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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Memory Berry -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Memory Berry
This card is okay I guess. If you really wanna use this card's
effect, I rather use something like Revelation Aerodactyl's Power.
At least you can use the power multiple times. Some cards that can
use the ability nicely is something like Base/LC Charizard and
Steelix (if you evolve from the Genesis version).
In Unlimited, I rather use Aero if I want to abuse the ability.
Rating: 1.5/5
In Modified, same here. I rather have a Gold Berry/Focus Band than
this card. Rating: 1.5/5
In Draft, this card could make a nice tech card. Sometimes you get
lucky and can get a Stage 1/2 out fast enough. Sometimes, the old
attacks are better as they are cheaper and/or have better effects.
Rating: 2.3/5 |
X- Act |
Aquapolis Memory Berry
We're reviewing the second
of the three Pokemon Tools available in Aquapolis. Out
of Time Shard, Memory Berry and Healing Berry, we
already reviewed Time Shard. I guess Memory Berry is
next. :)
Memory Berry lets you use
one of the lower-stage evolution's attack for one turn.
It's an interesting effect, but one which doesn't
warrant using only for one turn. And, being a Pokemon
Tool, it takes the space of more useful Pokemon Tools
(like Gold Berry and Focus Band).
Unlimited: In Unlimited, if
you really, but really, want to use an attack from a
lower-stage evolution, stick with Recall. It's not a
Pokemon Tool, and thus has the advantage that it doesn't
take the place of other more useful Pokemon Tools, as I
mentioned earlier.
Modified: In Modified,
Recall is absent. Usually, you'd like to recall a
lower-stage evolution's attack if the Basic Pokemon has
a Rage-like attack. It's effective in cards such as
Steelix, which can recall Neo 1 Onix's Rage, and
Gyarados, which can recall Magikarp's Flail. Another
interesting idea is for a Feraligatr to recall the 40HP
Neo 1 Totodile's Rage. :) Yet another idea is for an
Aquapolis Kingdra to recall the Aquapolis Seadra's
attack when it has a nice number of Water Energies
attached to it. :D I tried to experiment with Aquapolis
Primeape recalling both Aquapolis Mankey's attacks, and
Lanturn recalling Neo 1 Chinchou's Flail. They didn't
fare well because they only have 80HP, unlike Gyarados
and Steelix. But there's another way to recall a
lower-stage evolution attack: Neo 3 Aerodactyl. The
choice between Memory Berry and Aerodactyl depends on
how many times you want to actually recall the attack.
If you intend to only recall rarely, go with Memory
Berry. If you want to recall more frequently, go with
the Aerodactyl. Both have their advantages and
Draft: Well, using Memory
Berry in Draft doesn't make too much sense to me. I can
say almost without exceptions that this card is utterly
useless in this format.

GymLeader Phil
Aquapolis Memory Berry
Of all the Pokemon Tools to date, this
would have to be the most interesting one. It is interesting
because this mechanic has only seen action from Pokemon Attacks or
Pokemon Powers. The ability to use an attack from the Basic or
Evolution Card beneath it without adding another Pokemon is
invaluable. However, like all Pokemon Tools, their effect only
lasts once. So if your strategy is using a certain attack
constantly, I'd choose something like Revelation's Aerodactyl.
Unlimited - Due to the fact
that evolution cards in this format see very little play, its only
logical to see that a card aids evolution cards is a waste of
space. Additionally there is a better choice to using your Pokemon
Tool per Pokemon. Recall from Gym Heroes would better suit your
Unlimited Deck. 1/5
Modified - Modified is all
about evolutions. Memory Berry is all about evolutions. I think we
have a match made in heaven. Problem is, you have to have a good
attack on the lower Stage or Basic Pokemon. Your not going to
waste your time using Memory Berry to attack with Tackle. Although
its clearly not a staple, it does see use with cards like
Legendary Collection/Expedition Magikarp, Genesis Onix, and other
cards that have an attack dependant on the amount of damage on the
card. Their evolutions, Gyarados and Steelix, both have very high
hit points. So you would be doing very good damage late in the
game. But for only one time. If you want a continuous attack, try
Aerodactyl from Neo Revelation. 2/5
Limited - Since most people
walking into a Limited Tournament have no clear strategy or
control over that strategy, Memory Berry will most likely never
help you out. It will only work if you have an attack that is
worth spending a card on. Evolution cards are also hard to come by
in the limited formats. It would be too much of a gamble to put
this card in your limited deck. 1/5 |
TR Shadow
Memory berry
It combos up well with a bunch of other cards. If you use
Steelix, use it when you get lots of damage so you can use Onix's
Rage. Then I can see it being used in Gator decks. Croco clears
the path well for Gator. The biggest fault I see is that it's a
tool; you can't have it and something else attached to the same
Pokemon. In unlimited, there aren't too many uses for it. But in
Modified, I can see it being used in some decks.
Unlimited 2/5
Modified 3.5/5
Limited 2/5
~TR Shadow~ |
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