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Pokemon Card of the Day
Rapidash Promo
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Promo Rapidash
60HP is slightly lower than the regular 70HP we are used to.
Jump Over is kinda situational. First of all, you can't use the
attack against your opponent's active. 2nd, it's a coin flip.
Super Singe is decent with DCE. Burn is nice as well.
In Unlimited, not good enough. HP is simply too low and too weak
to ER as it relies on DCE too much. 2/5
In Modified, it's good. But it simply dies to a lot of Pokemon,
especially Discovery Kabutops. 2/5
In Draft, you can't get it. =P N/A
The Poke`mon Master 1110
This is a nice LOOKING card. Could it be good?
Hmmmm... *Brian reads over card, thinking, thinking* Well...
Pobabliy not. It is very close though. Damaging the bench is good,
and the ability to use colorless energy is good, but it just isn’t
good enough. Especially with a flip. The second attack is accually
OK. Only one colored energy and a double colorless, so you could
do 30 and burn on the second turn. Thats pretty good. Water
weakness is natural, and free retreat is good and standard for
most Rapidashes. Still, not the best, but decent. Good artwork,
I’ll give it that.
Unlimited: Nope. He may do some damage and
may even take a prize, but the ponytas arn’t anything special.
Plus, this is still Haymaker land. 2/5
MMF: Better here, but still not good enough.
Kingdra is so very popular, and fire popularity is dwindling. He
won’t be able to leave a good enough mark when he bites the dust.
Play something else. 2.5/5
Limited: N/A
Artwork Rating: Well, Twinsin had this cool
idea so i’ll do it too. This one is well drawn, it shows fury and
passion. 3.75/5
Overall Average Rating: 2.25/5 |
dontknow09 |
Expedtion Rapidash
Yay, its my week. To start off, its promo Rapidash from the recent
Nintendo Power featuring Metriod Prime/Fusion =D. Well, lets
analyze this promo. 60 HP is pretty LOW! For a stage 1, that is
low. Every rapidash had 70 hp but this one. Bottom stats stayed
the same though, water weakness, no resistance, and 0 retreat. The
attacks jus plain out stink. 2 colorless to do a 50/50 to the
bench? Super singe is alright, but not good enough to defend
Unlimited- KO'd. Thats about all thats gona happen if you play
this. Im just going to keep it simple. No way you could win some
major tournies with this. 1.5/5
MMF- Same problem here. Not enough hp. No good attacks. So it has
no offensive/defensive abilities. It has somewhat, but really,
what other stuff can you think of that's better than this?
Draft- Can't use it. ??/?? |
Phil |
Rapidash Rare (Never Going To Be
Played) Promotional Card
Wow, Phil is back reviewing for the COTD! Heh I must have been
bribed alot to stay up past my bedtime writing this...
Continuing a long line of useless hard to obtain promotional cards
is Rapidash. It kills me to think how hard Wizards of the Coast
had to fight to get a decent promotional card (Base Electabuzz)
for Battlezone. Rapidash's hit points are at an all time low with
sixty, which hurts due to the fact that any water Pokemon can
knock this stage one out with thirty damage. Odd hit points always
have an edge up on your opponent's attacking Pokemon since all
attacks are round numbers. That is true unless they manage to
topdeck a
Plus Power or Strength Charm. Jump Over reminds me of Genesis
Murkrow, only on a Stage One and with more limitations (coin
flip). I'd say Super Singe is somewhat decent, it would be better
if it's cost happened to be all colorless though. With that said,
at least this card does not have a retreat cost. However, what
Rapidash does not have a retreat cost?
Unlimited has better options than this card. Personally I would
Blaine's Rapidash if your looking for that horse themed deck. On
the other hand seeing as electric is strong it does allow Rapidash
some help from a water disaster if you choose to play him. Double
Colorless gives this guy or female Pokemon some more time to do
something before being knocked out. That is, if you can manage to
get three of him let alone one. 1/5
Things dont get much better in Modified since there are so many
water decks viable in this format. Like several diffrent versions
of Feraligatr, all three Blastoise, Kingdra, and lets not forget
all the other small stage ones who could simply knock out this
guy, let alone many of the popular Entei and company decks from
the 2001-2002 Modified format. Do I also have to mention that
everyone and their mother has Double Gusts which denies any chance
burned working 50% of the time? Just trade this for something
better or sell it on Ebay to some terrible player who didn't read
my review. 1/5
If you manage to draft this, well you have mighty powers to fool
those who play against you and the judges of the draft.
-Phil |
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