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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Expedition
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Friday: Charizard
Charizard used to get so many oohs
and aahs. It's just a modified base Charizard. Very high HP and a
high retreat to go with it. An expensive costing attack thats
going to get you one prize. Then wasting at least a couple more
turns building again. Getting 2 heads is about the same odds as
Tyrogueing someone.I likes those odds. ;/ Discarding 4 energy on 2
tails is not something you want to risk. In Standard it's nothing
but a wall with a weak basic getting SERed/ERed. It's nothing
special in Modified.
Standard 1/5
Modified 2/5 ;o
Draft 2/5

Charizard (the one with the Poke-Power)
In MTM's recent article, he mentioned that out of the two
Charizards in Expedition, this one is better. I kinda have to
disagree with him. But let's look at the this card...
120HP is awesome, however, the loss of Resistance kinda hurts it a
bit. Burning Energy MIGHT look similar to Base/LC Charizard's
Energy Burn but there are TWO distinct differences. First of all, the
power affects ALL of your Pokemon. A HUGE upgrade than Energy
Burn. On the other hand, there is a huge downgrade as well. Now,
you can only change BASIC energies! This means you can't Burn DCE
or Recycle Energy cards. This automatically made it less
playable in Unlimited and Modified.
Scorching Whirlwind is an interesting attack. You do a guaranteed
120 damage. Then you flip a coin. If you're lucky, you won't
have to discard any Energy cards, making this attack very
good. If you flip one Tails, it's still better than the old Fire
Spin as it does 20 more damage. If you flip 2 Tails though, you're
in bad luck.
In Unlimited, not really playable. You want to abuse DCE or
Recycle Energies otherwise it's not really worth it.
In Modified, it does 120 damage, which now is a BIG deal. If you
noticed, a LOT of Stage 2s suddenly have the MAX HP of 120. If you
can KO your opponent's threat in one guaranteed attack, it's
a great advantage. The new Venusaur from Expedition is pretty darn
good. If you want to make an INTERESTING new deck in Modified that
might be pretty good, try out Base/LC Charizard with the new
Expedition Venusaur. Unlimited Fire Spin every turn with Recycle
Energies... ^_^
In Draft, the Power can actually see some use. You can play a few
different Energy types and in the end you can burn them all to
Fire. The attack is decent enough. Not really a high pick though unless
you just want to draft it because of its value.
Unlimited Rating: 1.2/5 (Sorry, this card is WORST than Base/LC Charizard
Modified Rating: 3/5 (120 damage is big and it's almost always
a guaranteed KO)
Draft Rating: 1.8/5 (Not really playable...)

Lord Gothmog
Ah, the prerequisite Charizard. How does it stand up to base Charizard an
the like? On it's hind legs. (rim shot)
In unlimited, it might have potential, with DCE and Recycle Energy, except
it's power say BASIC energy. Low blow. Now it actually does need 4 energy
cards, and will get slaughtered way before it has them. 1.5/5
In modified, it has potential. It's the only card I know of that can do 120
without discard, on just 2 heads. It's not tailsfails, just
tailsHURTSREALBAD. With Entei and possibly Typhlosion, it could actually
work. 3/5
In limited, Charizard is a stage 2, and although it has 120 HP and does 120
for RRRR, it's going to lose lots of energy before it slaughters your
opponent completely. If you have voodoo that lets you get 70% heads or so,
draft it IF you're drafting fire. Otherwise, just say no. 2.3/5
TR Shadow
Yes! Another Expedition card
=D !
OK, this thing is waaayy too close
to the original base set Charizard. Its attack is too
flippy, c'mon with my luck, I'd only be able to use this
one out of every four turns =\ . With a couple heads you could
do 120 damage with no drawbacks. You could prolly KO a
Pokemon with less then that anyway, which only makes this
Pokemon even more useless. I gotta admit that 120 hp is
In modified if your gonna use an
anti-g8r, use Blaine's RK9 it's simply better (plus it's a
stage1 =D) .
Unlimited 2/5
Modified 2/5 (C'mon, Blaine's RK9 is
a better anti-g8r)
MMF 2/5
Draft 1.5/5
~TR Shadow~
We get to review cards from Expedition? Man I'm regretting I have been gone previously. Expedition ROCKS! I mean, from common darkness energy and
metal energy to awesome art? Not bad. However, Charizard, like usual, is
pretty bad.
Ok, the power is pretty elite. Basically, a fireburn for all your
pokemon. Not bad... but it is a stage 2, and one you don't want gusted up.
The attack is WORSE than before. Simply put, you average discarding THREE
energy. Horrid. Honestly, the extra 20 damage simply isn't worth it. And
unlike the base charizard, you can't "load it up" because you risk losing
all the energy. =\
So although Expedition seems to have a slight taste of ownage, this
card doesn't.
Unlimited Rating: 1.5/5
Standard Rating: (Guys, Modified, or MMF as it is sometimes called, is NOW
called Standard.) 2/5
Limited Rating: 2/5
~ RaNd0m
John Hornberg
Hmmmm..... Charizards have never been really good in any format. Dark
Charizard was the closest anyone got to a playable one, and he was too
coin flip dependent, not to mention he attacked for decent damage every
other turn. Otherwise, Charizards have neber been big.
The first thing that is going to come to mind when people look at this
card is this: Now I have a replacement for Blaine's Arcanine in my
deck! Heh, heh, heh, no. This guy first of all is a Stage 2. A slow,
cumbersome, Stage 2 who eats energies faster than I consume Burger King
Onion Rings. 120 damage is alluring, but it takes 4 energy to do so. This guy has to rely on a risky attack, that can cost you lots of
energy. With Blaine's Arcanine, he didn't have to, he just mowed opponents pokemon down with Heat Tackle, and hit the biggies with Fire
Storm. This guy isn't that effective.
MM Format - Could see play, but I don't know why. He has potential
though. A 2 out of 5.
Unlimited - I believe it was Gothmog who said a while back that "A Stage
2 is over the Speed Limit for Unlimited." This card is an example of
why that is so true. Mewtwo eats him up, and probably eats the Charmander before the evolutions hit the board, and other cards
pick on them as well. A 1 out of 5.
Draft - Stage 2 = Bad. Energy Eater = Really bad. Burning Energy = Up
to you, I still say really bad. A 1 out of 5.
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