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Pokemon Card of the Day
Typhlosion -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Typhlosion (Heat Up)
Heat Up reminds me a lot of the Genesis version. Except, this
power require NO flips! You need to fulfil the other requirements
though, which makes it very situational. If you have more Energy
cards, the power is useless. At least with a flip, you still have
a chance...
Super Singe is great with DCE! Otherwise, it's kinda too slow IMO.
In Unlimited, you can start attacking with Super Singe on the 3rd
turn. It kills Steelix both ways (Weakness and Burned), which is
great! You have to protect its energies from ER though...
In Modified, I prefer the Genesis version by a long shot. The
Genesis one works really well with Pokemon Breeder and does tons
of damage.
In Draft, if you can somehow get it out, it's amazing! An extra
energy attachment per turn, deck thining, status effect, and lotsa
damage rolled into one. Although getting it out might be hard, we
are lucky that Expedition has quite a few draw power (and Reverse
Holos of them) so it shouldn't be too bad.
Unlimited Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 3/5
Draft Rating: 3.7/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Hehehe... this is too fun. The power works well with a recharger
deck...use some monster that discards a bunch o' energies, then
you'll probably have less than them so use the power, then use
recharge! Sweet! Very nice attack, since basicly burn is like a
char counter, which is good but never really was used since people
only used that Quilava to get to Typhlosion. 50 for two fire and a
double colorless works well for me =D
Unlimited: As always, its an evolution, so its not the king of
cards. Still, that attack will have your opponet sweating in a
hurry. And the power may be situational, but still good. 3/5
MMF: Fire is a big type here, and this guy is by NO means a
slouch. He can do some heavy damage and the burn effect is REAL
good beacuse like posin it almost forces the opponet to retreat to
remove it. Chances are that the defender will be a big evolution,
and most don't get a very good chance to recover after discarding
2-3 energies to retreat. Still, Recharge Typhlosion will always be
the king weasle, and Kingdra is played so much it makes me wanna
cry. 3.5/5
Limited: I like this set because you can get rares more easily.
Some people do Expidition drafts because threy know that for ten
bucks they could walk away with like twenty holos. I know a guy
who was able to put together a 3-3-2 line of this guy. Sheesh. If
you get him out, he can rip through the opponets pokes. 2.75/5 |
dontknow09 |
Wendsday: Typholsion(Expedition)
Nice picture, not great but pretty nice. Let's analyze this big
pokemon. 100HP is about average for alot of stage 2 pokemon. It
gives it an extra oomph to stay alive. Water weakness(duh) since
its fire type. 2 retreat is pretty good considering its a stage 2.
Power is ok i guess, nothing compared to what the recharge
typholosion could do. Attack does 50 damage for 2 fire and 2
colorless energy and a 50/50 chance of burn. Statistically, burn
will do the same damage as poison would do.
Unlimited- Well now you can use a DCE to help power it up faster.
This format does have many haymaker types, meaning less energy to
do attacks. Not
much chance that the power is going to come in handy. Also,
probelems with
any stage 2 is getting it out. Not really strong in this format. I
personally would stick with B. arcanine/recharge typholosion
MMF-Fully evolved pokemon=more energy to attack in this format.
The power would come in handy. Then again, big brother recharge
typhlosion still has some advantages to this card. Also, if you
want to play fire, go with Entei/Cargo. Kinda get off topic
here.... Well it would take longer to power up Typhlosion with no
DCE, but the power is still a little strong in this format. 3/5
Draft-Pick this up if you think someone might need it for trade.
Otherwise, dont. 4 energy attack will take really really long and
evolving it would be really a hassel without elm's training method
or any other form of getting out evolutions. 2/5

Martin |
Once again a Typhlosion is Card of the day. Too bad it isn't the
good one (Fire Recharge).
This Typhlosion, introduced in the Expedition set, is below
average. In Unlimited it is an easy energy removal target.
However, it has potential in the Modified format. It's attack
(Super Singe) uses the newly introduced "burn" special condition
that ought to tickle some pickle.
It will be a chore to get it powered, and dosen't give enough
damage for your dollar.
Drafting it and it's evolution chain AND getting it powered is
improbable. So it isn't that economic here.
Just stick with Neo Genesis Typhlosion. When against it, "your
children are not safe".
Unlimited- 1.5
Modified- 2.5
Draft- 2.5 |
Khap |
Expedition Typhlosion
Unlimited: Decent for Unlimited. There are better things out
there, but it could be comboed with the Neo: Genesis
Typhlosion, combined with all the discard, and you could have a
Typhlosion out turn 2 and attacking, if not already. But, other
than that, it is only going to be decent. Also, it's attack can
be healed with a simple Switch or FHE.
Modified: Very combo-able. I can see a lot of cool rogue stuff
going on with this card. Since you can use this power with no
fear of it not working (eg tails fails PPs), you can run less
Energy than needed. If you play Breeder, you can start powering
up on turn 2! Especially good if you get more than one out.
However, Muk really ruins any PP, but moreso any deck that is
based around one. Plus, it's attack is Regardless, it is a
pretty good rogue card that no one would suspect if you played
this in a GC. =P
Draft: Ehh. Since most decks have around 20+ Energy in the first
place, it isn't that great. However, it is still a free Energy
attachment, and those are always good. lol Plus, it's attack is
pretty decent. 50 damage plus a chance the Defending gets Burned
isn't that bad in Draft.
Unlimited: 2.5/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Draft: 3/5
Wizards |
> Wednesday: Typhlosion (the one with
the power and the super singe
> attack)
The poke power is a little weird for me. You have to be playing
againist a poke that has more than 4 energies to use it. So the
card just about has to stand on the one attack. 50 and flip for
status. Well its not bad, but as a Stage 2 it leaves me a little
for a fire Pokemon. It is no base set Charizard.
Unlimited: I would play other Stage 2 Fires before I would play
one. I just don't think think it has enough power for the buck.
can get better. It is just good, not exceptional.
Modified: I can still find better attacks and powers. I can play
it, but
I would always know that others can do better.
Draft: I would pass on this one. Stage 2's are hard to get going
without help from specific support cards to make them work. I have
never been able to make a Stage 2 work quick enough in draft to
be a viable choice. |
TR Shadow |
This is actually pretty good. The pokemon power may let you
attach 2 energy cards per turn (if your opponent has more than
you). It's attack can burn, which is deffenetly a plus. The
only problem I see is that it takes 4 energy to attack. It
needs to take 3 for its attack to be good. All the other GOOD
stage 2s take 3 energy to attack so if this is played, zyour
opponent will have their stage 2 out a turn before you, which
can be devistating. Usally your opponent will have a gust of
some sort (Double gust, Warp point...). So Typho will prolly
get KOed before you even get him out.
team, it's deffenetly one of the better Pokes. Not many Pokes
can burn, so you might want to conciter useing it. Nidoking is
also good, but use Typho. If you use his Poke Power, you can
choose who to target, which raises the chances of it working.
Unlimited 3.5/5
Standard 4/5
Modified 3/5
Limited 3/5
5/5 (This thing was made for team)
Pikafreak |
This is actually pretty good. The pokemon power may let you
attach 2 energy cards per turn (if your opponent has more than
you). It's attack can burn, which is deffenetly a plus. The
only problem I see is that it takes 4 energy to attack. It
needs to take 3 for its attack to be good. All the other GOOD
stage 2s take 3 energy to attack so if this is played, zyour
opponent will have their stage 2 out a turn before you, which
can be devistating. Usally your opponent will have a gust of
some sort (Double gust, Warp point...). So Typho will prolly
get KOed before you even get him out.
team, it's deffenetly one of the better Pokes. Not many Pokes
can burn, so you might want to conciter useing it. Nidoking is
also good, but use Typho. If you use his Poke Power, you can
choose who to target, which raises the chances of it working.
Unlimited 3.5/5
Standard 4/5
Modified 3/5
Limited 3/5
5/5 (This thing was made for team)
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