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Pokemon Card of the Day
 Images from Wizards of the Coast |
Nidorino -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nidorino (Aqua.)
A pretty decent Stage 1. The one retreat is nice but 70 HP is a
bit lower than expected.
Poison Horn is a decent attack. Nothing too devastating... Take
Down is pretty good as it's a colorless attack. Even better with
DCE. ;x
In Unlimited, DCE helps it out as you can attack on the 2nd turn
with Take Down. But, if you just want to splash Grass into your
deck, just stick with good ol' Jungle Scyther. Rating: 2/5
In Modified, I guess the only reason you are playing it is because
you are planning to get Nidoking out. If I'm playing a Stage 2, I
usually prefer to skip the Stage 1 altogether and go with Pokemon
Breeder UNLESS the Stage 1 is REALLY good. This Nidorino is
unfortunately not good enough. Stick with Breeder or play some
other Nidorinos instead. Rating: 2.5/5
In Draft, this is a really hard hitting Pokemon. Take Down is a
cheap and colorless attack. Poison is also a really good Status
Attack. The Retreat cost is very effecient as well. From
experience, usually Psychic is not a really popular color to
draft. I would definitely pick this card. Rating: 3.9/5 |
dontknow09 |
Aquapolis(??) Nidorino
I hope i'm reviewing the right nidorino. 70HP is a good 10HP boost
from the last one. Bottom stats dont change, weakness to psych and
1 retreat. The attacks are jus so-so. Nothing special to them.
Posion sting basically and takedown. Takedown is worth mentioning
since its all colorless.
Unlimited- The attacks aren't good enough. Just use it for
evolving to nidoking. 2/5
Modified- You could use takedown to take down poke's with grass
weakness, then evolve to which ever of the 3 nidokings you would
like. Thats basically it. 2.25/5
Draft- 3 colorless attack is good. Especially if you get boost
energy some how. If this is the best thing you get, expect it to
be your main attack force. 2.75/5
Team- Read Modified. 2.25/5
-dontknow |
TR Shadow |
I like using this card in Limited.
It's very useful. Doing 40 for three energy can be tough to
beat in a draft. It's pretty fair in Modified. I mean, it's a
must have in Nidoking decks (Duh!). But otherwise, it's not too
smart to play it without a Nidoking (unless of course, you're
playing in Limited). It's probably better than the LC one in
any format.
Unlimited 2/5
Standard 2/5
Modified 3/5
Limited 4.5/5
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