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This is a cool Book!
Pokemon Card of the Day
Promo Celebi
Wotc: "While supplies last, each Pokémon 4
Ever moviegoer will receive a free Pokémon-e TCG
card with the purchase of a Pokémon 4 Ever movie
ticket. The limited edition card will feature one of
the stars of Pokémon 4 Ever, the rare and legendary
Celebi. This exciting promo card is among the first
in the United States to be compatible with a new
next generation system connected to the Game Boy
Advance. This card is only available in theaters, so
don't miss out!"
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Promo Celebi
This card is only playable in draft. Ironically, you can't get it
in a draft (unless you also draft Promos). =/
This card should NOT see constructed
play, unlike the Lily Pad Mew. It is compatible with the E-Reader
though (which is great gadget BTW!). Now remember, if there are
cards with hidden attacks (like Exp. Mew), you can NOT use the
attacks in tournaments or Leagues.
P.S. When will they start giving out playable movie Promos again
like MP Mewtwo and MP Pikachu?
Unlimited Rating: 1.5/5
Modified Rating: 1.8/5
Draft Rating: N/A
Monday: Celebi
Celebi is just so average. 50HP and one retreat is decent for a
basic. Leaf Slice only does 20 on average for 2 energies. Needing
to get 3 out of 3 flips heads just to KO a baby isn't the greatest
attack. =/
In Standard it's easily KOed and a waste of time building.
Modified it can't beat Steelix.
Standard 2/5
Modified 2/5
Draft 2.5/5
~Croconaw88 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Yipes, now THIS is bad. Sorry, but
the neo Mew kinda Poke`mon is just not worth spit. Geeze, this
when there is scythers and herecross' and all kinds of good
cards. It wont see play because it cant do much damage, and it
cant take much damage.
Unlimited: Don't. It WILL get
creamed before it can do anything. Much better choices here
*cough* scyther *cough* 1.5/5
Modified: Ack. Well, grass is
good here since Feraligator is popular, but really, we needed
somthing that could stand up to Fer, not get obliterated. 2.25/5
MMF: Hey, its a risk even playing
grass here because fire is so big, and even if you decide to risk
it, your gonna use THIS thing? Geeze. 1.75/5
Limited: Well, here is where it
shines. An attack that is somewhat splashable, can do some
decent damage, and has 50 hp for a basic, which is good here. Oh,
wait, its a promo =/ 0/5 cuz you'll get kicked out for cheating
if you use this.
TR Shadow
love the sweet art work on this thing!
hp's a little too low and the attack is waayy too average. Do
wizards just put the same attack on everything that they can't
think of a better attack for?!?! Now that would be pathetic!
OK, if it costed only a grass to use it's attack, didn't have a
weakness to fire, had no retreat cost, and was resistant to
something (how 'bout dark ;-) ) it might of seen some play. But
now I have a special place reserved for it in my
Dunsparce-porygon deck =D .
Unlimited 1.2/5
Standered 2/5
Modified 2/5
Limited 2/5
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