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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Sneasel -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Sneasel (Aqua.)
At first, Rob looks like a very promising attack. Then I realized
how few Tools are played (Mainly Focus Band and Gold Berry) and
that almost no one plays the TM cards. It just makes the attack
kinda pointless right now. In the future, we might get better TMs
and Tools so this card might be more playable then. Not to mention
that Claw is a pretty bad attack as well. It looks like we will
never see a good playable Sneasel other than the almighty Neo
Genesis version.
In Unlimited, why are you playing this card? Stick with Genesis
Sneasel! Rating: 1.3/5
In Modified, it doesn't do much as well. I see no reason no play
this card here. Rating: 1.3/5
In Draft, I'd just use this card because it has Resistance to
something and Claw is Colorless... Rating: 3/5 |
X- Act |
This Sneasel
is the worst Sneasel available. It's weak to Fighting,
and HAS a retreat cost. Add a very situational first
attack, and a tails-fails second attack, and you have a
card that is plainly disgusting.
God only knows why you would use this Sneasel in this
format. Okay, so Rob shuffles your opponent's Pokemon
Tools in his or her deck, but, first of all, your
opponent usually attaches his or her tools immediately
after getting them, thus limiting the effectiveness of
the attack, and secondly, even if you shuffle them into
the deck, it isn't a big deal. Your opponent just Smash
Punches for a prize. :/
Repeat the above argument for this format. "X-Act, you
forgot that Rob shuffles all Technical Machines too!"
Oh, so I did. I see a countless amount of decks playing
Technical Machines these days. "You do?" Of course NOT.
And again, even if you somehow encounter a player
playing a Pichu/Elekid/Lightning Cube deck (:O!), and
you shuffle his Lightning Cube(s), your opponent will
bring forward his Tyrogue and Smash Punch. :/
Draft: It's
a Common card. Rob might be slightly more useful in this
format (or is it?) but it requires a Darkness Energy (or
a Rainbow), which are hard to get, since they're Rare.
Claw does an average of 15 damage for [2], which is
disgusting. Well, you might want to use this card if
your Draft deck is weak to Psychic. Or else, you had
Drafted cards so bad that you don't really have any
alternative but to play this. If you don't have either
case, steer clear of this card, even though it's Common.
Chao |
Aquapolis Sneasel
*uses the review to remind
everyone why he's INSANE Chao*
yup, actually think this card can
work. sure you'd be better off playing the Rare one from
Revelations, but that's a rare. =P
For a "lowly common" its not bad.
in fact, its useful in many respects. 60 HP basic is good.
Sure it'll never go up because of evolution, but that's just
life. one retreat is good as well. resistance can be annoying
to someone playing the new espeon or something, they cant
activate the attack's effect because they cant do any damage
in the first place. XD
Weakness is easy to counter, maybe
even play it with Dodrio ;D
Attacks are situationally good.So
your opponent just used a Traveling Salesman last run? Use Rob
and get rid of those focus bands or gold berries. and you get
to put them into your opponents deck. be evil and have greasy
hands when you touch the cards (doesn't DCI rules let your
opponent beat you on the head with a mallet if you get their
cards all greasy on purpose?).(Editor's Note:
If the greasy hands makes it impossible for a player to
effectively complete the game in the allotted period of time,
this means a game loss for the opponent with greasy hands.)
anyway, the second attack
is why I shall receive hate mail for this ^_^;;. essentially,
its 30 for 2, with a tails fails policy. What's so god about
that? think with 2 darks. that's 50 for 2 with a tails fails.
fifty for 2. just keep saying that to yourself and it'll make
sense. Blissey has 50 for 3 with a tails fails. and this is 50
for 2. just for the sake of being outrageous, I'll say what if
you get all 4 darks on sneasel. =D 70 for 4, most stuff with
that damage has odd costs, discard, or a tails fails so its
Unlimited: being realistic for
once, it wont do too good here, but it just might... 2 darks,
plus power, KO genesis sneasel. =D or something like that...
Modified: interesting that its
about the same except that things are a bit more precious (ie.
focus bands and 50 HP basics that you need to evolve to get
meganium or whatnot). so slap down a couple of darks and KO
them. ^_^ enjoy.
Draft. in the odd event you snag 2
dark energies, I'd say play him, or if you KNOW alot of people
are playing psychic. then play him. other than that, its worth
less in draft than in unlimited because you cant use darks as
liberally. X_x;; 1/5
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