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Pokemon Card of the Day
Maintenance - Expedition
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
TR Shadow
Sorry about the lack of reviews last
week, but I'm back =\ .
Bills maintenance
First of all, being a supporter is
definitely a bad thing 'cause you can't play anymore supporters
on the same turn after you play this. If it wasn't a
supporter, it'd be better then Bill 'cause you can
shuffle a useless card in and draw three. Why couldn't it
of said Draw 3 cards then shuffle one back in? Then if you
drew a Dunsparse (who would put that in their deck!!!???) you
could shuffle him back in.
Unlimited 3.2/5
Standard (modified) 3.5/5
Modified 4/5
Limited 4.5/5
~TR Shadow~

Bill's Maintenance
This card is a must in the new Modified Format IMO. Since the lost
of Misty's Wrath, many people have tried experimenting with Bill,
Bill's Teleporter and Mary. Bill is good but many people feel that
it's not good enough running 4 Elms, 4 Bills, and 3 Cleffas in
their deck. I'm one of them. Then, it's basically between Bill's
Teleporter and Mary. After experimenting a couple of times, I
noticed that I get Tails most of the time when I need Heads. It
just didn't cut it for me. I didn't think Mary would be really
good as it actually causes card disadvantage! You use 3 cards
to get 2 cards. But it did perform well enough as you can shuffle
back extra evolutions or late game Basics into your deck and it
prevents decking. Although without Misty's Wrath, you would seldom
deck out...
Bill's Maintenance is superior to Prof. Oak's Research (at least
in Modified). You usually would prefer to keep your hand and
simply draw more cards. In Modified, you usually have a decent
amount of cards in your hand so it would be better to use Bill's
Try not to use too many Supporters in your deck though. A handful of
Supporters is useless so don't overdo it.
In Unlimited, it's a pretty good draw power. I rather use Prof.
Oak's Research here though as you need cards to discard for all
of your Computer Searches and Item Finders.
In Modified, I already elaborated above. ~_^
In Draft, draw power = amazing. Almost always a first pick unless
you get a killer Basic or something... Even then, I would still
probably pick the draw power...
Unlimited Rating: 2.5/5 (Use Prof. Oak's Research instead over
Modified Rating: 4.5/5
Draft Rating: 5/5

Monday - Bill's Maintenance
People are going to freak out over this
card. It's not bad, not bad at all. But it's not broken either. I
believe it'll be waaaaaay overused. However, drawing 3 cards
WITHOUT your opponent drawing any and with a MINOR drawback isn't
bad. It's a shame this is a supporter, because if it wasn't, it'd
be broken. It's like an improved Mary.
In Unlimited, I feel this card is
overshadowed by simply better cards, like Professor Oak, Professor
Elm, Computer Search, and others. I'll give it a 3/5
In Modif...STANDARD, I think this card's
pretty good. It'll be overused though. I give it a 4/5.
In draft, any drawing card is good, and this
is AWESOME! I give it a 5/5.
~ RaNd0m
Bill's Maintenance
Trainer- Supporter
This is one of the cooler supporters out there. Shuffling 1, then
drawing 3 cards is pretty good. Although this card isn't as good
as Professor oak's research, it will get the job done.
Unlimited won't benefit from it too much because it has much
better options for card drawing.
Same goes for Modified, but it still could use it here and there.
But, BM (Bill's Maintenance) brings some much needed card drawing
to the Neon format. Since before Expedition it had Professor Elm,
Bill, and Pokemon Trader.
And Finally, BM is a great draft pick, you cannot get enough card
drawing in a draft deck.
Unlimited- 2
Modified- 3
Neon- 4
Draft- 4

Bill's Maintenence looks better than regular old Bill at first glance.
You draw 3 instead of 2!?! all you have to do is shuffle a card into
your deck? It kicks butt.... ummm, not as much as people think.
Sure, it's card drawing, and yes, it is definitly good, but we can't
discredit that horrible supporter ability that makes regular Bill better
than it's supporter counterpart. The supporter ability is a good idea,
and is workable in many instances, but when it comes to a card like
this, you want to keep going with the effect, not play one a turn and
have to wait.
I would still play this over Bill's Teleporter. Not playing multiples
is better than relying on a tails fails card.
Modified - Replaces Bill's Teleporter as the third card drawing trainer
in a deck. It is definitly a good card, and is going to see play, but
not in a multiple of 4 because you can't play another one if you draw
one. 4 of these is something I don't see becoming a priority. A 3 out
of 5.
Standard - Standard's card drawing engines are pretty set in stone as is
right now. This card won't shake anything up... at least no too
horribly. A 1.9 out of 5.
Limited - Fun! Card Drawing! An automatic high pick, and always
played. 4 out of 5.

Lord Gothmog
Okay, let's review. It gives you card advantage(2 for 3), allows you to put
something back in your deck, but it's a Supporter. One per turn of those.
That's what hurts it.
In unlimited, it would be pretty darn good if it weren't a supporter. It
gets you 3 cards, and puts one back in your deck. Handy for putting back a
Metal, Darkness, or DCE before an Oak. As it is, it's still somewhat usable,
giving better card advantage than all the other "shuffle X in to draw X"
cards, except for Elm, and it's Supporter rule is much less restricting than
no more trainers, especially in this format. I can see it being used here.
In modified, your staple is still Elm, not Oak. You're not often going to be
discarding anything, so using up your one supporter per turn on Bill's
Maintanence isn't such a great idea. I'd rather use plain ol' LC Bill
instead. 2.3/5
In limited, card drawing is card drawing. It's good here. 3.5/5
Monday: Bill's Maintenance
I first saw this cards japanese version at
the last STSoomB. This is a very good card drawer in the new
Modified and draft. Shuffling a useless card back in for 3 new
cards is a good deal. =\ I don't see it making a big difference in
Standard 3.5/5
Modified 4/5
Draft 4.5/5
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Bill's Maintenance
I like this card. It's good.
It says shuffle, so you won't be throwing the card away, and you
can shuffle in somethig you don't need; an evolution that you
don't have the lower stages for, a basic if your bench is full or
an energy if you have already attached one. Very cool, even
though it's a supporter, so you can only play one per turn =/
Unlimited: Good, but Bill,
Elm and Oak will always be better. Still, not bad, it WILL
see some play. 3/5
Modified: There is almost no
good, reliable drawing, so it's good here. 4/5
MMF: Great, since besides it
there is like, Bill and Elm. Oh wait, MAIL FROM BILL =/
Very good, and will be used. 4/5
Limited: Oh, man, DRAFT IT!
Geeze, this thing is awesome in draft. Totally broken here.
There are VERY few cards that you should take over this. 5/5
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