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Pokemon Card of the Day
Butterfree -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Butterfree (Exp.)
I just love the Power. The ability for unlimited Free Full Heal is
amazing in all formats. Unfortunately, Status effect is not really
viable in Unlimited because it's just too easy to get rid off. In
Modified, it's better here since we could see status effects in
decks like Crobat, Dark Gengar and some others. In Draft, the
power would prove to be invaluable if you opponent manage to draft
a bunch of status Pokemon.
Spiral Drain is really decent attack. Best in Unlimited of course
since you can power it up with DCE. In Modified, depends on the
metagame. Grass is really bad against Steelix and Fire and we no
longer have Resistance Gym. In Draft, the attack only require one
colored Energy and two colorless, making it very draft friendly.
The power, like I already said, is really good in Draft. Decent HP
AND free retreat is also really helpful. Getting it out would be
slightly challenging though...
Unlimited Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 3.4/5
Draft Rating: 3.5/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Ok, I like this alot. The power can be just abused. I have thought
up a nasty deck idea with this, and many may have already thought
of it, but I wont say it so if can be kept a secrect untill I
decide to bust it out in a tournament. Ha, ha, ha, my opponets,
you shall all know true fear! Ahem... exuse me. Back to the card.
The power is like having a full heal at your disposal every single
turn, and that is very good. The attack is quick to power up with
a DCE, does some decent damage and averages removing a damage
counter per attack. Sweet.
Unlimited. Nice. Powers up fast, good attack and power. It could
see some play, just not too much. Alas. Although this is the
format I have to use it in for my combo to work =/ 3/5
MMF:Grass is weak to fire, so that takes it down a bit. Most fire
type decks could roast this guy with one shot. Not good. Aside
from this fact, it’s not that bad. Special Conditions are a little
more prevelant here, and that could make him useable. And his
attack makes him less Double Gust vulnerable. 3.5/5
Limited: Nice. Expedition is a good set to draft. Get him out, and
your opponet will start to sweat a bit. Special Conditions are
rampant here, and he can heal himself while he does damage. He’ll
give your opponet a real hard time. 4/5
Overall average rating: 3.5/5
dontknow09 |
Monday: Butterfree Expedition
Yay, its November. Well, we're going to continue our reviews on
expediton cards. Here's the first holo butterfree of all time(if
you don't count the one in discovery, which was supposed to be
holo =/ ). Well, butterfree has 80HP, it never gets higher than
that for some reason... Free retreat is nice. The poke-power is
like the gameboy promo venusaur. Spiral drain is a economical
attack, only needing 1 grass and 2 colorless, but still doesnt
really make up for the damage and effect...
Unlimited- Like many other poke's, butterfree can use DCE. The
most i can say about this butterfree is that its a below average.
Its not really good for real play. Why are butterfree's so bad?
Does TPC hate it or something??
MMF- Fire and water seem to dominate MMF. Although one or two
water archetypes are weak to grass, butterfree will be clobbered.
Look's like butterfree will never see the light reflecting off a
championship award... or will it? 2.5/5
Draft- Well, not one of the caterpies are decent enough to live to
become a butterfree. Anyways, theres always better stuff you can
pick besides butterfree... 2/5
Thundachu |
Expedition Butterfree Holo:
Overlook: 80HP for a stage 2 is alright I guess. Could be worse. I
especially like the Pokemon Power. Use this pokemon for it's power
from the bench and have no fear of Poison, or Confusion or Burn. I
really think the text on the power is interesting... It says "Once
during your turn, before you attack you may remove all special
conditions from your active pokemon". I mean, how many times can
you really actually heal your pokemon of a speacil condition?. For
1 grass and 2 colorless energy you can do 40 and have a chance of
getting rid of 2 damage counters. Weakness to fire. Typhlosion
could be a problem. I especially like the Free Retreat cost. It
Unlimited: 3.5/5
Modified: 4/5
Draft: 2/5
E-Reader Translation: Holo cards have no barcode on them ;( |
TR Shadow |
*Double checks to make sure she has
the right card this time =P*
Not a bad power! The ability to remove a special; condition from
your active is good. The Spiral Drain requires a flip to remove
damage so it's usually not worth using. This is one of those Pokes
that should be kept on the bench to help the main hitter (probably
a stage one).
The Poke power has a lot of uses, but this thing takes up too much
space to use in ANY deck. Some can find this Poke very useful for
curing their active... maybe even attacking with it!
Unlimited 2/5
Standard 3/5
Modified 3.5/5
Limited 2/5
~TRS~ |
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