
be gusted if it's on the bench. Then a new superior Magikarp was
printed in Team Rocket. Rapid Evolution is simply amazing. All you
have to do is hold TR Magikarp in your hand until you have
Blastoise out. Then, drop 'Karp, Raindance 3 Water Energy to
it and Rapid Evolution. Voila, instant Gyarados! Weirdly enough,
TR Magikarp won't be reprinted in LC, instead the Base version one
would be. The only good point to Base 'Karp is the combo with
Recall or NR Aerodactyl.
In Unlimited, Raindance might not be as strong as before, but
it's still a force to be reckoned with.
In Modified, I've pretty much summed it up in the above
In Draft, pick it! NOBODY in their right mind is gonna take the
Magikarps (unless they also pulled Gyarados!). That means that you
might get one or two Magikarps or even more. Keep it safe on your
bench and evolve it to Gyarados. 3rd turn 50 damage from a 100HP
Pokemon spells trouble for your opponent. It's
just too bad that it wasn't TR Magikarp... By the way, I'm
referring to normal Draft and not Rochester...
P.S. Another alternative would be to use Brock's Ninetales instead
of Magikarp...
Unlimited Rating: 2.6/5 (Magikarp is Gust and FTK bait...-_-;; )
Modified Rating: 3.8/5 (Fire would be pretty popular...)
Draft Rating: 4.3/5 (Just because I think you can get Magikarps
easily ~_^)
John Hornberg
Gyarados 41 base holo water
Base set Gyarados has the
misfortune of evolving from Magikarp, a basic that has prey
written all over it when it gets played. Otherwise, Gyarados is
really good for a stage 2.
He has two very potent attacks, and
doesn't necessarily need 4 water energies to reach his full
Dragon Rage is a good attack. Three
of anything for 50 damage is incredible in my opinion.
Bubblebeam is playable as well.
Paralysis has the potential it be overwhelming, and coupled with
40 damage could spell a victory for you.
In standard, a good player will see
that Magikarp, roll around on the ground laughing because you are
playing it, and then proceed to put it out of it's misery before
Gyarados has a chance to hurt him. Super Energy Removal also
cripples his severly. Only a 2 in Standard.
In modified, where evolution seems
to be more prevalent, and Super Energy Removal is no where in
sight, Gyarados can have his cake and eat it too... that is if he
has a good supporting cast to come before him, and a consistant
way to protect the Magikarps BESIDES Focus Band (it works, but
don't rely on it). A 3 here...
Lord Gothmog
Ah, Base Gyarados. The stuff legends
are made of. That, and plenty of marine adhesive.
In unlimited, I saw many a
Raindance with this in it. But alas, Magikarp was weak, and
Electabuzz was plenty. Few remain still wrapped around a deck...
In modified, however, people have until
August to abuse the Base Gyarados +Recall trick. Just how
humiliating is it to lose to this? I'll give you a hint. It rhymes
with "a bot." It could actually work! 3/5. I love
In limited, it's a dang good
choice. Magikarp is a common, so they're plentiful, and 100 HP and
monstrous attacks makes it very powerful indeed. Plus, Electric is
almost non-existant in draft, so Magikarps won't get FTKO'd as
much. 3.9/5
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