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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Salesman -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Traveling Salesman
I really don't see this card being played that much because we
don't really have any good TMs yet. The only Pokemon Tools that we
usually play are just Gold Berry and Focus Band. You can usually
just draw them by some other draw power in Constructed.
In Unlimited, when you have cards like Computer Search and Oak,
you don't need this card at all. Rating: 1.3/5
In Modified, it can be good to get those Focus Bands and thin your
deck. Sometimes, a Focus Band flip can make or break the game for
you. Usually, you don't need this card as there are quite a few
Draw Power here as well. Rating: 2.4/5
In Draft, usually you get very little TMs/Tools. I wouldn't pick
this. Rating: 1.3/5 |
X- Act |
"YAY I can
get 2 Focus Bands from my deck to my hand!" That's what
a person in #pojo said as soon as he saw this card. A
comment, which disgusted me and almost made me throw up.
Anyway, this
Supporter isn't bad, I suppose, but then again, the only
Supporter that is plain bad is Mary's Impulse. This one
lets you get 2 TMs and/or Pokemon Tools from your deck
to your hand. Could be useful in the right deck.
Well, Pokemon Tools are important, but they aren't so
important as to warrant playing this Supporter. So I'd
use the space that this Supporter might take in the deck
for a more useful card. It's not bad, it's just that
it's not useful enough.
I'd say that so far, this card is almost useless in
Modified. Wait for the new Xatu from Skyridge though,
and this card may see more play. If Xatu survives
translation, it has a Poke-Body that allows you to play
ANY Technical Machine on it, and has an attack that lets
you shuffle any card from your discard pile into your
deck (so you can get your Technical Machines back after
using them). That will be a pretty nice rogue deck. :)
And Traveling Salesman can help you get whichever
Technical Machine(s) you need. Besides that, I don't see
any real use, except for that Focus Band freak I
mentioned earlier. =/
Draft: Hmm.
I really don't know how to rate this. Even though all
Technical Machines and Pokemon Tools in Aquapolis are
uncommon, chances are you won't get more than 2 or 3,
and even if you do get more, most probably you won't use
all (if any) of the Technical Machines. That renders
this card almost useless. Well, teching one or two in
your draft deck won't hurt you, I suppose. Enabling you
to search for a Healing Berry (=/) or two might be good
in certain situations. That's if you're lucky enough to
get a decent amount of them though. =|

GymLeader Phil
Aquapolis Traveling Salesman
Traveling Salesman. This is the sort
of guy who would sell you a vacuum cleaner or a twelve month
subscription to AOL and then throw in a free bath robe or hair
cream. But no, he is not trying to sell you exercise equipment.
The Traveling Salesman is supporting you with two free Technical
Machines or Pokemon Tools for being such a good customer. There
are no conditions on this offer, no shipping or handling or even
sales tax is you reside out of New Jersey (excluding the Supporter
Rule). Problem is, there are not a good selection of TMs and
PokeTools to use in your deck currently. But still, on its own,
this is a solid card to save for future business endeavors...
Unlimited - This format is
filled with cards that are cheap and fast. Technical Machines and
PokeTools are counter productive to these decks which rely on
efficiency. If you put Traveling Salesman in a deck with TMs/PokeTools
you are wasting more space. There are limitless draw and search
options in this format instead of Traveling Salesman. 1/5
Modified - The only time I
have actually witnessed this card being used in this format was
with Revelation Kingdra and the Water Cube 01. Since Seadra's
attack that Genetic Memory uses does ten damage to one of the
opponent's Benched Pokemon, one person decided to use Water Cube
01 to do twenty damage to a Benched Baby to get around the Baby
Rule and KO it. Additionally this card can pull those Gold
Berries and Focus Bands everyone abuses. If you can find a use for
it, this card is great. But the other 75% of the time... 3/5
Limited - Odds are you wont
find a Technical Machine or PokeTool in a limited event. So
Traveling Salesman is not worth using. 1/5 |
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