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Pokemon Card of the Day
Nurse - Legendary Collection
& Reviews below
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on a 1 to 5 scale
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Pokemon Nurse
Ahh, a Pokemon Center that only affects one Pokemon of your
choice. Unfortunately, it is also a Supporter. You can only play
one Supporter a turn, and there are definitely really good
Supporters out there like Bill's Maintenance and Prof. Oak's
Research. If you played either of the Supporter Draw Trainers, you
would not be able to play Pokemon Nurse on the same turn, unlike
Pokemon Center.
Now, if you simply want to remove damage counters from a Basic
Pokemon, you can simply use Scoop Up on it. Now, Scoop Up won't be
as useful if you have an Evolution out. However, if you use
Pokemon Nurse on an Evo, you can't attack anyway since most Evos
require a lot of Energy to attack.
In Unlimited, I don't really see it being used much since you can
use both Scoop Up and Pokemon Center.
In Modified, even though we have Scoop Up and Pokemon Center,
there are more times when Pokemon Nurse would be useful compared
to Unlimited.
In Draft, it's great! You won't get lot of Supporters anyway and
you can play the stalling game. Just get out a really high HP
basic that you drafted. Let it take some beatings while you build
up your bench. Then, use Pokemon Nurse on it to buy you more time.
Unlimited Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 2.4/5
Draft Rating: 3.6/5
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