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Pokemon Card of the Day
Dragonite -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Dragonite (Exp.)
Tailwind is just plain amazing. With this out, your Steelix and
Slowking can retreat for free! It's almost like a free Switch or
Full Heal if you also have a Baby on your bench, every turn.
Dragon Tail on the other hand, is just plain awful. 3 different
energy requirements and the attack is nowhere near spectacular.
In Unlimited, although it could do wonders if you are playing
Slowking, it's just not worth the space. 2.5/5
In Modified, it is slightly better here. But not much. 3/5
In Draft, extremely hard to get out and I really doubt that you
would be able to attack with it. The power is amazing if you can
get it out, but it's just not really worth the trouble. 3/5
Art Rating: 3.5/5 (A pretty good picture... Eh, my art comment is
getting kinda lame =/) |
dontknow09 |
Expedition Dragonite
This card is totally wierd. Ok, lets get to the point. 100HP is
standard for most stage 2's. Bottom stats is jus plain bad now. No
weakness is still good though, but resistance has been cut off and
2 retreat is given to dragonite. And the attack... Geez, 3
different energies to do the same as the fossil dragonite? There's
something wrong with the guy who made this card. But i guess the
decent thing is the power that reduces retreat to 0 for the active
Unlimited- Yea right, like this is going to survive as your main
hitter. SER is gonna shut dragonite down. You could use it to make
use of the power, but i have no idea how. Still, its not as
reliable since its a stage 2. I would plain out use a switch.
MMF- Don't think its going to survive here either. Sure the attack
can do up to 80, and thats alota damage. But with that kinda
dependability, you are not going to do anything. Switch has been
reprinted, so that makes no use of dragonite. 1.5/5
Draft- Stage 2 with a multi energy attack will not do in draft.
Its going to be impossible to do anyting productive. Even if it is
used only for the power, what are you going to use it for? 1/5
Have a great weekend poke's. Next week its my turn =D. |

Random |
Friday - Dragonite
When I first heard there would be a Dragonite in Expedition, I
screamed with joy (well, sorta). I honestly THOUGHT it would be
awesome. Dragonite used to be one of my favorite pokemon, and the
thought of the line returning to modified was... great! Then I
looked at it.
WHAT THE HECK!?! This is the worst attack I've ever seen. You
AVERAGE 40 for three different energy types! The power is good,
but not huge. I can't believe Wizards made this card so... bad!
I'm seriously going to have bad dreams about this. =/
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 1.5/5 |
TR Shadow |
Sunday's my birthday! Oh yeah, I'll
try and have a fix for ya'll on Monday.
The attack is extremely expensive.
It's not worth it either. An average of 40 for 3 different
types of energy is just plain bad. The power to give your
active free retreat is good in a lot of situations. It should
not replace the switch though.
In unlimited, for anything, three
different types of energy as a cost is devastating. Don't use
Unlimited 2/5
standard 2/5
Modified 2/5
Limited 2/5
TMP 3/5
Pikafreak |
This picture makes it look like Baby Dragon (yu-gi-oh)(TR
Shadow will kill me for mentioning yu-gi-oh).
This dragonite is virtually a Shiny pokemon that has to evolve.
It does have a pretty nice power though. Too bad it doesn't
have resistance to something. The power allows you to turn your
active pokemon's retreat cost to 0 once per turn as long as
Dragonite is kept on the bench. But seriously, this thing takes
3 different energy types to flip 2 coins 40x the number of
Unlimited: 1.000/5
MMF: 2/5
Draft: 1.000/5
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