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Pokemon Card of the Day
Switch -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

I'm slightly disappointed that
Switch was reprinted in Expedition. Why? If you know me
personally, you would know that I am, let me rephrase that, WAS an
avid Dark Gengar player in Modified. Once I get the Murkrow/Gengar
Lock, I can just grin at my opponent for the rest of the match,
knowing that they would either be praying for 2 Heads in a row or
a Double Gust. However, Switch was reprinted, making any chance of
Dark Gengar being very playble a lot slimmer.
In Unlimited, it depends on what kind of decks you're playing. If
you're playing a bunch of free retreaters, you could just use
Double Gust. If you play Slowkings or Hays, you should play a
couple of Switches just in case.
In Modified, it's good against Status. Just switch for a baby and
retreat for free. Plain and simple. If you play Slowkings, you
definitely should run these. Combo it with Double Gust to make it
a Gust of Win(d). ~_^
In Draft, it's a great utility card. Bring in a BBP to stall while
you build your bench, and Switch it before it is KO-ed. Or, get
the best Weakness/Resistance match up. Probably not first pick,
but it should be a pretty high one.
Unlimited Rating: 3.5/5
Modified Rating: 4/5
Draft Rating: 3.5/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Since modified is now sorta dead I
wont be doing reveiws for it anymore.
Switch: This is a good card because it helps to not only save you
from having to discard energies to retreat but it also helps you
to remove special conditions from your active pokemon. Switch it
out for a cleffa, free retreat and boom! its ready to rumble once
again! This truly must be one of the most underrated cards there
is and shold be played much more than it is.
Unlimited: Pretty good, but this card is more useful for
evolutions, which unfortunatly people hate playing in this format
cuz they would rather not do any thinking and play stuff like
sneasle. So, this card isnt that great. Alas. 2.5/5
MMF: This is where it is alot better. This is evolution territory,
and most of um have a high retreat. Also, lots of pokes use dark,
steel etc. energies here and status is more prevelant. Good card.
Limited: Nice. Say what you will, but it is not too easy to power
up pokes in this format and discarding energies is NOT a good
thing here. This is great. Also, status effects are REALLY strong
here, so this combats that nicly. A pretty high pick. 4/5
Thundachu |
Switch... Switch... Switch
Unlimited: In Unlimited Switch is great. Is your pokemon
poisoned, etc? Well, switch it with a 0 retreater and you are back
in the
game.Chaos Gym and Slowking could cause a few problems though. 5/5
Modified: Well, I guess it is ok. Gets rid of burn and everything.
have a few problems with Slowking though. Get Muk out on the case
and that
handles that. 4.5/5
Limited: No comment. Just 0wnage. 5/5 |
Pikafreak |
I know that Switch is nice and
everything, but I just don't like this card. Don't ask me why.
Even I don't know why. Thankfuly, I play a Jumpluff deck and I
don't have to ever see this card. On to the review.
How many times have they printed
this card? It was in Base Set, Base Set 2, Legendary, and now
it's in Base Set: Expedition. That's a total of 4 times that
has to be a record, if you don't count energies. At least it
got some new art work.
Personally, I prefer Double Gust in
all categories beside draft. It is always fun to see the look
on TR Shadow's face when I double gust up her Slowking with a
lucky flip. :) This
card is pretty good overrall, it will just never have a place in
my Rabid Jumpluff Deck.
Unlimited: 3/5 (Call back your beefy
hitter and heal him while he's on the bench)
MMF: 2/5 (Just use double
Limited: 3.5/5 (They won't have a
way to get out your hurt pokemon again)
TR Shadow |
This is actually a pretty good card, especially in Modified.
Slowking needs this card! He has that high retreat cost and
appears in almost every deck. If you use Slowking, it's
essential that you play at least 2 of these in your deck to
counter against double gust. It works better than balloon berry
because balloon berry won't let you switch when you're effected
by a status effect. There are MANY Pokes in Modified that
inflict status effects. If you use a switch, you can have a
focus or a gold berry attached to your active, unlike balloon
berry. So switch is definitely better than balloon berry.
Unlimited 2.5/5
Standard 3/5
Modified 4/5
Limited 3/5
DontKnow09 |
Well, this card is a reprint from the original base set. This card
has saved me several games lately so lets analyze this.
Switch simplies replaces your active with one on your bench.
Nothing much to it. BUT this cards is not like retreating, so it
heals your active from Status effects. This card can literally
change the whole game enviroment around.
Unlimited-Not much use here. You wouldn't want to use switch since
you have your 0 retreaters(Sneasle, Sycther, babies, etc...).
MMF-Switch is better here. With bigger Pokemon comes higher
retreat. You seriously don't wanna throw away energies to retreat
do ya? But then again, most of these big evolved ones are pretty
strong, so they dont have to retreat. I dontknow, its your choice.
I would put 1 'just in case'. 3/5
Draft-Now i get down to draft and i realize that this card is
really hard to review. Well it really depends on what you pick. If
you pick 4 snorlaxes, sure why not go for it. But mainly in draft,
you should pick lower retreat poke's instead. Like i said, it all
depends on YOU! 2.75/5
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