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Pokemon Card of the Day
Azumarril - Destiny
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Light Azumarill
This is an interesting card. Bubble is a so-so attack. Bubble
Jump, on the other hand, is the one that makes this card worth a
second glance. Now, the strategy behind this card is to build a
deck that denies your opponent of prizes. The ability to "bounce"
itself is great, especially if you already have a lot of damage
counters on it. You won't lose too much tempo as well as you get
to attach 2 energy cards from L. Azumarill to the new Pokemon. The
slight problem with the attack is that you HAVE to flip everytime
you use the attack.
In Unlimited, you can use DCE with it.
In Modified, you could attempt to make a weird deck. 30 damage is
not enough though, especially against Steelix.
In Draft, pretty good. You can do some nice trick with this card
if you can get it going.
Unlimited Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 2.5/5
Draft Rating: 2.5/5
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Light Azumarill: Hmmm... interesting, I'll give him that. Most
certainly fun. Nice card, just, as many cards are, not playable
in most situations. Bubble is standard, but Bubble Jump is cool.
A hit and run that will help get an energy hog going. Lets take a
closer look.
Unlimited: its really medeocre, but fun. Defenatly a card to
play at the local leauge for a change of pace. 2.5/5
Modified: Hmmm... playing a water pokemon? Gee, Light Az. or
Feraligator? Man, decisions... =/ 2/5
MMF: accually good here, 'specially with the new Poliwrath
(man, if that aint the COOLEST card =D) Fire is Popular, so he is
decent. 3.5/5
Limited: Ok, but the effect of bubble jump will most likly
hurt you more than help you. 2.75/5
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