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Pokemon Card of the Day
Oak's Research -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Professor Oak's Research
Ah, another amazing Supporter. This was meant more for Unlimited
than Modified. Professor Oak is probably one of the most broken
draw power ever printed for the TCG. Professor Elm was then
printed in Genesis and a lot of people decided to replace their
Oaks with Elms. Until they found out how slow Elm is. In
Unlimited, especially in really offensive decks, speed is
everything. Misty's Wrath is great! However, the loss of 5 other
cards is sometime very painful.
Let's look at Professor Oak's Research. This is basically
Professor Oak + Professor Elm combined into one. It has the speed
of Oak and the shuffling ability of Elm. The only downside is that
it is a Supporter and you only get 5 cards.
In Unlimited, it's amazing. Almost no drawbacks whatsoever. Use up
your hand, Oak's Research, and you still get to use Trainers!
Since it is a Supporter, you should probably just play 3 of these
intead of the regular 4.
In Modified, it's good but not really necessary. Here, you usually
have a decent amount of cards in your hand. I rather keep what I
have and still draw. The solution? Bill's Maintenance.
In Draft, what else can I say? Draft it. ~_^
Unlimited Rating: 5/5
Modified Rating: 4/5
Draft Rating: 5/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Professor Oaks Research:
I REALLY like this card! VERY nice.
Out of the supporters, it most certainly one of the best, if not
THE best, since it's only real draw-back is that, well, it's a
supporter. It's like Oak and Elm, the best of both. You don't
throw away cards, and can still play more trainers that turn
(aside from supporters). It is one of the better trainers ever
Unlimited: OK, true, nothing will
ever replace Oak and Bill, but this is a nice card anyhow. I do
like it because people who are about to deck out and have large
hands can play this to replinish their deck more than Elm, and can
play some helpful trainers they may have just drawn to clinch the
victory. It will see some play. 3.25/5
MMF: Even better here. Sheesh,
this card is awesome. Think of playing the cards you need in your
hand, then using this, then playing the new cards you need, then
if you drew one, play elm! Man, this can help get out evolutions
faster! Strong drawing combined with Bill and Elm. 4/5
Limited: ..................I swear,
if you pass this up, oh man, I mean...sheesh...this
card...mercy...shuffle your hand into...man...draw 5 cards...holy
moly... 5/5
dontknow09 |
Monday: Professor Oak's Reasearch
Another week of expedition cards. Professor Oak seems do be doing
a lot of work these days. Well, heres is another drawing power
card. Shuffle your hand into your deck and then draw 5 cards. Not
that bad, other than the supporter defect.
Unlimited-This card does give you drawing power, but I would
Professor Oak. If your only running one supporter card in the
deck, i guess this would help you. Still, nothing can compare to
the orginal oak=D 3/5
MMF-There is a rivalry going around here. Theres Professor Elm in
this format. Should Professor Oak's research be used here?
Somewhat, yes. With a penalty of 2 less cards, you still could
play other trainers other than supporters. I personally would use
elm, but in some cases, you would probably need the trainers you
draw. 3.75/5
Draft-Theres usually a format when each COTD shines in, and im
saying its in draft. You need all the drawing you can get. TAKE
IT! Dont ask questions why or why not, or think about advantages
and disadvantages, just TAKE IT!
4.5/5 |

Martin |
Oak's Research- Monday
Professor Oak's Research was first introduced in the Expedition
set. This really is one of the few worthwile card drawing options
left in the current Modified format.
Shuffling your hand into your deck and drawing 5 is similar to a
Professor Elm, but you are able to use more trainers afterwards
which really makes this a good card. As long as it's not another
supporter ofcourse.
The problem is, Copycat is superior to Professor Oak's Research in
any format.
Regardless, Professor Oak's Research is no slouch and is still
useable in the Modified format.
Unlimited- 2/5 (Copycat is a better choice here)
Old Modified-3/5
Modified- 4/5
Draft- 4.5/5 |
Khap |
Professor Oak's Research
Yay. My first CotD. ;)
Unlimited: Professor Oak's Research is a great replacement for
Professor Elm in Unlimited. Instead of playing Elm to avoid
discarding cards with Oak, just use Oak's Research! IMO, a good
card to choose if you need more draw power, but don't want to
play Elm due to its backfire.
Modified: Certainly a first that comes to most minds. However,
this card is Copycat's shadow, considering Copycat has more
potential. However, Oak's Research is stable, and you still have
the ability to play other Trainers. Very good nonetheless.
Draft: ANY draw power in Draft is great. But, getting one of
these is just about the same as finding a rare. If you do get
one in a pack, GET IT, because you may never see another one
again. ;\
Unlimited: 4.3/5
Modified: 4/5
Draft 4.9/5
John Hornberg |
Professor Oak's Research is a good card. It is incredible for any
trainer, even though the fact that it is a supporter really hurts
The fact that it is only 5 cards is a mixed blessing. it will more
often than not keep you from decking out, but it is not so good
early in the game because you are actually losing cards. It is an
alternative to what is already out there, so it will be play. It
is certainly not a must have 4 in the deck type of card though.
Elm is still better. This doesn't even measure to Cleffa. It's on
same level as Copycat and Bill's Maintanence, which makes it goob,
but not 100% necessary.
Modified - A must play. Modified is Evolution and Draw. That's all
is, and don't mince my words. There is some strategy to it, but
that's only when you get cards like Slowking involved. a 3.5 out
of 5, because there isn't anything better.
Standard - Again, I think it's a must play because you are cycling
a lot faster. You will almost always try to deck out, and this
card really helps to keep you from that. It was one of the key
reasons why I went to Elm over Oak in my old Haymaker for
Standard. now, I can go back to Oak, just with this as well. It'
more useful here, a 4 out of 5.
Draft - Card drawing = the bomb! Take it ALL the time. |
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