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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Base Sets,
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.43 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 4.14 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 3.40 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed May 29, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Ninetale's is a
great Pokemon that only gets shut down in Unlimited because of
it's high energy cost and the fact that ER will leave it as a
sitting duck.
80 damage for 4 energy and a discard of
one is great, but you'd never get it powered up, or only for one
attack if you did.
On the other hand, now that it is allowed
in Modified, look for it to be one of the cards competing for
top Fire deck. Entei or Typhlosion's will power it up fast and
it's 80 damage will take out most opponents.
As for Draft, while it is very strong, the
basic is horrible. Since it is a rare foil, you can't depend on
getting it out and you don't want to have to fight your battles
with Vulpix. For this reason, the Arcanine line is much better
to draft, if you can. I'm lowering its rating only because of
Unlimited: 2.5/5
Modified: 3.75/5
Draft: 2.75/5 |

A lot of people claimed that this card was underrated in
Unlimited. 80HP for a Stage 1 is pretty good. The one retreat cost
is probably one of the biggest difference when compared to
Magcargo or Arcanine.
Lure was next to useless in the old days. Now, the attack is an
amazing TeCH against Slowking! Fire Blast was the main reason why
a lot of people liked Ninetales. 80 damage for only one discard is
amazing. It's like a super Flamethrower!
In Unlimited, ER is its main enemy. You won't be able to
attack too much with Fire Blast...
In Modified, Ninetales would probably replace Magcargo because of
3 things. 1st of all, it has no Pokemon Power, so it's not that
vulnerable to Pichu like the "old" Entei-Cargo deck. 2nd
of all, Lure is amazing against Slowking or if you want to gust
something to stall. Finally, the one retreat cost means that you
can abuse Double Gust more.
In Draft, it makes a decent pick. It's kinda require a lot of
Energies, and you would have to go mono-Fire. Usually people like
to draft 2 colors + colorless, so I guess it depends on what you
get in your other packs...
Unlimited Rating: 3.2/5 (TOO weak to ER)
Modified Rating: 4.5/5 (I have a feeling that Entei-Tales would be
one of the most popular decks)
Draft Rating: 3.7/5 (You have to go mono-Fire, which is not really
a good idea)

Wednesday: Ninetales
Hehehehehehe... this card is broken.
Hell, if Spike ever comes back to pokemon, it's now. Ninetales
may be the next best deck in the new modified. Combine Ninetales
with Entei, Scoop Up, and Pichu, and you have a beautiful deck.
The turbo of this deck is enormous... Not to mention Ninetales,
who can do 80 damage for 4 fire with 1 discard! You can get this
fox ready to go turn 2 :)
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 4.5/5
Draft Rating: 3/5
Lord Gothmog
Ah, Ninetales. Famous! And
yet....Infamous.</cheesy opener line> In unlimited, eh. It
won't be around long enough to fire blast on most occasions. Lure
might be somewhat good if you go first against the dumbest/most
draw-screwed Slowking player in the world. Otherwise, save it for
another format. 2/5
In modified, now, I can definitely see it
being played. A gust attack for CC is excellent. And Fire Blast is
definitely good. I predict this, Entei, and Typhlosion will show
up a lot. However, that leaves the question, which to use,
Arcanine or Ninetales? I'll leave that question to the
philosophers. 3.8/5
In limited, it's a great pick. Stage 1
foil/reverse foil, with common basics. It WILL make all their base
belong to you. 4.2/5
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