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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Legendary Collection
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Wednesday - Cloyster
A very decent card! The hp is great, the first attack is
mediocre, and the last attack is very good for the cost! The
weirdest thing I saw with this was that IT IS WEAK TO METAL!!!
That's definitely twisted.
Steelix will seriously kill this guy though, and steelix is
heavily played in all the formats. I think it is best suited for a
limited environment.
In unlimited, I'll give him a 2/5. He's a great pokemon, and
great for fun play, but in a tournament environment, it's simply
not up to par.
In standard, it has some use. I think it might not be a
horrible backup line for a water deck. I'll give it a 2.5/5.
In limited, it's simply awesome. Nobody drafts metal, and the
fact that it's got great attacks for the cost makes it even
better. I'll rate it 3.5/5.
~ RaNd0m
The Pokémon Master 1110
I don't know why, but I like it. Really, it looks fun no?
And that is what the game is about. Not the best, but not
bad. The first attack is cool, but too expensive for what it
does. Auto Fire is sweet. Kinda like a Crobat or
something, just cool man. I guess it could be in some kinda
deck, like double colorless for lick, then a water next turn for
Auto Fire. Neat.
Limited: Cool as it is, it won't really see play, like
the equally cool Politoad =D 2.75/5
Modified: Hmmmm... It would be fun, a suprise, but it won't be
used, more so now that the format is dead =/ 2.75/5
MMF: NOW it can see play. Fire is big here, boys
and girls, and he can REALLY hurt those big, bad fire pokemon.
Limited: VERY nice. Get him out, and your opponet
will be hurting. But, it is a rare, so that hurts it.
But if you get it, well =D 4/5
TR Shadow
Is that a weakness to metal? Now that's new, but bad. 2
energy to do 10 and flip for paralysis???!!! Did I read it
wrong? That's horrible!!! It almost makes Dunsparce look
good! Auto fire is better, but still not good. OK, I gotta
admit that 80hp is solid and 2 retreat isn't that bad. I
definitely do NOT recommend this card in any deck, unless some
genius finds a way to combo it up with Dunsparce and make it
broken =D.
~TR Shadow~

After reviewing a great card, we now have to review a really
mediocre card, Cloyster. Lick requires one more colorless energy
than it should and it does not do enough damage. Auto-Fire is
decent with a DCE in Unlimited. In Modified, it's just not worth
it. In Draft, since the first attack is colorless, and the 2nd one
only requires one colored energy, it's a decent card to draft with
but that's about it. =/
Unlimited Rating: 1.8/5 (Don't bother with this card...)
Modified Rating: 2.3/5
Draft Rating: 3/5 |
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