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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Expedition
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Wednesday: Machoke
What a deal. Machoke is a solid stage 1.
Punch is just so average. =\ Mega kick is very nice for its cost.
I like it's good HP and low retreat.
In Standard I don't see it being used. In
Modified it could see some use but not a lot. =/ I still think
Tyrogue is the best fighting pokemon. ;x
Standard 2/5
Modified 3/5
Draft 4/5

Machoke (Expedition)
A decent Machoke. Splashable and deals a decent amount of damage.
Low retreat cost as well.
In Unlimited, I would rather use Hitmonchan or NG Gligar though
UNLESS you want to evolve it.
In Modified, it's actually playable even if you decide not to
evolve it (although most likely you will).
In Draft, a high pick! A high HP Stage 1 with splashable attack.
You might even be lucky enough to draft Machamp...
Unlimited Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 3.4/5
Draft Rating: 3.8/5

Lord Gothmog
There's a word for cards like
this: Solid.
In unlimited, it's definitely the best
Machoke ever printed. Not saying that much, but it's still good.
80 HP, 20 for DCE, 50 for FFC. ONE retreat cost. Nice. Still, it's
open to ER's like everything else, but it's solid for the cost.
2.2/5. Stupid ER. Die.
In modified, it's one actually one of the
best stage 1's(out of stage 2 evos) I've seen in a while. Nothing
gamebreaking, but good attacks, HP, and retreat. 3.4/5
In limited, Stage 1's, especially uncommons,
are easy to get. This is an excellent one to pick. No frills. Just
hurt. 3.7/5
TR Shadow
Yeah an expedition card!
There's not much to say about this
card except that 80hp is pretty solid for a stage one. One
retreat isn't bad either. The only reason you should play
this card is to evolve in to Machamp. otherwise, there's really
no point.
Unlimited 2/5
Modified 2/5
MMF 3/5
Draft 3/5
~TR Shadow~
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