Vileplume (Aqua.)
Poison Scent is a really good attack for its cost. Whether you
flip Heads or Tails, you are guaranteed to inflict Poison for just
one Energy. Addictive Pollen is pretty good but quite limited.
In Unlimited, you probably would only use the first attack most of
the time as ER will slow you down. Supporters are not that popular
here as well so it's not as effective. Rating: 2.8/5
In Modified, this is pretty good. People generally play 3-6
Supporters. If they play more than that, Addictive Pollen will
really punish them. Rating: 3.5/5
In Draft, I really doubt you'll get it out too often. The attacks
are really draft friendly though. The first attack can be really
devastating if you get to use it really early and win you the game
single-handedly. Rating: 3/5 |
X- Act |
Aquapolis Vileplume
First of all, I hope
you've had a great Easter yesterday. I know I did, and I hope
you did too. :)
On to today's Card of the Day. This
is a very impressive Vileplume. Its first attack inflicts a
double-Special Condition for only one grass Energy. The second
attack's possibility of depriving your opponent of using
Supporter Cards is also very good. I've never seen a Vileplume
with so much HP too (100HP).
Unlimited: Its attacks are both not
too SER-prone, making it not too bad in this format. The fact
that it's a Stage 2 is easily countered by Pokemon Breeder, so
it's not too much of an issue (although Lass will then hurt it).
Supporters are also used in Unlimited (consider Pokemon Fan
Club, Copycat, Juggler, Town Volunteers...), so its second
attack can be pretty useful in this format too. The problem of
this Vileplume in this format is that it does too little damage
(only 40, which can be easily Gold Berry'd). The first attack's
Auto-Poison helps with this, but free retreaters can easily
tackle that. It does survive a Beat Up in normal circumstances,
but your opponent will most likely first do 30 damage to
Vileplume (via something like Tyrogue or Scyther), and then Beat
Up for a very probable 70 damage. It's not horrible though.
Modified: In Modified it's quite
good. 100HP is very solid, although Magcargo won't find any
problems OHKOing it due to Vileplume's Fire weakness. Scizor and
Steelix will annihilate it though: Scizor with its Poison
Resistance and Metal Energies becoming practically immune to
Vileplume, and Steelix with its Grass Resistance (although
Vileplume's first attack might hurt it a little bit). Overall,
however, the fact that it has the ability to stop your
opponent's Supporter Cards is quite nice, and so it's quite
playable. I've heard of people doing wonders with this card in
Modified, so it's not a card to be laughed at.
Draft: If you drafted the Oddishes
and Glooms, by all means draft this card. Its attacks are quite
splashable, and a 100HP card in Draft usually survives for quite
a long time. Plus, you would want to draft the Oddishes and
Glooms for the added advantage that Gloom can evolve into either
Vileplume or Bellossom, both of which are present in Aquapolis.