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Pokemon Card of the Day
Feraligatr -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Feraligatr (Major Tsunami)
This card is quite interesting. It looks hecka confusing at first
since there was an error in the power. It has been ruled that
power is optional. So keep that in mind.
Major Tsunami basically gives Feraligatr free Retreat (as long as
it has no Special Condition). It's okay I guess. In Unlimited, if
you get SER-ed, you can just "switch" Feraligatr for some other
Rending Jaws is awesome IMO, as it does 70 damage for just 4
energies. The problem is, unless the defending Pokemon already
have any damage counters, the attack would only do 40 damage. Now
in Unlimited, it's too weak to ER. In Modified, it's pretty good.
In Draft, a good attacker if you can somehow get it out.
Unlimited Rating: 2.4/5
Modified Rating: 3.4/5
Draft Rating: 2.9/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Interesting to say the least. And artwork? Top
class! Geeze, look at the detail! The swamp, him in the water with
that cool in your face veiw? Sweet. Oh, right, how good the card
is =/ Well, the attack is a bit odd, that is for darn sure, but
it's ok. It basiclly eather will do 70 if the defender has damage
already, or fourty. The thing is that having the fourty means
this; your opponet has to relize that if they don't eather ko the
gator on their NEXT turn, they will face 70 more damage, for a
total of 110. That is a SCARY thing to have to deal with.
Basicly, they have to let is fall or retreat it if they can't take
out the gator. But the power is the best. Basiclly, its a double
gust. Cool
Unlimited: Accually, could be OK here, but
most likly not. Could be fun to combo with fossil Gengar o_0!
MMF: Nice. Its a 1-2 punch to Kingdra, or
if the King already got like Smash Punched or something, its a
KO. Fun, great power, and can do some sereous damage. 3.5/5
Limited: For our purposes, we'll say that
is is easy to draft. Which isn't that far off. Face it, you get
it out, you win. Sheesh, tell me some guys you'll face in draft
that can stand up to THIS beast! 120 hp? In DRAFT? Sheesh.
Overall average rating: 3/5
Have a great weekend, poke`people, and be
sure to attend you local league! |
dontknow09 |
Friday: Expedition Feraligatr(Holo)
Stunning. Very very stunning. The artwork on the rendering jaws
feraligatr card is just wow. On to the stats. This card has a
whopping 120 hp and be assured, its gonna take alota force to take
feraligatr. Weakness to lightning is new, like the many water
pokemon that have changed weaknesses. 3 retreat makes this
unmovable. But then it's tsunami poke-power makes up for that.
Although the power is not a 'you may' choice, a free retreater can
help aid gatr. Two water and two colorless does a jaw dropping 70
damage! But then it will only do 40 on a fresh poke. It's
kinda like a reverse erika's jiggly.
Unlimited- I'm starting to notice that alota of these poke's in
expedition can take a DCE to pay for that attack. This means that
gatr can be powered up faster. Although buzz can be a major
problem, gatr will survive since it has 120 hp and will take down
buzz in one shot. It'll take down many
haymakers down in ONE shot. I can see much use in this format.
MMF- This gatr will chomp on everything in its path. No SER wont
weaken it. I don't see much things that will hurt gatr in
this format. I could be wrong or right. But from this stand point,
i can see that gatr might conquer over all the pokemon in mmf
again. 4/5
Draft- I have been reviewing alota stage 2, 4 energy attack poke's
lately, and i dont know why. You're gonna have a very hard time
pulling this out(i kno, we all are tired of me saying this) and
power gatr up(this one too). Gatr unleashed will destroy, but we
all know that's highly unlikely if you're in draft=/ 2.25/5
Well, that's it for the week. Have a great week, my fellow pokemon
Thundachu |

Martin |
Feraligatr- Expedition
This is yet another interesting card from the Expedition
expansion. Currently, the amount of useable water Pokemon in the
Modified format is intensely high.
Feraligatr not only has a great Power that acts as a Warp Point
(and is optional according to Wotc ruling), but also has an attack
that will HURT.
Although Rending jaw's maybe on the expensive side, it is still a
solid card.
Unlimited- 2
Limited-4 |
Pikafreak |
Hope everyone had fun
trick-or-treating. I sure did. I have enough candy for half a
year. On to the review.
The way I see it, this Feraligatr is
both good and bad. 70 for 4 energies is awesome, but it only
does 40 if your opponent isn't damaged. It's pokemon power is
what gets aggravating. Every turn Feraligatr is active, your
opponent must switch active pokemon. This allows you to get at
their hurt pokemon, but it also gives your opponent time to heal
it for 1 or 2 turns while Feraligatr's Hp is whittled done to
nothing. Feraligatr would hurt everything they got, but he
won't make any KOs.
Unlimited: 2/5 (play a haymaker or
use a plain old Gust of Wind)
MMF: 3.5/5
Draft: 3/5 (hard to get
together, but there are less interuptions from trainers)
TR Shadow |
Hope ya'll had a great Halloween!
Just like the Venusaur it only has 2 retreat instead of 3. That
doesn't mean you can stop playing switches though. The Pokemon
power's not great and is not something you would want to make a
deck around. Actually, it's not very good. The power works well
with a recycle energy and the attack's not one of those killer
attacks that can take out one of your opponents Pokes every turn.
In unlimited, there are few Pokes that this terrible excuse for a
stage 2 can stand a chance against. If you're going to use a stage
two, there are much better options.
Unlimited 2/5
Standard 2/5
Modified 3/5
Limited 2/5
TMP 3/5
~TRS~ |
Random |
Friday - Feraligatr
Ok. I played against this the other day, and I got my butt kicked.
It's an underrated card.
It's power is great, giving you the opportunity to leave at any
Great against those new Vileplume decks, because the poison won't
hurt you that much. Almost like having a Warp Point ALWAYS
Doing 70 is great. And that's basically what it will be, if you
play it
right. Almost EVERY mmf deck these days has healing field, and
most pokemon won't have counters on them when you get that guy
out, unless the opponent is smart and knows what you're playing.
Even doing 40 is not bad. Basically, this guy is a BEATDOWN stick.
And he has 120 HP!!!
In Unlimited, I'm not thrilled. Not good enough to be a stage 2
deck. I give it a 1.5/5.
In Modified, it's great! We thought Kingdra swarm was good, just
wait until you see this in action! I give it a 4/5.
In draft, it's unbelievable. Most pokemon have 70 or less hp, so
you kill everything. If you can get it out, it's great. I give it
a 4.5/5.
~ RaNd0m
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