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Pokemon Card of the Day
Bellossom -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

The Poke`mon Master 1110
This card is truly sweet. A big 20 hp improvement of the older
genesis version. The attack is solid, averaging 45 damage a turn.
But the power is what is awesom. Some would argue Expedition
Venusaur is better. Know what I think? Play them together! Even
Bellosom in a non-grass deck is good. Extra energy is good.
Period. It will see some play, it is just too cool to pass up.
Unlimited: Not the best here. If it was ANY energy, then it would
almost own. Double dark on Sneasle? In one turn? Methinks this is
a good thing =D 2.75/5
MMF: Better here. Allows for faster powerups, and with two or
three of them, you can have a big discarder up front who discards
a lot, and keep it going fairly consistently. Try it out. 3.25/5
Limited: Well, rare stage threes are never going to be too
popular. Still, the power is great and the attack is semi-splashable,
and does a good amount of damage. A high 90 Hp keeps him going for
a while. 3.25/5
The Bottom Line: 3/5 |
dontknow09 |
Aquapolis Bellossom
A new bellossom. Its pretty decent, compared against the other one
from neo gen. This one has a good 90, better than that pathetic
70. Still keeps the fire weakness, but adds the water resistance!
And 2 retreat stays the same also=/. A very good poke-power.
Attaching another energy a turn is pretty good. As some said
before, anything that breaks the natural rules had better be good.
And this power cumulative too. Knife leaf, nothing special. Just
like a vileplume attack without the confusion in the end.
Unlimited- I dont see why there's use for this. A lot of cards
dont need much energy and can be powered up before bellossom is
even up. And its huge gust bait if all you use it for is for the
power or SER bait if you try to attack. 1.25/5
Modified- There's still a strong fire in modified, but bellowssom
should do nicely. This enviroment has a lot of pokemon that need
high energy and multiple bellossoms would fix that problem. 3/5
Draft- As i said before, its hard. Very hard to play with this set
in draft. What you can do is hope. Thats pretty much it. 1/5
Team- Too bad a teammate can't use this power. Well, the way its
worded is that you can use the power for your teammate. Thats
pretty good since you can help the overall speed in the team.
-dontknow |
X- Act |
Aquapolis Bellossom
I must admit that when I saw this Pokemon for the first time, I
wasn't impressed. I'm still not impressed, but now I'm thinking
that this card is not as bad as I once thought I was. Flower
Supplement is a nice Poke-Power. If you have 2 of these Bellossoms
in play, odds are you're going to attach 2 Energies per turn to
your Benched Pokemon. That's quite nice. Getting out multiple
Stage 2's isn't exactly easy though, but it's not hard either, as
any Kingdra, Kabutops or (lately) Victreebel player would tell
Unlimited: Well, this card wasn't intended for Unlimited. It's a
Two, and its attack isn't exactly exciting. This won't do well at
here, I'm afraid. :(
Modified: Here it's better... but not by much. The reason Kingdra
and Kabutops work is because of their good attacks. Bellossom can
swarm quite nicely, and at the same time setup themselves, because
its Poke-Power allows you to attach more than one Energy per
turn. But its attack is nowhere near as good as Kingdra's or
Kabutops'. Knife Leaf does 60 less than 50% of the time, which
plainly sucks. On the plus side, it has got 90 useful HP, and...
its sister Bellossom from Neo Genesis combos well with it, for
obvious reasons. :) Also, it's a Water Resistant Pokemon, which is
quite useful in this format. Getting Basic
Energy to your hand (so that you can Flower Supplement) is also
quite easy with Seer. What lets this card down is its attack. It's
not worth playing another Evolution line that somehow uses
Bellossom's Power... you're already playing a Stage 2. :(
Draft: In Draft this isn't bad, but it's a Rare Stage 2. Draft it
if you had Drafted some Oddish and Gloom... both of which have
nice colorless attacks. Actually, Oddish and Gloom are also worth
drafting because there are two cards that they can evolve to...
both of them being in Aquapolis, which kind of makes it slightly
more probable that you'll get the Stage 2. If you do manage to get
it, it's quite good. There are a lot of Water Pokemon in
Aquapolis, so having Resistance to them is nice, and its
Poke-Power is nice in Draft. Be careful of your own AQ Gloom
though, because it also lowers your own Resistance. :o
2.5/5 |

Bellossom (Aqua.)
Interesting Power, it's like a Mini-Raindance. If Bellossom was on
the bench, you can start attacking on the 2nd turn. A bit too
flippy for my taste though.
In Unlimited, it's ER bait. The power is not good enough to play
it. Rating: 2/5
In Modified, Weakness to Fire is bad, but it's good against
Kingdra. Rating: 3/5
In Draft, Power could be pretty good if you get it out early
enough. Depends on what you drafted so far... Rating: 2.5/5 |
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