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Pokemon Card of the Day
Metal Cube 01
- Aquapolis
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
dontknow09 |
Metal Cube
Another tm? I dont see why this would
have any use. A lot of steel poke's are good enough on their own,
without assistance from a tm. This only does a mere 10 damage. At
the very most, just like water cube (except worse) its tech.
Unlimited- Seriously, what could you do with this, besides a
last minute victory? I dont see the point in this. 1/5
Modified- Same up there. But, its a very good gust of wind.
2.5/5 \
Draft- Well, first off all, i dont think you could pull a
metal. Secondly, i dont think you would waste that metal for this
tm. But if thats the only thing you can pick, then go right ahead.
It only works on 4 pokemon anyway. 1/5
Team- ...... Well, its a gust.... its does 10 damage... thats
about it. 1/5
Happy Valentines Day. Go out and buy some poke chocolates for
your valentines ;)
-dontknow09 |
Twinsen |
Metal Cube 01
Ugh, it's very similar to Water Cube 01 as well. The Gust Effect
is pretty decent though.
In Unlimited, don't bother. Steelix is probably the most playable
Metal Pokemon out there. It's better to put cards that support it
than playing this card. The Gust Effect is the only reason why
this card is not too bad. Rating: 2.3/5
In Modified, same here. I would use it for the Gust Effect most of
the time. Rating: 2.7/5
In Draft, Metal Pokemon are not that common. Drafting this card
early is pointless. Even if you get one Metal Pokemon, there's a
low chance that you can also draft a Metal Energy and the fact
that you need to get all 3 out when playing... Meh. Rating: 1.5/5 |
X-Act |
Metal Cube 01
This cube is interesting. It gives any Metal Pokemon an attack
similar to Aquapolis Scizor's Snatch attack, that is, you can gust
out any of your opponent's Pokemon and do 10 damage to it.
Unlimited: As I said, Aquapolis Scizor already has the Snatch
attack, but it only works for undamaged Benched Pokemon, whereas
this one works for any Pokemon. Snatch in Scizor is a pretty
useful attack, not only to OHKO Benched Babies with a PlusPower,
but also to bring out some annoying heavy retreater such as
Slowking. You might want a tech Metal Cube with Scizor just in
case you didn't find the PlusPower necessary to KO the baby, but
in my opinion, this cube is obviously better suited
for Steelix, whose attacks are nowhere near as good as those of
Scizor. Dragging out any Benched Pokemon and deal 10 to it might
be useful, but of course, then you discard the cube. Might be good
for you to stall with this cube for a turn or two by dragging out
that Slowking. Otherwise, no real use, in my opinion.
Modified: Steelix can use this cube here too just for the gust
although of course Double Gust is better. An interesting Pokemon
to use Metal Cube on in this format is Forretress. A Benched Baby
with two damage counters is not an uncommon sceranio against
Forretress, and you can pick that Baby up for a prize using this
cube (without having to flip for the Baby Rule, unless the
Defending Pokemon is another Baby). Not too bad, but personally
it's hard to find space in a deck for cards like cubes.
Draft: Well, in Draft, you need to draft a Metal Pokemon (only
Steelix and Scizor are present in Aquapolis, and they are both
rare), a Metal Energy or Rainbow Energy (which are both rare) AND
this cube. This is only to be able to use the cube. Conclude the
feasibility of this 'combo' yourselves.
1/5 |
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