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Pokemon Card of the Day
Jumpluff -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Jumpluff (Revelation)
This card was kinda overhyped when it first came out. No one
really played it then. Although if you look at the stats, you'll
wonder why...
70HP for a Stage 2 is kinda bad. But free retreat and resistance
to Fighting is pretty darn good. Not to forget that both of its
attacks only require one Grass Energy.
In Unlimited, it's amazing as it recovers from ER so fast it's not
even funny. You can also combo wit with SER and Pokemon Center.
With the drawpower in Unlimited, getting a 2nd turn Jumpluff
should be a breeze. 3.8/5
In Modified, does too little damage. Steelix also rears its ugly
head every once so often. Now, the cool thing is, once you powered
up for Jumpluff, you can start building your bench as Jumpluff is
as good to go. Basically what I'm saying is, you should play
Jumpluff as supporter and not a main hitter. 3.5/5
In Draft, the whole Jumpluff line are usually really good picks
because of their free retreat. How good it is in draft depends on
which boosters you are drafting it with. It will be more playable
if you draft it with LC or Expedition, and even better with Base
Set... 3.5/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Tell me, the point? Why would you evolve to a
stage two that has only 70 hp, and can only do 30 damage? Sure
it’s kind of fast, but beond that there is nothing. Sorry, but
this just does not make the cut, in any format.
Unlimited: Fish food. Man, this thing will
get sliced diced and beat up four ways and served to a hungry
gyrados before you can say "Jumpluff". 1.5/5
MMF: Slightly better here, but that doesn’t
say much for it. To me, a stage two HAS to have ether an useful
power or an attack that does good damage. He has nether. Sorry,
Jumpy, your a binder poke. 2/5
Limited: Nope. This set is not set up to be
great in draft, and a holo-stage two? Not a chance, man. Should
you get it out, it won’t even last THAT long, even in draft. 2.5/5
Overall average rating: 2/5
Happy Birthday to me! Well, Sunday
accually =D Have a good week Bill.
The Poke`mon Master 1110

dontknow09 |
Friday: Jumpluff Revelation
This card for the revelation brings back memories. Memories of how
i got creamed by this card by a former pojo person. 70HP is kinda
low for this poke but i guess this balances the good stuff, which
are: 1 energy attacks(one does 30, the other helps swarm), 0
retreat, fighting resistance. You can do many things with this
card. Abuse SER, swarming, the 'rotation' technique. No wonder my
cards got slaughtered.
Unlimited- Well, you can abuse SER. HAH! 70 HP gives it a chunk of
problems, but it can be made up with the help of healing trainers.
Like i said, so0 many things to do with jumpluff. 3.75/5
MMF- Well, you can't abuse SER. BOO! But you can abuse Double
Gust. HAH! Well not really, too many people play double gust with
babies. Not as strong here since the loss of some important
trainers. You could swarm and dominate... 3/5
Draft- Now, i wont rant on this card. It's pretty good. Why? No 4
energy attack and does some amazing damge for one. Also, SWARMING,
but thats highly unlikely to happen since i dont think more than 2
jumpluffs can pop out of revelation packs and you actually getting
them. But im pretty sure one is good enough. 3/5 |
Croconaw88 |
Solarbeam is very nice only one grass for 30 but it's
downside is it cant do a whole lot of damage. Low HP
for a stage 2 though. In Standard no weakness to
SER/ER is great but the low HP hurts it. Evolution
Spore is good for getting out your skiplooms/jumpluffs
in draft. In Modified it can swarm but I dont see much
use here.
Standard 2/5
Modified 3/5
Draft 3/5 |
Khap |
Neo: Revelation Jumpluff
Unlimited: Jumpluff is actually decent in Unlimited. Since it is
pretty much invulnerable to any energy denial, it seems like it
stands a chance. But, it may have too little damage. Plus, it
works well with Breeder, enabling it to use its first attack to
evolve any lone Hoppips/Skiplooms. Swarming, yay! =P
Modified: Though certainly not used often, it is a good choice for
swarming. Just like in Unlimited, Breeder can be used with this
card. Then, it can use its attack to produce even more Skiploom or
Jumpluffs. Combined with Pokémon Centers and Energy Stadium, it
works similarly to Kingdra. But, Steelix slows this Jumpluff down.
However, it is still good by all means.
Draft: If you're lucky enough to find all the cards necessary to
support this Stage 2, then by all means get it. However, getting a
a whole Stage 2 line is difficult indeed. If you do get it, then
you can use its first attack to bring out more evolutions, which
is always a good thing in Draft, Plus, it works on one Energy! So
you can run low amounts even in Draft. =/
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: 3/5
Draft: 2.7/5
-~Khap |
TR Shadow |
It's Pikafreaks turn to pick, and knowing how much of a Jumpluff
fan she is, I'm not at all surprised about having to review Jumpy
This is the only Poke I've seen that can do 30 for one energy with
no draw back. It works well with breeder because of this. They
work so well in swarming decks, it's possible to get 2 of these
Pokes out by turn 2 with breeders. Considering that the main type
in Modified is water, Jumpy decks will work very well.
IN unlimited, they're very hard for other decks to deal with.
Getting 3-4 out by the 4th turn can be devastating. A Jumpluff
deck only needs 12 energy due to the low costs, which gives a lot
more room for draw power. Personally, I think the only thing wrong
with this Jumpy is the fire weakness, which is common anyway.
Unlimited 4/5
Standard 4/5
Modified 4.5/5
Limited 3/5
TMP 3/5
~TRS~ |
Pikafream |
It's Friday and I'm reviewing one of my favorite
Jumpluff may not seem like much at first glance.
70 Hp and weakness to fire hurt it. But then I realized "Hey
this thing is a Breederfields every turn with no flip!" That's
right, its first attack allows you to choose all of your Hoppips
and Skiplooms in play and search for their evolution and place
it on them. Within 2 turns you have three more Jumpluff to
battle with. 30 damage for one grass is one of the most energy
efficient attacks in the game. Plus, it has free retreat and
resistance to fighting. It is practically immune to status
effects and can last a long time with a Gold Berry. I have a
very successful deck consisting entirely of babies, Scythers,
and Jumpluffs.
Unlimited: 3/5 (whole line with free retreat and
can resist haymakres)
MMF: 4/5 (it's one of the fastest lines
out there)
Draft: 2/5 (bye-bye Hoppip)
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