PokeMaster |
The Uncommon Delcatty. I love this
guy. His first attack is great, powering up his second attack.
Cannon Ball is just a bit too good. ANY energy powers him up.
With cards like Blaziken and Gardevoir, Delcatty becomes a total
powerhouse. Fun card, strong card. Delcatty will see play for
Unlimited: If only you could rain
dance on him ;_; 1.5/5
Modified: Fast, high HP, Colorless
attack that can do tons of damage? I'll take it! 4/5
Limited: Broken, plain and
simple. If you can draft them, you'll be off to a great start!
The Bottom Line: 3.5/5 |
X-Act |
Uncommon Delcatty
By all means an impressive card.
Despite being Uncommon, this Delcatty has more HP than its Rare
counterpart (80HP as opposed to 70). Energy Call lets it charge
Delcatty up for the second attack, Cannonball. Cannonball does
30 damage for 2 Energies, 40 damage for 3, 50 damage for 4, etc.
Of course, Energy Call combos well with its second attack. And
so does Blaziken, even if the delicate cat (?) needs to be on
the Bench.
Here are my ratings, explaining each
of them:
Unlimited (All sets, including R/S,
excluding Ancient Mew and Birthday Pikachu):
First of all, I know that, strictly
speaking, Unlimited doesn't include R/S cards, but if you're
reviewing an R/S card, you're forced to include it in Unlimited.
In this format, it would be good if only Tyrogue wasn't so
popular. I know you can power up Delcatty really quickly with a
combination of Double Colorless Energy, first attack and/or
Blaziken, but SER still slows you down a bit, and Tyrogue still
has that [1] for 60 possibility. So be careful.
Modified (Expedition, Aquapolis,
Skyridge, R/S, 'Best Of' Promos, Nintendo Black Star Promos):
This format is as given by
GymLeaderPhil. :P Here it might be one of the few viable
Colorless Pokemon available. It DOES do massive damage, even
though it can be gradual. Boost Energy can add 30 damage to the
second attack for a single turn, which isn't something I would
easily dismiss. I think, if this was the format Nintendo are
considering for Modified (fat chance in my opinion), this would
be huge. There's not even Tyrogue to contend with. There ARE
Base Hitmonchan, Rocket's Hitmonchan and Hitmonchan EX though.
R/S Onwards (R/S, 'Best Of' Promos,
Nintendo Black Star Promos):
This is the format that will be
chosen by Nintendo as the official format, in my opinion. (I
repeat, IN MY OPINION.) Here, of course, it's really good,
especially when comboed with Blaziken. It can deal really insane
amount of damage per turn. There's NO CARD that can let your
opponent gust out any of your Benched Pokemon of his or her
choice in this format, not even for a flip (no, not even Pokemon
Reversal. It has been reworded from the original Expedition
version). That lets Delcatty sit pretty comfortably on the
Bench, until you've pumped it up to deal massive damage.
However, your opponent may (and will, if he or she is smart
enough) employ the same tactics, building up a Hariyama or a
Hitmonchan EX or a Rocket's Hitmonchan or a Base Hitmonchan on
his or her Bench. So, again, don't be lulled into a false sense
of security.
Booster Draft (R/S only):
I'm assuming you're drafting only
R/S boosters, since the other expansions aren't compatible with
the different rules of R/S. Here it's simply too good. A
colorless attack, one that gradually powers up as time passes
(or turns end), makes this card simply superb. Three Common
versions of Skitty in the same expansion ensures that you get
quite a few of them too. If your opponent has no Fighting
Pokemon, you may just as well declare your win. It's THAT good.