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Pokemon Card of the Day
Scoop Up
- Base Sets,
Legendary Coll.
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.40 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 2.75 (based on 4 reviews)
Draft: 3.50 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed May 31, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

I've never been
a big fan of fossil Articuno. Sure, it was used a lot in
Raindance decks, but it seems that it was more because of a lack
of Big Basics for Water than anything else.
You can do 30 and have a chance of
paralyzation or 50 and a chance at bench damage (to both
players). It seems to me that foil Suicune makes a better
choice. You give up Articuno's resistance but gain a lower
retreat cost and a permanent Agility-like Pokemon Power that
will keep Suicune from being hit with any status effects.
Overall, Articuno is a decent card, but
there are better choices.
Unlimited: 3.5/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Draft: 3.75/5 |

Fossil Articuno
It was the popular choice as a backup hitter in Raindance decks.
Without Raindance Articuno is simply too slow. 70HP for a Basic is
nice. However, both attacks require a lot of energies, making it
next to impossible to play without Blastoise.
In Unlimited, you would HAVE to play it with Blastoise. Now, both
attacks are pretty good, although a bit costly. Freeze Dry is a
good attack. A heads for Paralyze at the right time can win you
the game. Blizzard does lots of damage. The bench damage can hurt
both you and your opponent though.
In Modified, no Blastoise. -_-' It's not really playable in this
format because it's too slow.
In Draft, just build it up on your bench and send it out to dish
lots of damage!
Unlimited Rating: 3.5/5 (Only used as a backup in Raindance
Modified Rating: 2.3/5 (Too SLOW without Blastoise...)
Draft Rating: 3.7/5

Friday: Articuno
Remember the old Raindances where
Articuno seriously was the pwnz? Well, it's back with a brand
new modified look! However, is it really that good?
Articuno could be good in the right
water deck, and WILL be necessary in any water deck, however
thats it. I see some use for this guy, but not total use. Water
won't be as big of an impact in modified as it used to be.
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 3.5/5
Draft Rating: 3/5
Lord Gothmog
And today we search for the
In unlimited, it was one of the best cards
to come out of Fossil, but Blastoise is legal in all his Rain
Dancing splendour. That's what makes it good. No weakness,
resistance to Fighting, and good attacks with 70 HP also help a
bit. Raindance is still good, so this is too. 3.3/5
In modified, however, the only really
popular Water deck is Feraligatr, and it might not be so popular
for long. Now, without Raindance, Articuno is nothing more than a
Bench Jockey for 3-4 turns. Not really worth it, considering you
can have an attacking evolution with that same energy. 2/5
In draft, a bench jockey that comes out
swinging for quite a bit is usable. It's a good pick, but only if
you opened it first pack, or are Drafting water already. It's
definitely not multi-color friendly. 2.9/5
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