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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Expedition
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Charizard (100HP)
OMG! A playable Charizard! 100HP is kinda of a downgrade from the
usual 120HP but the 2 Retreat cost is nice.
Tail Smash is a Tails/Fails attack, but it IS undercosted.
Making the attack quite okay...
Flamethrower is awesome! The usual Flamethrower costs RRC (discard
an R) for 50 damage. This Flamethrower does the same thing but it
does 10 more damage! No flips and only one discard. Good enough.
In Unlimited, ER kills it. If you want to play it with Entei
though, I recommend using Base/LC Ninetales instead.
In Modified, a decent Stage 2. Not to mention that the Exp.
Charmeleon is pretty good! The new Venusaur might be popular and
we always have Steelix/Dark Blastoise around...
In Draft, a decent pick IMO. The Charmeleon is good and
Charizard has a colorless attack (worse come to worse).
Unlimited Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 3/5
Draft Rating: 3/5
TR Shadow
Well, at least the Mew and the
Mewtwo had good art work...
First of all, 100hp's kinda average
for a stage 2 Poke. Why'd they even put that Tail Smash
attack on this thing? I mean c'mon, IT'S A STAGE TWO!!
Looking at it's other attack, I can't find anything special
about it. Just another average card. Oh wow, WOTC
made an improvement: only 2 retreat =\ . This card is
waaayy two advige. Not something that will ever see much play.
Unlimited 2/5
Slandered 2.5/5
MMF 2.5/5
Limited 2/5
Friday - Charizard
The better Charizard. It's actually not that
bad. Flamethrower is cheap... and the first attack is like a
tyrogue. Not bad... and definitely one of the better Charizards
ever printed. Could be used in conjunction with Entei.
Unlimited Rating - 2.5/5
Standard Rating - 3.5/5
Limited Rating - 3/5
~ RaNd0m
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