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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Scoop Up
- Base Sets,
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
4.00 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 4.25 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 4.15 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed May 30, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Scoop Up.
A nice, balanced, powerful card.
You get to escape from whatever danger you
are in, but at a decent cost. You lose all the energy and
This is very popular in Unlimited because
many of the cards being played are Big Basics with low energy
demands, so the downside is very small. In modified, while
evolutions are much more popular, it is still very useful, but
not good for every deck. Also useful for abusing "Come Into
Play" Pokemon Powers!
Always a first pick in Draft since it can
act as a Switch and as a mini Pokemon Center.
Just don't Scoop Up your only Pokemon! ;-)
Unlimited: 4.5/5
Modified: 4/5
Draft: 4.75/5 |

Scoop Up
The best combo is definitely with Holo Entei. ~_^
In Unlimited, old-skool Hays used to run 4 copies of Scoop Up. It
acts as a Switch and a healer at the same time. Damage Swap deck
also uses it to Scoop Up Chansey. Scoop Up also makes Entei decks
playable in Unlimited. It's kinda absolute now because of Gold
In Modified, Entei decks just got a lot stronger. After you Howl,
you can Scoop it up next turn and re-use Howl! We're gonna lose
Good Manners soon, but we still have Pokemon Trader. Entei decks
also have a lot more choices as its main attacker, either
Arcanine, Magcargo, or Ninetales.
In Draft, anything that heals is really good. You also get to
switch, it's like two cards in one. A high pick, unless you
get better cards...
Unlimited Rating: 3.5/5 (Most people simply play Gold Berry in
Modified Rating: 4.5/5 (Entei decks just got stronger, a LOT
Draft Rating: 4.25/5 (Heal = Good)

Thursday: Bill
We've reviewed this a few times :P
But this is definitely going to be played. It is the new
replacement for Secret Mission, Misty's Wrath, and Erika.
However, it isn't enough. MMF will have little draw power
compared to MF.
This will be a necessary card.
Drawing 2 cards will be important.
Standard Rating: 4/5
Modified Rating: 4.5/5
Draft Rating: 5/5 (More like 10 to
the fortieth x 9.9/5)
Lord Gothmog
I can't tell you how glad I am
this card is being reprinted. It's like a targeted Center, a
Switch, and a....well... Scoop up! Funny name too.
In standard, some decks would have never
gotten off the ground without it. It's just good. Trust me. It's
one of the Power 9 from Base, unquestionably. 3.8/5
In modified, up until now, we've had 3 ways
to get something out of the active position. Warp Point/Double
Gust(counts as 1), Baloon Berry, and just plain Retreating. Now,
not only can you get that Cleffa out of Mean Look, but it goes
back to your hand, so they can't do it again. It's just insanely
useful here. 4/5
In draft, the lack of draw will usually
ensure that any 1 card will not make a difference, but it has some
use. Just hope you get it when you can apply that use. 2.6/5
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